vayishlack-11-28 - Congregation Beth David

There’s a Place for Me at CBD!
‫פרשת וישלח‬
Parashat Vayishlaḥ
16 Kislev, 5776 / November 28, 2015
Triennial Cycle III: Genesis 35:16-36:43
Ḥumash Etz Ḥayim, page 214
Haftarah: Obadiah 1:1-21, page 221
1. (35:16-20) Rachel dies giving birth to Benjamin and is buried on the road
to Bethlehem.
2. (35:22) Reuben’s sin.
3. (35:22-26) A review of the sons of Jacob.
4. (35:27-29) Isaac dies and is buried in the cave.
5. (36:1-43) A genealogy of Esau’s descendants.
Receptionist/Front Desk
Philip R. Ohriner, Senior Rabbi
Leslie Alexander, Rabbi
Tanya Lorien, Director, Operations
Barbara Biran, Director, Ritual
Monica Hernandez, Member Accounts Associate
Lynn Crocker, Mkt. and Comm. Associate
Jillian Cosgrave, Front Office Associate
Iris Bendahan, Director, Jewish Education Program
Andrea Ammerman, School Admin. Assistant
Irene Swedroe, JET (Jewish Education for Teens)
Candle lighting time for Friday, November 27, 2015, 4:34pm
Thank You/
Friday, November 27th
9:30am Minyan (Sanctuary)
4:34 pm Candle lighting
6:30pm Services (Sanctuary)
Saturday, November 28th
9:30am Services (Sanctuary)
10:30am Netivot Haneshamah: Learning Minyan (P-3A)
11:15am Tot Shabbat (P-4A)
12:00pm Ruaḥ Rally (Sanctuary)
12:30pm Kiddush (Social Hall)
Sunday, November 29th
9:30am Minyan (Sanctuary)
Monday, November 30th
10:00am Intermediate Hebrew (P-3A)
11:45am Beginning Hebrew (P-3A)
2:15pm Beginning Hebrew for FSU (offsite)
7:00pm Minyan (Sanctuary)
Tuesday, December 1st
7:00pm Minyan (Sanctuary)
7:30pm Does Anti-Israel = Anti-Semitic? (Sanctuary)
Wednesday, December 2nd
4:00pm JEWEL Program (Portables)
6:15pm JET Dinner & Learn (P-4A)
7:00pm Minyan (Sanctuary)
Thursday, December 3rd
7:00pm Minyan
Friday, December 4th
10:00am Talmud Study (P-3A)
11:15am Jewish Ethics Discussion Group (P-3A)
4:32 pm Candle lighting
6:30pm Family Services (Sanctuary)
6:30pm TGI Shabbat – Chinese Jewish Culture Night
Netivot Haneshama –
A Learning Minyan: Shabbat Prayer Beyond
Standing, Sitting and Bowing
Saturday, November 28, 2015, 10:30 a.m.
For those who want to understand the prayers, psalms and
choreography of the Shabbat service so that it can deepen a
meaningful personal and communal experience.
Conversations in Jewish Learning
Does Anti-Israel = Anti-Semitic?
With Vlad Khaykin
Tuesday, December 1, 2015, 7:30 - 9:00 p.m.
BDS (boycott, divestment, and sanctions) and other anti-Israel
movements are gaining momentum. How concerned should we
be? Do student protests on college campuses threaten to spread to
the general community? Learn how the Anti-Defamation League
decides when anti-Israel groups cross the line between protected
free speech and anti-Semitic hate speech. Vlad Khaykin, Associate
Regional Director of the Central Pacific Region of the ADL will
discuss these issues and tell us what the ADL is doing to meet
these challenges.
Thank you to donors to the Kiddush lunch fund for
co-sponsoring today’s lunch.
TGI Shabbat - Chinese Jewish Culture Night
Friday, December 4, 2015
Services start at 6:30 p.m. & dinner starts at 7:30 p.m.
Welcome the day of rest and kick back because it's TGI Shabbat, a
potluck dinner for the whole congregation to enjoy! This month we
travel to China as we get together for a potluck dinner with a
Chinese theme. Sign up online at or call
408-257-3333 to bring a dairy or pareve (vegan) Chineseinfluenced appetizer, main course, side dish, salad or dessert.
