DO NOW 9/8/15 Using the Textbooks (p. 2-6) located in your desks: Please define the following key terms in your notebooks: Projection Hemisphere Latitude Longitude Grid System Absolute Location Great Circle Route GOODE’S INTERRUPTED PROJECTION - An equal-area projection. - The projection quite accurately presents the size and shape of the continents. - Distances- especially in the oceans- are less accurate. GOODE’S INTERRUPTED PROJECTION DRAWING MAPS - A Map Projection is a way of drawing the earth on a flat piece of paper. MERCATOR PROJECTION - One of the earliest types of maps drawn. - Created by Gerardus Mercator in 1569. - This type of projection shows land shapes fairly accurately, but not size or distance. MERCATOR PROJECTION ROBINSON PROJECTION - The Robinson projection shows both the size and shape of oceans and continents quite accurately. - Textbook and atlas maps are often Robinson projections. ROBINSON PROJECTION HEMISPHERES -One-half of the globe. - The Equator divides the earth into Northern and Southern Hemispheres. - - The Prime Meridian divides the earth into Eastern and Western Hemispheres. HEMISPHERES LATITUDE AND LONGITUDE Latitude- Distances measured in degrees North and South of the Equator at 0 degrees latitude. - The Letters N or S following the degree symbol tells you if the location is north or south of the Equator. - The North and South poles are at 90 degrees North (N) and South (S) Latitude. LATITUDE AND LONGITUDE Longitude is distance measured in degrees East (E) or West (W) of the Prime Meridian at 0 degrees longitude. Lines of latitude and longitude cross each other in the form of a grid system. - Knowing a place’s latitude and longitude allows you to locate it exactly on a map or globe. - You can name an absolute location by naming the latitude and longitude lines nearest to that location. LATITUDE AND LONGITUDE GREAT CIRCLES See pg. 6 Section 1 Review Answer Questions 2 and 3 in notebooks. GLOBE VS. MAP