China -

Transformation of
East Asia: China
What were the reasons for
the birth of the Age of
Exploration? What were the
effects of the exploration to
the world?
 Industrialization
 Imperialism
 Competition
 Changes in all
aspect (customs)
What were the contribution of Ming
Tai-Tsu during Ming Dynasty in China?
What was the importance of tribute
during his time?
 Ming Taizu, leader of rebel
against the Mongols
-Agricultural Reforms
(irrigation, fish farming &
commercial crops)
-Civil service examination
 TRIBUTE- payment by one
nation to another to acknowledge
its submission to the dominating
Was Ming TaiTsu became a
great leader at the
end? Justify
 He became a ruthless tyrant.
What was the role of Yung-lo
at the beginning of sea
expedition of China? Who is
Cheng Lo?
How did the voyages of Cheng Lo
proved China’s advanced civilization?
What was the plan of the emperor
upon launching 7 voyages?
 Large ships
 40-300 ships measuring 44
ft with 27 000 crews
How did the government of China
during Ming keep the influence of
the foreign boundaries to its
minimum? What was the major
problem of the government in
trading during this times?
 Only the government can trade. Smuggling
Matteo Ricci, SJ
What was the primary
reason of the decline of
the Ming Dynasty?
 Constant fighting and rebellion against Manchus
exhausted the government resources
Why were Chinese forced
to wear pigtails by
How did Kang Hsi restore peace?
Why did he established rotation in
assigning officials in provinces?
 Author of Sixteen Maxims of
the Art of the Government
 Open ports to foreigners
Explain the belief of the
Chinese in ethnocentrism
What was the significance of
Canton? Cohongs? During
the trading of Chinese with
the foreigners
 Canton- center for trading
 Cohongs- middle men, in charge of merchants
accommodation, port dues & taxes.
Why did Chinese under
the leadership of
Chienlong (Qianlong)
accepted the trading
partnership with the
Dutch while neglected
British intent of trading?
•In 1793, King George III sent a mission to
the court of the Qing Dynasty
•Tried to convince the Chinese to open up
Port cities
more ____________to
British merchants.
•Macartney arrived in a warship bringing
elaborate gifts like clocks, globes and other
manufactured goods.
•The Chinese saw his mission as
_________ and demanded that Lord
Macartney perform _______________the
traditional honoring of the Emperor.
Qing Emperor 1735-1796
“Our dynasty's majestic virtue has
penetrated unto every country
under Heaven, and Kings of all
nations have offered their costly
tribute by land and sea. As your
Ambassador can see for himself,
we possess all things. I set no
value on objects strange or
ingenious, and have no use for
your country's manufactures.”
- 1793, Qianlong to King George III
China had little interest in
trading with the countries
in West (Europeans).
Clash with the West (External)
A. Unfavorable balance of trade for British merchants
British imported millions of pounds of _______
tea each year from
British exported goods worth much less – paid in silver bullion
What will happen if there will be more
import and little export?
B. British begin smuggling ___________
into China!
Trade increased from 1,000 chests in 1773 to 23,000 in 1832 and 40,000 by 1839!
China Resists Foreign
Tea-Opium Connection
 Habit-forming narcotic
 Made from poppy plant
 Used to relieve pain, medical-use
 18th century – nonmedical use
 12 million Chinese addicted to drug – social, moral, and
economic problems
“By what right do they [British merchants]…use the poisonous drug
[opium] to injure the Chinese people?...I have heard that the smoking of
opium is very strictly forbidden by your country; that is because the
harm caused by opium is clearly understood. Since it is not permitted to
do harm to your country, then even less should you let it be passed on to
the harm of other countries”
Lin Zexu writes to Queen Victoria
(1) What does he want from Britain?
(2) What evidence is he using in this plea?
What were the causes & effects
of the first Opium War?
 Chinese try to end opium trade
 Addicts rounded up and forcibly treated
 Domestic drug dealers punished
 Confiscates foreign stores and forces foreign merchants to
sign pledges of good conduct
 British want to increase England’s China trade, refuse to
end trade
 Treaty of Nanking-effect
“Unequal Treaties”
How was the Opium War a turning
point in Chinese history?
D. ________________:
Treaty of Nanking
1. _____________________________________
Ceded the island of Hong Kong to the British
2. Opened five ports to the British for commerce and residence
3. Extraterritorial
rights given to British subjects
4. Legalized Opium trade
5. More Unequal treaties with the U.S., France, Japan, Spain, Belgium, Denmark,
and Germany followed opening China into Spheres of influence.