Hot Topics
Anti-Semitism and Messaging about Israel
With Marina Gafni
Saturday, December 5, 2015, 1:30 - 3:00 p.m.
Marina Gafni will review two “hot topics” discussed at the recent
2015 Jewish Community Town Hall in Washington, D.C.
sponsored by the Jewish Council for Public Affairs:
(1) Anti-Semitism: How should we should define it, and how does
it differ from legitimate political discourse about Israel?
(2) Messaging about Israel: How do we discuss Israel with nonJewish audiences? What messages get through and which don’t?
Annual Meeting
Sunday, December 6, 2015
10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
You are warmly invited—and strongly encouraged!—to attend
the Congregation Beth David (CBD) Annual Meeting.
Hooray for Hanukkah:
A Cultural Celebration
Sunday, December 6, 2015, 12:00 - 5:00 p.m.
Presented by APJCC and Children's Discovery Museum
Children's Discovery Museum, 180 Woz Way, San Jose
Museum visitors will be able to enjoy a variety of Hanukkah
activities including:
 Candle making, holiday crafts, the dreidel game, and
 Food tastings and demos
 Performances in the museum's theater
 Storytime
 Building a menorah out of cans -- please bring a canned
food item to add to the menorah
Regular museum admission fees apply. For more information or if
you need financial assistance to attend this program, please contact
Rabbi James Greene, or 408.357.7413.
REMINDER: Please refrain from using cell phones,
cameras and other electronic devices on Shabbat.
CBD Hanukkah Party
Wednesday, December 9, 2015
6:15 - 9:00 p.m.
Kick back at this relaxing, easy going evening of socializing,
singing and fun. ALL AGES are welcome to share an enjoyable
Hanukkah experience. Latke dinner & Hanukkah desserts.
* Bring your Hanukkiah and candles to light
* Bring your favorite games to play
Sign up at by December 4th. $12 adults
and youth 12+; $7 child; free under age 3; $25 family
maximum. Prepayment required.
Hanukkah at Santana Row
Sunday, December 13, 2015, 3:00 - 5:00 p.m.
Park Valencia in Santana Row
Please join us for the 8th Annual Community Hanukkah candle
lighting. Lior Ben Hur and his band will come to sing Hanukkah
classics and also some of his eclectic international music. Fun for
the whole family. The event is FREE.
Hazak Hanukkah Extravaganza
Sunday, December 13, 2015. 5:00 - 9:00 p.m.
Spend a delightful evening enjoying the completion of the Festival
of Lights. Nosh on New York Deli Supper & Latkes. Enjoy the
company of your friends, and the intimate music of the Jerry Jay
Quartet. RSVP to Hazak:
Annual Coat Drive
The CBD Social Action Committee asks you to donate warm
clothing–coats, sweaters, and socks (new or in very good
condition) through December 7th. Adult and children’s sizes are
needed. Please drop items in the Admin Office or in the Sanctuary
Hanukkah and Shabbat Candles for Sale
Need a hostess gift? These are perfect items for holiday and year
round giving. There is a limited supply available. Email Irene
Swedroe at: or call her if you wish to
purchase candles or pick up your order. Phone contact is listed on
CBD Membership roster.
Embrace-A-Family This Hanukkah
Once again, Congregation Beth David is partnering with Jewish
Family Services of Silicon Valley to fulfill the Chanukah holiday
wishes of families and seniors who would otherwise go without
gifts. We have displayed in our foyer a dreidel board full of wish
cards that you can choose from. Stop by Congregation Beth David
and pick up a wish card, return your gift and dreidel tag to JFS by
December 18th and put a large smile on someone's face! See for an option to shop online.
Any questions? Contact Lori Cinnamon at 408-357-7467
or Look for board in the Sanctuary entryway.
Drivers Needed
Are you a Shabbat regular? Do you never miss a minyan?
Love coming to all of CBD’s special events?
If this sounds like you, and you can help out another member with
a ride to shul, we want to hear from you! We’re looking for
volunteers from all neighborhoods. Rides will be arranged in
advance – so no surprises – you can help when you can. Please
e-mail – and let us know what services,
events or classes you attend regularly!
For the comfort of our members and guests,
please avoid wearing perfume or cologne
when attending services.
