
Bell Ringer
Write down one national holiday that
is celebrated and explain what is so
significant about that day that we as a
nation feel the need to celebrate it.
Why now and not earlier?
 Renaissance: rebirth of learning (in art and science)
 Increase in scientific knowledge
 New inventions:
 Gun powder, compass, mapmaking
Reasons for European exploration in the
1400’s and 1500’s
God – (religion)
 Conflict between Catholics & Protestants
 Spain: unified two Catholic Nations
 Protestant Reformation
2. Gold - (economics)
 Spices
 Increased trade with Asia led to exploration of new
3. Glory
 The fame and excitement of discovery
Christopher Columbus
 Funded by Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain in 1492
 Three ships; Columbus would be governor, admiral and viceroy of
all lands he claimed for Spain
 Thought he reached India, thus the name “Indians”
 Actually seen as a failure at time of his death because people didn’t
believe he found a new trade route to the “Indies”
 Columbian exchange: Voyages brought about permanent
interactions between Europeans and Native Americans
 Instead of sailing around Africa, Columbus wanted to sail a
straight line west across the Atlantic to reach Asia
Columbus Debate
Should Columbus Day continue to be celebrated as a
national holiday?
 GROUPS 1 & 2:
 The first handout you received lists several reasons FOR celebrating
Columbus Day. Please go over the reasons and discuss them with
your group.
 Then use those reasons FOR celebrating Columbus Day and
complete the first part of the structured notes worksheet.
 Once everyone has finished, I will give you a second handout
which has reasons AGAINST celebrating the holiday. Go over those
reasons with your group and then complete the second part of the
structured notes worksheet.
 Read over the handouts and write a summary paragraph for EACH
Bell Ringer
 Take out your structured controversy notes and meet
with your groups from yesterday
Columbus Controversy
 You have 10 minutes to meet with your group and
determine the top 3 arguments for your assigned
position on this issue. Be prepared to present those
Spanish Exploration after Columbus
 Vasco Balboa: “discovered” the Pacific
 Ponce De Leon: “discovered” Florida
 Ferdinand Magellan: first to circumnavigate the
 Hernan Cortes: conquered the Aztecs in Mexico
 Francisco Pizarro: conquered the Inca in Peru
 Hernando de Sote: explored from Florida to the
Mississippi River
How did Spain, France & Great Britain differ
in their colonization of America in the 1500s?
 Spanish Colonies
 First to begin colonizing the Americas
 Conquered Mexico, Peru, and most of the southern &
southwestern US
 Spanish Conquistadors came to conquer natives &
discover gold
 Missionaries came to convert the natives to
*Use these notes to help you complete the graphic organizer
How did Spain, France & Great Britain differ
in their colonization of America in the 1500s?
 French Colonies
 Colonized Louisiana, the Mississippi River and
 Engaged in fur trading. Fur trade led to friendly
relations with Native Americans.
How did Spain, France & Great Britain differ
in their colonization of America in the 1500s?
 English Colonies
 Colonized the East Coast of the present day
United States
 Focused on agriculture
 Colonists from England became permanent
residents, Spanish & French colonists came
seeking to gain wealth and then return to Europe
Columbian Exchange
 Everyone was given a square piece of paper with an
image or name of an item that was involved in the
Columbian Exchange.
 As an exit slip, write on the back of your square
piece of paper if the item originated from the New
World or the Old World and if the item had a
positive or negative effect (also an explanation of
who it was positive for and who it was negative for).