Endocrine System

Endocrine System
• Help regulate and coordinate body systems
• Hormones chemical messages
manufactured in glands throughout body
• Endocrine glands release hormones directly
into the blood because they are ductless
• Negative feedback system endocrine
system gives itself messages to control the
production and release of hormones
Reproductive System
• Endocrine system hormones are key factors in
the function of human reproduction
Male Reproductive System
• Internal and external organs
• Testes organs that produce male hormone
testosterone and reproductive cells sperm
• Sperm combined with fluid energy source,
producing semen.
Female Reproductive System
• Internal organs called ovaries produce eggs
• Once a month, ovulation releases egg
• Uterus hollow, pear shaped, muscular organ
that opens to outside of body
• Vagina the birth canal, or a muscular tube
that opens to outside of body
Menstrual Cycle
• Monthly cycle of changes in female
reproductive system
• Endocrine hormones estrogen and
progesterone control it
• Menstruation release of blood and uterine
lining tissue
• Menopause gradual shutdown of ovaries
which ends ovulation and periods
Human Development
• Fertilization uniting of sperm and egg
• Zygote fertilized cell formed by nucleus of
sperm and egg
• Pregnancy period of development before birth
– Zygote moves to uterus and becomes embryo
– Umbilical cord connects embryo to placenta,
providing nutrients from mother and removing wastes
from baby
– Embryo called fetus after two months of development
Birthing Process
• Muscular contractions of uterus push baby
out through vagina
• Umbilical cord cut after baby born, and scar
forms the naval (belly button)
• If baby cannot be delivered from birth canal,
they are delivered by cesarean section