My Life as a Bat

Journal #16
Write an alliteration. Be
creative AND appropriate!
Example of alliteration:
Peter Piper picked a peck of
pickled peppers.
Vocabulary Review
 consensus agreement in the judgment or opinion reached by a
group as a whole
 Cleopatra beautiful and charismatic queen of Egypt; mistress of
Julius Caesar and later of Mark Antony; killed herself to avoid
capture by Octavian (69-30 BC)
 interlude an intervening period or episode
 sonar a measuring instrument that sends out an acoustic pulse
in water and measures distances in terms of the time for the
echo of the pulse to return
 subtlety a subtle difference in meaning or opinion or attitude
 deja vu the experience of thinking that a new situation had
occurred before
Vocabulary Review
 incendiary capable of catching fire
spontaneously or causing fires or burning
 ominous threatening or foreshadowing evil
or tragic developments
 redeem restore the honor or worth of
 denizen a person who inhabits a particular
Florida Collections
Page 71
Analyze the Text
Look over the first page of the
story….How is the story structure
similar to a traditional one and how is
it different?
Analyze the Text
Similar = A character is introduced
Different = Paragraphs are written in
sections under numbered headings
(like an article).
Figurative Language
 Lines 22-29
“In one of them, I am clinging to the ceiling of a summer
cottage while a red-faced man in white shorts and a white
V-necked T-shirt jumps up and down, hitting at me with
a tennis racket. There are cedar rafters up here, and sticky
flypapers attached with tacks, dangling like toxic
seaweeds. I look down at the man’s face, foreshortened
and sweating, the eyes bulging and blue, the mouth
emitting furious noise, rising up like a marine float,
sinking again, rising as if on a swell of air.”
Identify the simile
Figurative Language
 Lines 22-29
“In one of them, I am clinging to the ceiling of a summer
cottage while a red-faced man in white shorts and a white
V-necked T-shirt jumps up and down, hitting at me with
a tennis racket. There are cedar rafters up here, and sticky
flypapers attached with tacks, dangling like toxic
seaweeds. I look down at the man’s face, foreshortened
and sweating, the eyes bulging and blue, the mouth
emitting furious noise, rising up like a marine float,
sinking again, rising as if on a swell of air.”
What is being compared in each?
Look for Imagery
Look at Lines 38-46
Identify images that the writer
What is the effect?
Look for Imagery
“water trickling”
“glistening hush”
Allows the reader to feel a sense of
safety and comfort of the home the bat
Journal #17
Get 2 markers or 2 colored pencils.
Choose different colors!
“My Life as a Bat” Quick review
Bat Facts Word Cloud
Wrap-up discussion
Journal #17
In “My Life as a Bat” we read the section: The Bat as a
Deadly Weapon.
 What are your thoughts on this war tactic?
 Do you agree that people might be more afraid a bat
than an atom bomb?
While writing, use the following vocab words and circle
 Incendiary (capable of catching fire)
 Ominous (threatening)
My Life as a Bat
Word Cloud
• Write the facts you hear!
Venn Diagram
 Pick a partner! 
 List the “My Life as a Bat” story details that
described the bat.
 List the bat facts from your Word Cloud
 In the middle show what they both have in common.
 Be prepared to share at least 1 thing you learned
about bats that you did not know before!