Balk Family Memorial Camp Scholarship
We are now accepting nominations for summer 2016 resident
camp scholarships funded by the Balk Family Memorial Camp
Scholarship Fund.
This fund perpetuates the memory and ideals of Beth David
members Sheldon and Melvina Balk and their sons, Richard and
David Balk. We seek to capture and light the spirit of Judaism in
our youth, especially those who may seem apathetic about Jewish
We offer substantial aid, not based on academic results or
activities, but, rather, to awaken a student’s Jewish identity. We
give preference to first time campers. Please call Chuck Taubman
at 408-257-3251 to learn how to submit a nomination (the due date
is January 15, 2016).
Are you, a family member, or a CBD
friend in the hospital or rehab?
Do you know of someone in our kehillah
who might like a call or visit?
Please contact our ritual director, Barbara Biran at so our Pastoral Care Team can follow up.
Or, go one step further! Our tradition teaches that visiting the sick
(bikkur cholim) removes 1/160th of a patient's suffering. Consider
picking up the phone or arranging for yourself a visit with
someone in need of physical or spiritual well-being. They will feel
better and so will you!
Yahrzeits Week of November 20/21, 2015
Lorraine Belmont, Aunt of Roberta Schwartz
Abraham Bischoff, Father-in-Law of Marjorie Bischoff
Jennie Bloom, Grandmother of Jeremy Bloom
Elizabeth Evelina Bodenstein, Grandmother of Irene Spector
Eda Coleman, Grandmother of Lynne Kinsey
Louis Dickman, Grandfather of Lloyd Dickman
Anna Drabkin, Grandmother of Mike Drabkin
Leon Fankushen, of Blessed Memory
Patricia Field, Wife of Howard Field
Jeanette Sapiro Finkelstein, Aunt of Donna Frankel
Alice Flomp, Mother of Rita Schlosser
Boris Freydin, Son of Liya Freydin
Morton Gavens, Uncle of Lee Gavens
Solomon Lazar Goldstein, Father-in-Law of Robert Mehler
Phillip Goss, Brother of Ginny Baird
Leonard Greenberg, Father of Laurie Himelstein
Alvin Greif, Father of Karen Deloumi
Yenta Gruzman, Mother of Faina Eichis
Anna Hartman Keller, Mother of Sandra Silver
Frank Hubka, Father of William Hubka
Raphael Isaac, Uncle of Myrtle Schwartz & Elias Isaac
Jeanette Jeger, Aunt of Judy Borah
Al Joseph, Father of Wendy J Glasser
Jutta Kaplan, Mother of Georgette Silver
Edwin Katskee, Uncle-in-law of Davida Adelberg
Joseph Kostetsky, Grandfather of Robert Swedroe
Amihud Kramer, of Blessed Memory
Sofiya Kukuyev, Mother of Vladimir Kukuyev
Pauline Levin, Friend of Myrtle Schwartz & Joel Schwartz
Alfred Levinson, Brother-in-law of Fay Levinson
Harry Isaac Mack, of Blessed Memory
Doug Maggio, Friend of Susan Rojo
Isaak Mayer, Grandfather of Debbie Cohen
Harry Moskowitz, Father of Natalie Schriger
Samuel Murray, Father of Pamela Levin
Morris Pessah, Father of Paula Klein; Grandfather of Cara Vainish
Joel Pressman, Brother of Daniel Pressman
Evelyn Ruth Rathbun, of Blessed Memory
Max Reiser, Father of Yael Alcheck
Norman Saichek, Father of Thomas Saichek
Sultana Serfaty, Great Aunt of Joseph Bendahan
Fanny Skilken, Grandmother of Daniel Skilken
Norman Tavan, Father of Richard Tavan
Haim Turetsky, relative of Hava Goldman
Sigrid Wahba, Mother of Debbie Cohen
Morris Weslock, of Blessed Memory
We extend our condolences to Tom Saichek and to his wife
Marilyn, on the passing of Tom's sister Barbara
Saichek/Batya Esther bat Chava Leah.
