Introduction: Real-Time Streaming System

On Coding for Real-Time Streaming
under Packet Erasures
Derek Leong*#, Asma Qureshi*, and Tracey Ho*
*California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, USA
#Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore
ISIT 2013
Introduction: Real-Time Streaming System
Real-time streaming system where
 messages created at regular time intervals at a source are encoded
for transmission to a receiver over a packet erasure link, and
 the receiver must subsequently decode each message
within a given delay from its creation time
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Introduction: Erasure Models and Objectives
Types of erasure models:
 Deterministic:
• Window-based: Limited number of erasures in each window [1]
• Bursty: Erasure bursts of a limited length with minimum guard
interval lengths
 IID: Each packet is erased independently with the same probability
Objective for deterministic erasure models:
Find an erasure correction code that achieves the maximum message
size, among all codes that allow all messages to be decoded by their
respective deadlines under all admissible erasure patterns
Objective for i.i.d. erasure model:
For a given message size, find an erasure correction code that achieves
the maximum probability of decoding a message by its deadline
[1] D. Leong and T. Ho, “Erasure coding for real-time streaming,” in Proc. IEEE ISIT, Jul. 2012.
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Introduction: Related Work
Related work:
 Martinian et al. [2,3] and Badr et al. [4] provided constructions of
streaming codes that minimize the decoding delay for certain types of
bursty erasure models
[2] E. Martinian and C.-E. W. Sundberg, “Low delay burst erasure correction codes,”
in Proc. IEEE ICC, May 2002.
[3] E. Martinian and M. Trott, “Delay-optimal burst erasure code construction,”
in Proc. IEEE ISIT, Jun. 2007.
[4] A. Badr, A. Khisti, W.-T. Tan, and J. Apostolopoulos, “Streaming codes for channels
with burst and isolated erasures,” in Proc. IEEE INFOCOM, Apr. 2013.
Tree codes or anytime codes, for which the decoding failure
probability decays exponentially with delay, are examined in [5,6,7]
[5] L. J. Schulman, “Coding for interactive communication,” IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, Nov. 1996.
[6] A. Sahai, “Anytime information theory,” Ph.D. dissertation, MIT, 2001.
[7] R. T. Sukhavasi, “Distributed control and computing: Optimal estimation, error correcting
codes, and interactive protocols,” Ph.D. dissertation, Caltech, 2012.
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Problem Definition: Real-Time Streaming System
Discrete-time data streaming system
Independent messages of uniform size s are created at regular intervals
of c time steps at the source; at each time step, the source transmits a
single data packet of normalized unit size over the packet erasure link
Receiver must decode each message within a delay of d time steps from
its creation time
messages are
created every
c = 3 time steps …
… and have to be
decoded within
d = 8 time steps
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Problem Definition: Erasure Patterns and Models
An erasure pattern specifies a set of erased packet transmissions
An erasure model describes a distribution of erasure patterns
14, 15, 16}
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First Erasure Model:
Bursty Erasures
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Bursty Erasures: Problem Definition
Define the set of admissible erasure patterns to be those in which
each erasure burst consists of at most z erased time steps
consecutive bursts are separated by a guard interval or gap
of at least d−z unerased time steps (each message sees at most z
Other bursty models
Interested in erasure correction codes that allow all messages
to be decoded by their respective deadlines under any admissible
erasure pattern
 Specifically, we want to find a code that achieves the
maximum message size s, for a given choice of (c, d, z)
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Bursty Erasures: Results
Previously in [1], we constructed a time-invariant intrasession code that
is asymptotically optimal (as the number of messages n goes to infinity)
in the following cases:
d is a multiple of c
d is not a multiple of c, and the maximum erasure burst length z
is sufficiently short, i.e., z ≤ c − r(d,c)
d is not a multiple of c, and the maximum erasure burst length z
is sufficiently long, i.e., z ≥ d − r(d,c)
Here, we construct time-invariant diagonally interleaved codes that are
asymptotically optimal in several other cases
[1] D. Leong and T. Ho, “Erasure coding for real-time streaming,” in Proc. IEEE ISIT, Jul. 2012.
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Bursty Erasures: Diagonally Interleaved Codes
3. Apply
block and
with certain
a systematic
for d−zfrom
z parity
packets, andoptimal
are asymptotically
for the bursty erasure model.
each diagonal.
