Cold War Test Review!!!

Monday, May 7, 2012
Goal: Review for the unit test by participating in a
class review game
In-class: Cold War Review
Warm-up: What does NATO stand for?
Homework: Study for Cold War Test tomorrow.
Notes due tomorrow. Research outline/rough
draft due Friday!!
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Goal: Demonstrate your knowledge of the Cold War on
the unit test
In-class: Cold War Unit Test
Warm-up: What was your favorite part of this unit and
Homework: Research paper outline/rough draft due
17.1 Cold War Superpowers Face Off
17.2 Communists Take Power in China
17.3 Wars in Korea and Vietnam
17.4 The Cold War Divides the World
17.5 The Cold War Thaws
18 Gallery Walk Notes
19.1 Democracy Case Study: Latin American Countries
19.2 The Challenge of Democracy in Africa
19.4 Changes in Central and Eastern Europe
19.4 China Reaction and Reform
The first unmanned satellite that was
launched by the USSR was called…
A. Thor
B. Halo
C. Sputnik
D. Explorer I
Who was the South African president
that freed Mandela & ended apartheid?
A. Mobutu Sese Seko
B. F. W. de Klerk
C. Jawaharlal Nehru
D. Jomo Kenyatta
President Nixon visited the USSR and signed
this treaty to limit nuclear weapons.
A. Prague Spring
B. Warsaw Pact
C. Strategic Defense
Which U.S. President proposed a space-based
missile defense program called STAR WARS?
A. John F. Kennedy
B. Richard Nixon
C. Ronald Reagan
D. Jimmy Carter
Who was the leader during the Cuban
A. Fidel Castro
B. Hugo Chavez
C. Manuel Noriega
D. Daniel Orega
Which religious leader encouraged Muslims
to overthrow the secular gov’t in Iran?
A. Shah Pahlavi
B. Nikita Khrushchev
C. Anastasio Zomoza
D. Ayatollah Khomeini
Who was the president of Mexico that
ended 71 years of PRI rule?
A. Juan Peron
B. Miguel de la Madrid
C. Ernesto Zedillo
D. Vicente Fox
What does NATO stand for?
A. North American Trade Organization
B. Nuclear Awareness Treaty Organization
C. Native American Trade Organization
D. North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Which was NOT one of the struggles Nigeria
faced while trying to develop a democracy?
A. Policies separating whites and blacks were
embedded in the government.
B. The military overthrew the civilian government.
C. The country of Biafra was created for a brief
D. There was a civil war between the various
ethnic groups.
Who was the leader of the Polish labor
union, national hero, and president?
A. Leonid Brezhnev
B. Vladimir Putin
C. Lech Walesa
D. Slobodan Milosevic
Yeltsin’s plan to reform Russia, which resulted
in high unemployment & inflation was called…
A. Demokratizatsia
B. Perestroika
C. Shock therapy
D. Glasnost
What was the southern Russia region that was in a long
conflict with the Russian Gov’t over independence?
A. Mordovia
B. Chechnya
C. Kosovo
D. Volgograd
What was the major uprising in China who wanted
to rid of intellectual and artistic activity?
A. Cultural Revolution
B. Great Leap Forward
C. Four Modernizations
D. Societal Reunification
Who led the anti-Communist gov’t in South
A. Deng Xiaping
B. Ho Chi Minh
C. Douglas MacArthur
D. Ngo Dinh Diem
Who was the Communist group that took
over Cambodia and killed 2 million people?
A. Vietminh
B. Vietcong
C. Khmer Rouge
D. Red Army
Deng’s set of goals for china to improve agriculture,
industry, defense, and science was called…
A. Cultural Revolution
B. Four Modernizations
C. Great Leap Forward
D. Societal Revolution
What was the Serbian province of ethnic Albanians
that was involved in major conflict in the late 1990s?
A. Volgograd
B. Kosovo
C. Chechnya
D. Mordovia
Who was the Serbian leader that was charged with crimes against
humanity for the killing in Bosnia, Croatia, and Kosovo?
A. Vladimir Putin
B. Lech Walesa
C. Leonid Brezhnev
D. Slobodan Milosevic
The Serbian attempt to rid Bosnia of its Muslim
population was called...
A. Apartheid
B. Partition
C. Ethnic cleansing
D. Martial law
The term given to the division of India into
separate Hindu and Muslim nations is
A. Partition
B. Martial Law
C. Intifada
D. Apartheid
The statement from the British to Jewish leaders to create
a Jewish homeland in Palestine was called the
A. Camp David Accords
B. Yom Kippur Agreement
C. Balfour Declaration
D. Oslo Peace Accords
Mobutu Sese Seko changed the name of the
Congo to
A. Zaire
B. Rwanda
C. Algeria
D. Ghana
The movement to celebrate African heritage and
develop self-pride was called the
A. Zionist Movement
B. Mobutu Movement
C. Bantu Movement
D. Negritude Movement
The incident in Aug. 1964 when the N. Vietnamese
torpedoed U.S. ships took place in the…
A. Mekong Delta
B. South China Sea
C. Gulf of Tonkin
D. Gulf of Thailand
The Communist leader that defeated the French
in Vietnam and led the North in the war was…
A. Ngo Dinh Diem
B. Ho Chi Minh
C. Douglas MacArthur
D. Deng Xiaoping
Which of the following did NOT happen at the
end of the Vietnam War?
A. All Vietnamese were reeducated in Communist
B. About 1.5 million people fled Vietnam and settled in
other countries.
C. Saigon was captured by Communist forces and
renamed Ho Chi Minh city.
D. Vietnam remained divided into Communist north
and democratic south
Where was the location of the pro-democracy
student protest that ended in a massacre in 1989?
A. Red Square
B. The Winter Palace
C. The Imperial Palace
D. Tiananmen Square
Gorbachev’s economic “restructuring” of the
USSR to lessen gov’t control was called
A. Glasnost
B. Perestroika
C. Demokratizatsia
D. Shock therapy
Which of the following is NOT true about
the Cuban Missile Crisis?
A. It was the closest the world got to nuclear war.
B. Dwight D. Eisenhower was the U.S. president
during the crisis.
C. Khrushchev agreed to remove missiles if the
U.S. didn’t invade Cuba.
D. The Soviets had secretly placed 42 missiles in
What is the business center that was a former
British colony and now controlled by China?
A. Taipei
B. Shanghai
C. Hong Kong
D. Nanking
Which is NOT true about the Great Leap
A. It created large collective farms or communes.
B. Peasants were required to live and work on
communes, owning nothing.
C. It was considered a success because it boosted
the output of crops.
D. It was considered a failure after crop famines
killed 20 million people.
What did Truman ask Stalin to do at the Potsdam
Conference in July of 1945?
A. Remove troops from Eastern Europe and grant
free elections.
B. Build a wall separating East and West Germany
C. Sign a trade agreement with the U.S.
D. Donate money to help rebuild Western Europe.