Refuah Sheleimah – A Complete Recovery – as of
Gail Wishnow (cousin of Davida Adelberg)
Ruth Carpenter (great-niece of Davida Adelberg)
Jacob “Kobi” Dayan (friend of Yael & Elie Alcheck)
Raffi ben Ruth, Raffi Reiser (brother of Yael Alcheck)
Michal Bracha bat Nechama
Sarah bat Tzila (friend of Ilana Baird)
Lia bat Esther, Fira Vugmeister (co-worker of Rabbi Ilana Baird)
Yosel Aron ben Cecil, Jeff Manheimer (relative of Ruth Bareket)
Zahava Malka bat Hannah (sister of Betty Becker)
Chaya bat Hena Liba, Maya Belogolovsky
Vladmir Gelman (friend of Alex & Galina Belogolovsky)
Rebecca Serruya bat Esther
David Be’er ben Esther Sarah
Sima Yehudit bat Gital Sarah
Sandra Bauman (mother of Joel Bauman)
Ellen Berger
Ya’akov ben Hannah, Jack Hartstein (uncle of Barbara Biran)
Ilana bat Yehudit, Lynn Rosener (friend of Biran, Linder,
Kastelman, Maltiel, Taylor & Weissbrodt families)
Ya'akov ben Avraham, Jerry Blumenthal (father of Howard
Sara Pela bat Katura, Barbara Davis (member)
Ze'ev Shamsha ben Sara Pela, Scott Evan Davis (son of Barbara
Kitty Arnone (aunt of Barbara Davis)
Seth Edlavitch (cousin of Barbara Davis)
Moshe ben Berta, Murray Dolmatch (member & husband of
Sandra Dolmatch)
Joyce Mulligan (friend of Dorothy & Richard Dorsay)
Yonah ben Arieh, Herb Dreifuss (member)
Devorah bat Moshe v'Yehudit, Debra Eskinazi-Stockdale (member
& wife of Gary Stockdale)
Nosson Tzvi ben Sarah Rivka Kashtia, Nossan Tzvi Felsen (son or
Rabbi Joey Felsen)
Nachum ben Ze'ev haKohen, Nathan Fihn (brother of Melvin Fihn)
Michael ben Ze'ev haKohen, Melvin Fihn (member & husband of
Karen Fihn)
Alexander Urman (friend of Donna Frankel)
Barry Bendel (father of Sandi Gaertner)
Barbara Cohen (grandfather of Jadon Gaertner)
Eliezer Yoel ben Tilly, Larry Zimmerman (cousin of Emily
Yosefa Rut bat Meira Batya (friend of Emily and Howard Gannes)
Dovid Yosef ben Miriam haLevi (friend of Emily & Howard
Linda Hanson (friend of Susan & Lee Gavens)
Leah Malkah bat Chaya, Lu Gildenberg (member)
Sleuva bat Yosef, Selma Glasser (mother of Lance Glasser)
Donna Stone (cousin of Wendy Glasser)
Joseph Saponaro (brother-in-law of Wendy Glasser)
Zvi Leib ben Esther
Jayme Mueller (relative of Helaine Green)
Donald Schwartz (cousin of Steve Green)
Allyson Guggenheim (daughter of Scott & Shannon Guggenheim,
granddaughter of Karen & Allen Guggenheim)
Hinda Hannah bat Shaina Miriam, Heather Harris (member & wife
of Michael Harris)
Hava bat Rut
Mordechai ben Chaya Gittel
Breindl bat Chaya Malka (mother of Debby Hoffman)
Adam ben Chava (brother of David Hoffman)
Shmuel ben Tzipporah (member)
Eliahu ben Rama, Eli Isaac (member & husband of Lorraine Isaac;
brother of Myrtle Schwartz)
Yosef ben Leah, Joseph Isaac (son of Eli & Lorraine Isaac)
Lucille Janofsky (mother of Eric Janofsky)
Aharon ben Penina
Malka Frimma bat Liba
Carolyn Karel (mother of Steve Karel)
Leah bat Yaffa, Laurie Kline (friend of Barbara Knaster)
Sharon Ruth bat Chana (friend of Judith Krongold)
Lauren Flato (member & wife of Steve Labovitz)
Arkadi Nisenzon (brother of Zoya Lazer)
Shmuel Sholom Reuven ben Chaya, Samuel Lif (member)
Ditza Recht (friend of Andrea Linder)
John Quesada (friend of Andrea Linder)
Bill Schneider (friend of Andrea & Steven Linder)
