Writing anything except Roll Number on question paper will be deemed as an act of indulging in unfair means and action shall be taken as per rules. प्रश्नपत्र पर रोल नम्बर के अतिररक्ि कुछ भी ललखना अनुचिि साधनों का प्रयोग माना जायेगा िथा तनयमानुसार काययवाही की जायेगी| Roll No._________________ MSc(Zoology) Semester I/II MSZO113 – VERTEBRATE PHYSIOLOGY I MODEL PAPER MM: 80 Time: 3 Hrs Note: 1. All questions are compulsory in section A. The answers of these questions are limited upto 30 words each. Each question carries 2 marks. 2. Attempt FIVE questions in all from Section B, selecting ONE question either A of B from each question. Answer of each question shall be limited upto 250 words. Each question carries 6 marks. 3. Attempt 3 questions in all from section C. Answer of each question shall be limited upto 500 words. Each question carries 10 marks. SECTION A 1. a Define vitamer and name the vitamers of vitamin A. b Enumerate the role of HCL secretion in stomach. c Define respiration and breathing. d Name four respiratory pigments. e Give difference between blood and lymph. f Differentiate between myogenic and neurogenic heart. g Define ultrafiltration. h Name the different parts of a nephron. i Define muscle twitch and summation. j Name the muscle proteins which play active role in muscle contraction. SECTION B 2. A Explain role of liver in digestion. OR B Explain the visual cycle. 3. A Enumerate the events during inspiration and expiration. OR B Explain oxygen dissociation curve. 4. A Describe the composition of blood. OR B Explain different types of anemia. 5. A Explain the urea cycle and give its significance. OR B Explain the functions of different regions of the nephron. PTO 6. A Differentiate between isometric and isotonic contraction. OR B Explain the characteristics of different types of muscle. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. SECTION C Explain digestion of protein in alimentary canal. Explain the physiology of respiration involving exchange and transport of gases. Describe the factor theory of blood clotting. Explain the mechanism of urine formation. Describe the sliding filament theory of muscle contraction. Writing anything except Roll Number on question paper will be deemed as an act of indulging in unfair means and action shall be taken as per rules. प्रश्नपत्र पर रोल नम्बर के अतिररक्ि कुछ भी ललखना अनुचिि साधनों का प्रयोग माना जायेगा िथा तनयमानुसार काययवाही की जायेगी| Roll No._________________ MSc(Zoology) Semester I/II MSZO113 – VERTEBRATE PHYSIOLOGY I MODEL PAPER MM: 80 Time: 3 Hrs Note: 1. All questions are compulsory in section A. The answers of these questions are limited upto 30 words each. Each question carries 2 marks. 2. Attempt FIVE questions in all from Section B, selecting ONE question either A of B from each question. Answer of each question shall be limited upto 250 words. Each question carries 6 marks. 3. Attempt 3 questions in all from section C. Answer of each question shall be limited upto 500 words. Each question carries 10 marks. SECTION A 1. a Define vitamer and name the vitamers of vitamin A. b Enumerate the role of HCL secretion in stomach. c Define respiration and breathing. d Name four respiratory pigments. e Give difference between blood and lymph. f Differentiate between myogenic and neurogenic heart. g Define ultrafiltration. h Name the different parts of a nephron. i Define muscle twitch and summation. j Name the muscle proteins which play active role in muscle contraction. SECTION B 2. A Explain role of liver in digestion. OR B Explain the visual cycle. 3. A Enumerate the events during inspiration and expiration. OR B Explain oxygen dissociation curve. 4. A Describe the composition of blood. OR B Explain different types of anemia. 5. A Explain the urea cycle and give its significance. OR B Explain the functions of different regions of the nephron. PTO 6. A Differentiate between isometric and isotonic contraction. OR B Explain the characteristics of different types of muscle. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. SECTION C Explain digestion of protein in alimentary canal. Explain the physiology of respiration involving exchange and transport of gases. Describe the factor theory of blood clotting. Explain the mechanism of urine formation. Describe the sliding filament theory of muscle contraction.