Anathomy The human body Bilingual PE IES Nicolás Salmerón 1 Key words: jaw, skull, gestures, cervical spine, shoulders, rib, chest, limbs, extremities, lie, blood vessels, cartilage, quadriceps, Sartorius, calves, tiptoe. OUR BODY IS ORGANICED IN DIFFERENT SYSTEMS !!!: SYSTEMS OF THE BODY 2 Description The human body The human body is the most wonderful, complex machine in the world. Your body can walk and run, climb and sit. It can see, hear, smell, taste, and feel. It can eat, talk, laugh, lift things, play games, think, and read. While these things are going on, you are breathing; there is blood flowing through your blood vessels; you are digesting food; and your body is doing a million other jobs at the same time! All through your life this marvellous machine is at work-even when you are sleeping. These are a few systems of the human body: 1st The nervous system: Your brain, your spinal cord, and the millions of nerve cells in your body make up your nervous system. nd 2 The circulatory system: Your circulatory system consists of your heart, arteries, veins, and very thin blood vessels called capillaries. 3th rd The respiratory system: Oxygen enters your body through your nose or mouth, moves down your windpipe and into your lungs. Your lungs are the most important part of your respiratory system. 4th The muscular and skeletal systems which allow us to move. th 5 The digestive system: Your mouth, oesophagus, stomach, large and small intestines and other organs make up your digestive system 3 4 The Muscular and Skeletal Systems The muscles are the active part of the apparatus of locomotion. Their task is to move the body. The muscles comprise 40% of the body's weight. The body has 300 individual muscles in different shapes and sizes. The skeletal system consists of 206 bones as well as joints, cartilage and ligaments; the skeletal system provides the strong, internal framework that supports our body. 5 Skeleton Bones 6 Circulatory System • The circulatory system consists of the heart and blood vessels. The heart acts as a pump to keep blood moving throughout the body. Arteries are blood vessels which carry blood away from the heart. This blood contains a lot of oxygen and nutrients for the body. Veins are blood vessels which carry blood to the heart from various parts of the body. This blood is low in oxygen and nutrients. 7 The heart The Heart: A Pump That Never Stops The heart is a powerful pump that beats continuously during life to circulate the blood throughout the body. The heart has four separate chambers 8 Benefits of exercice over the systems of the body Everyone can benefit from regular exercise. Young people who are active will: •have stronger muscles and bones •have a leaner body because exercise helps control body fat •be less likely to become overweight •decrease the risk of developing type 2 diabetes •possibly lower blood pressure and blood cholesterol levels •have a more positive attitude to life •have better personal values in life (self-control, responsibility, solidarity, healthy competitiveness, social integration, etc. 9 ENGLISH SPANISH ENGLISH SPANISH ankle tobillo heart corazón back espalda hip cadera bladder vejiga jaw mandibula blood sangre kidney riñón bone hueso knee rodilla brain cerebro liver hígado calf pantorrilla lung pulmón cheek mejilla muscle músculo chest pecho shoulder hombro chin barbilla skeleton esqueleto dimple hoyuelo skin piel elbow codo thigh muslo eyebrow ceja thumb pulgar eyelash pestaña throat garganta eyelid párpado tongue lengua features rasgos vein vena fist puño waist cintura forehead frente wisdom tooth diente de juicio freckle peca wrist muñeca 10