Herschel ben Bella, Howard Greyber (father of Elizabeth Lichy)
Daronit Esther bat Leah
Vered bat Yehudit, Vered Marash (member)
Moshe ben Roza, Morris Kirschen (member & father of Sandy
Max Greenberg (cousin of Len & Sylvia Metz)
Richard Greenberg (cousin of Len & Sylvia Metz)
Leibl Yehuda ben Sheindl, Leonard Metz (member & husband of
Sylvia Metz)
Phyllis LaVine (friend of Sylvia Metz)
Lizzie Sommer (friend of Jack Moore & Bonnie Slavitt- Moore)
Cohava bat Rivka, Cohava Mor (member & wife of Jacob Mor)
Yitzhak ben Sheindel, Gary Nankin (member & husband of Susan
Miriam Shirah bat Brachah Bayla (mother of Shoshana Ohriner)
Miriam bat Ruth, Mary Subin Helfer (cousin of Margie Pomerantz)
Beryl ben Golda, Barry Popper (member & husband of Marilyn
Rebecca bat Rut, Linda Detmers (sister of Judy Powers)
Emma Prokter (member & wife of Gregory Prokter)
Syrel Raizel bat Rachel (other mother of Susan Murai Raider)
Farid Mojtahedi (friend of Susan Murai Raider)
Rachamim Natanel ben Shoshana, Clement Murai (son of Susan
Neeta Maharaj (friend of Susan Murai-Raider)
Sharon Baila bat Chaya Golda (cousin-in-law of Thelma Ramm)
Jean Mason (sister-in-law of Thelma Ramm)
Linda Salata (cousin of Susan Rojo)
Refuah Sheleimah (continued)
Yetta Frieda bat Chayala (friend of Susan Rojo)
Tevya ben Gitel Hinda, Ted Rosenblume (member & husband of
Gloria Rosenblume; father of Cathy Beyda)
Eliezer ben Label, Allen Rosenzweig (member & husband of
Susan Rosenzweig)
Riva bat Rachel, Riva Rubnitz (member)
Cindy Parks (friend of Michael Schaffer)
Rosario Alvarez (mother of friend and co-worker of Felicia
Henderson Family (friends of Felicia Schaffer)
Alvin Gross (friend of Natalie Schriger)
Roy Rocklin (friend of Rachel Schwab)
Robert Douglas Gordon (friend of Rachel Schwab)
Matana bat Rahma, Myrtle Schwartz (member & wife of Joel
Ruben Abraham Moses Ben' Moshe (friend of Myrtle Schwartz)
Shlomo ben Matanah, Bryan Schwartz (son of Joel & Myrtle
Asher ben El Hanan, Joel Schwartz (member & husband of Myrtle
Scott Shultz (brother of Shmuel Shultz)
Vikki Popple (aunt of Shmuel Shultz)
Aare Ilves (friend of Shmuel Shultz)
David ben Asya, David Chernomordik (friend of Yulia Shvarts)
Luba Pasumansky (relative of Yulia Shvarts)
Izabella Letskin (friend of Yulia Shvarts)
Yonah Benjamin ben Daniel Zvi v'Liba Shifra, Aaron Skilken (son
of Dan & Nancy Skilken)
Malka bat Feiga, Marcia Spector (mother of Walter Spector)
Yona bat Sabina, Yona Sternheim (mother of Israela Sternheim)
Ruthi Kahana (friend of Rama & Arieh Strod)
Gila bat Zipora (friend of Rama & Arieh Strod)
Carol Taggart (sister of member Michal Strutin)
Leibush Motel ben Ruchel
Chaya Reizel bat Ruchel (member)
Haya bat Sheina, Evelyn Tavan (mother of Rick Tavan)
Reuven ben Goel, Richard Timmins
Hudel bat Sheindel (member)
Janice Torczyner (member & wife of Robert Torczyner)
Dolores Turk
B'tsalel Fishel ben Anna Lena, Frank Weiss (member & husband
of Harriet Weiss)
Channa Rivka bat Sarah, Nancy Wiener (member & wife of Ken
Yitzhak ben Krisztina, Irving Goodman (grand-nephew of Nancy
Chaim ben Davida
Rosa bat Riva (friend of Dina Yevelev)
Annabel Rubin (relative of Dina Yevelev)
Yossel ben Shir, Joel Zussman (member & husband of Marianne