Internal Problems Increase
 Population boom, but food production doesn’t increase
 Widespread hunger
 Bad years of Yellow River flooding
 Government corruption
 Opium addiction steadily increased
Internal Problems 
People Rebel Against
What was the goal of Hung
Hsiu-chuan in establishing a
new dynasty? What was the
new dynasty called?
Hong Xiuquan
Wants to “destroy evil”; evil =
Qing dynasty
Personal vision of Christianity
Influenced by Christian
No opium, tobacco, alcohol, or
Men equal to women…but
Mystical visions, save the world
“Heavenly Kingdom of Great
Peace”, no poverty!
Leader of Taiping Rebellion
Taiping Rebellion
 Taiping = “great peace”
 1840s – began organizing a peasant army from southern
 By 1853 – 1 million soldiers
 Captured Nanjing
What was the role of Frederick
Townsend Ward during the
attempt to take Shanghai?
 Command Officer of the
troops who aid Qing
Dynasty during the
Taiping Rebellion
 Ever victorious army
Why is Taiping Rebellion
(1) example of discontent with government in Qing China
(2) Government greatly weakened by rebellion!
What was the result of the
Second Opium War?
 China’s empire in the hands of the Europeans
Ussuri –Russia
Ryukyu Islands, Formosa & Liantong Peninsula- Japan
Do you think the Treaty of
Tientsin(Peking Convention of
1860) beneficial towards the
 NO, it increased internal problems in China
What is the Open-Door
 Open-Door Policy: China’s “doors” open to merchants
of all nations. Protects trading rights of foreign powers
and China is free from colonization!
 Who passes this?
United States
Worried other nations would begin dividing China into
colonies and that the United States would be left out.
No colonization…still at
does China benefit?
mercy of foreign powers
 Why?
 How
 How do westerners benefit from this?
Freedom to trade
Brain Warm-Up
 During the 19th century, Europeans were able to divide
China into spheres of influence mainly because the
A) Chinese were eager to adopt western culture
B) Europeans had technologically superior military forces
C) Europeans were willing to adopt Chinese customs
D) Chinese lacked raw materials and resources
Brain Warm-Up
 During the 19th century, Europeans were able to divide
China into spheres of influence mainly because the
A) Chinese were eager to adopt western culture
B) Europeans had technologically superior military forces
C) Europeans were willing to adopt Chinese customs
D) Chinese lacked raw materials and resources
 Sphere of influence: region in which foreign nation
controlled trade and investment
Spheres of Influence
What importance did spheres of influence have for China and for
the nations involved?
Weakened China’s control over its economy and gave foreign nations ability
to exploit Chinese resources.
Chinese Nationalism
Why did Emperor (Guangzhou)
Guangxu’s efforts at reform (Hundred
Days Reform) and modernization
Hundred Days of Reform
 Guangxu: China’s young emperor (Cixi is still really in
 Introduces measures to modernize China
 Education
 Strengthen economy
 Modernize military
 Streamline government
What was the positive effect of the
Hundred Days of Reform to its people?
Dowager Empress Cixi (Tsu Hsi)
r. 1861-1908
 Dowager = endowed;
widower who holds a title or
property from her deceased
 De facto ruler
 Conservative force
Empress Dowager Cixi
The empress usually put her own interests ahead of the nation's. She
squandered money on banquets, jewels, and other luxuries. She liked,
for example, to be served 150 different dishes at a single banquet. She
drank from a jade cup and ate with golden chopsticks. She used Navy
funds to build herself a lavish summer palace. At the end of her life, her
personal jewellery vault held 3,000 ebony boxes of jewels. She also let
financial corruption run rampant in the Forbidden City.
What are some evidences that Empress Cixi lived lavishly?
Boxer Rebellion
 Why? Campaign against
Empress’ rule and foreigner
 Secret Society of
Harmonious Fists / The
Righteous and Harmonious
Fists Society of Rebellion
AKA Boxers
Boxer Rebellion
 “Death to the Foreign Devils”
 Siege of Beijing
 Red Lanterns, an org. of young women
 August, 1900: multinational force of 20,000 troops
quickly defeat Boxers
 Boxer Protocol, September 1901
-Condemned to pay 450 million taels
- Execution of officials involved
-Freedom to stationed by foreign troops
-Suspension of Civil Service Examination
Boxer Rebellion
 Importance?
Strong sense of nationalism emerges – Chinese people must resist more foreign
Desire for government to be more responsive (beginnings of reform)