+ Information Literacy Dr. Cathy Dwyer Spring 2013 + What is computer literacy? Your definition? + What is computer literacy? From MIS3 “Computer literacy is skill in using productivity software, such as word processors, spreadsheets, database management systems, and presentation software, as well as having a basic knowledge of hardware and software, the Internet, and collaboration tools and technologies.” + What is information literacy? Your definition? + What is information literacy? From MIS3 “Information literacy is understanding the role of information in generating and using business intelligence. Business Intelligence (BI) … provides historical, current, and predictive views of business operations and environments and gives organizations a competitive advantage.” + What is information literacy? My definition: you have the confidence and the skills to be able to research a technical topic you know nothing about, and be able to write a clear description that can be understood and acted upon by colleagues, coworkers/supervisors etc. + Rules for Technical Writing All acronyms are spelled out the first time they are references, and then the acronyms are used for the rest of the paper All jargon or unfamiliar terms are defined when first referenced Short clear sentences work best – subject verb object Use tangible clear language – do NOT use “sometimes,” “some people,” “most people,” “everyone,” “very” or “important” + Why is information literacy important? Innovations related to technology are affecting all professions, triggering changes on a regular basis. Example – when was the iPad introduced? You will be working in fields driven by innovation. Your ability to quickly learn about these innovations and apply them to your work environment will give you a strategic advantage in the workplace Two parts – you understand the technology. You can make someone else understand it through your explanation (this part is harder). + An example: Security vulnerability revealed in Java NYTimes: http://bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/01/13/u-s-agencywarns-of-java-software-problem/ Slate: http://www.slate.com/blogs/future_tense/2013/01/14/java_z ero_day_exploit_don_t_patch_just_disable_java_in_your_bro wser.html + Other posts From CVE at Mitre (naming standard for vulnerabilities) http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-20130422 FireEye post (computer security firm) http://blog.fireeye.com/research/2013/01/happy-new-yearfrom-new-java-zero-day.html + Java exploit follow up What questions/implications does this episode trigger? What information sources/methods can be helpful in understanding this issue?