Here (c,d,z) = (3,11,4)
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Bursty Erasures: Diagonally Interleaved Code Example
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Bursty Erasures: Diagonally Interleaved Code Example
Consider the d symbols of one codeword
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Bursty Erasures: Diagonally Interleaved Code Example
Rearrange these d symbols as follows
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Here (c,d,z) = (5,57,42)
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Bursty Erasures: Diagonally Interleaved Code Example
Actual information symbols
Nondegenerate parity symbols
Degenerate parity symbols
Here (c,d,z) = (5,57,42)
Symbol decoding deadlines
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Bursty Erasures: Diagonally Interleaved Code Example
Example of an erasure burst…
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Here (c,d,z) = (5,57,42)
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Second Erasure Model:
IID Erasures
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IID Erasures: Problem Definition
Each packet transmitted over the link is erased independently with
the same probability pe
Want to find an erasure correction code that achieves the
maximum message decoding probability, for a given message size s
Primary performance metric:
Decoding probability, i.e., the probability that a given message is
decodable by its decoding deadline
for applications sensitive to bursts
of decoding failures
Secondary performance metric:
Burstiness of undecodable messages, i.e., the conditional probability
that the next message is undecodable by its decoding deadline given that
the current message is undecodable by its decoding deadline
In the interest of practicality, we restrict our attention to
time-invariant codes
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IID Erasures: Decoding Probability
Assume decoder memory size is unbounded
The probability of decoding a given message k can be expressed in terms
of conditional entropies as follows
message k
unerased packets received
up to the decoding
deadline for message k
criteria for successful decoding
condition over all erasure patterns
probability of the corresponding erasure pattern
Here, finding an optimal code is a combinatorial problem involving
probabilistic erasure patterns, in contrast to the deterministic
“worst-case” problem formulation for the other erasure models
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IID Erasures: Decoding Probability Upper Bound
We derive the following upper bound on the decoding probability
for any time-invariant code:
for any message k ≥ encoder memory size mE
Proof combines the bounding technique from our work on the
sliding window erasure model [1] with a combinatorial analysis on the
maximum number of erasure patterns that can be supported
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IID Erasures: Symmetric Codes
For intrasession codes
 coding is allowed within the same message but not across different
 the unit-size packet at each time step is divided into blocks allocated
to different messages; a suitable code (e.g., MDS) is subsequently
For symmetric codes, we define a spreading parameter m, and divide
the packet at each time step evenly among all active messages
Spreading parameter m is a multiple of c: Same-size blocks
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IID Erasures: Symmetric Codes
For intrasession codes
 coding is allowed within the same message but not across different
 the unit-size packet at each time step is divided into blocks allocated
to different messages; a suitable code (e.g., MDS) is subsequently
For symmetric codes, we define a spreading parameter m, and divide
the packet at each time step evenly among all active messages
Spreading parameter m is not a multiple of c: Big and small blocks
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IID Erasures: Symmetric Codes Performance
Decoding Probability
Plots of the decoding failure probability
minimal spreading
performs well when
s and pe are large
maximal spreading
performs well when
s and pe are small
message size s
(for pe = 0.05)
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packet erasure probability pe
(for s = 1)
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IID Erasures: Symmetric Codes Performance
Burstiness of Undecodable Messages
Plots of the conditional probability against...
results agree with our
intuition about
overlapping effective
coding windows
minimal spreading
performs well over
a wide range of
s and pe
message size s
(for pe = 0.05)
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packet erasure probability pe
(for s = 1)
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IID Erasures: Symmetric Codes Performance
Trade-off between performance metrics
When the message size and packet erasure probability are small
(a regime of interest), maximal spreading achieves
a high decoding probability, but it also exhibits
a higher burstiness of undecodable messages
For applications sensitive to bursty undecodable messages,
a symmetric code with a suboptimal decoding probability but
lower burstiness may be preferred
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For the bursty erasure model
 We constructed diagonally interleaved codes that are asymptotically
optimal over all codes in several specific cases
For the i.i.d. erasure model
 We derived an upper bound on the decoding probability
for any time-invariant code, and
 We analyzed the performance of symmetric codes
(observed phase transitions, good codes, trade-offs)
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Thank You!
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