Unit 6 Geography of Ancient Greece Study Guide

Name _________________________________________ Core __________________ Date ________________________
Unit 6 Geography of Ancient Greece Study Guide
Key Points:
1. Ancient Greece was located in southeast Europe along the Mediterranean Sea.
2. Ancient Greece was a series of mountainous islands and peninsulas. These geographic features affected the
way of life in Greece. They affected what crops people grew and how people traveled.
3. Greek city-states developed after the Mycenaean period with each city controlling the land around it. Greek
geography made it difficult for city-states to expand their territory.
4. Cyrus of Persia united Iran under his rule. He conquered neighboring areas, establishing the Persian Empire.
5. During their conquests, the Persians conquered several Greek colonies.
6. King Darius organized the empire so that the Persians could control the vast and diverse land they had
conquered. He created a single currency. He built roads to link his empire together.
7. The Persian Wars united the Greek city-states together against a common Persian enemy.
8. The mountains and islands of Greece made it difficult for the Persians to conquer all of the Greek city-states.
9. The Greek victory against the Persians ensured that Greece would remain separate from the Persian Empire.
Identify and explain the significance of the following terms:
Island- ____________________________________________________________________________________
Peninsula- _________________________________________________________________________________
City-State- _________________________________________________________________________________
Persia- ____________________________________________________________________________________
Cyrus the Great- ____________________________________________________________________________
Persian Wars- ______________________________________________________________________________
Allies- _____________________________________________________________________________________
Reading Guide:
1. How did the geography of Greece influence its people? ______________________________________________
2. Why did tensions arise between Greece and Persia? _________________________________________________
3. What role did Greek geography play in the Persian Wars? ____________________________________________
4. How did the Persian Wars end? _________________________________________________________________
Name _____________________________________________ Core _________________ Date __________________________
Vocabulary Organizer
Key Term
Use in a sentence
Key Term
Use in a sentence
Key Term
Use in a sentence