Proteins Chapter 7

Chapter 7
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Chapter 7
Insert photo of BBQ
chicken from 1st page of
Chapter Learning Outcomes
1. List the primary functions of proteins in the
2. Identify the basic structural unit of proteins.
3. Distinguish between essential and
nonessential amino acids.
4. Explain the basic steps of protein synthesis
and digestion.
5. Discuss conditions that contribute to
positive nitrogen balance, negative nitrogen
balance, and protein balance.
Chapter Learning Outcomes
6. Identify food sources of protein and foods
that provide high and low quality proteins.
7. Plan meals and snacks that reduce animal
protein intake.
8. Discuss the pros and cons of vegetarian
9. Describe how protein-energy malnutrition
(PEM) can affect the body.
Quiz Yourself
True or False
1. Animal foods such as meat and eggs are almost 100%
protein. T F
2. Foods made from processed soybeans can be sources
of high quality protein. T F
3. An adult body builder should consume about five times
more protein than a healthy adult who is not a body
builder. T F
4. Registered dietitians generally recommend that
vegetarians take amino acids supplements to increase
their protein intake. T F
5. People can nourish their hair by using shampoo that
contains protein. T F
How Did You Do?
1. False Animal foods such as meat and eggs
contain some protein, lipids, and lots of water.
2. True Foods made from processed soybeans
can be sources of high quality protein.
3. False An adult body builder does not need to
consume about five times more protein than a
healthy adult who is not a body builder.
4. False Registered dietitians do not generally
recommend that vegetarians take amino acids
supplements to increase their protein intake.
5. False Hair is composed of protein, not living
tissue. Therefore, it cannot be nourished.
What Are Proteins?
• Complex organic molecules
– Chemically similar to lipids and
• Composed of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and
• The human body contains ~100,000
different proteins.
Variety of Protein Functions
All cells in the body contain proteins.
Specific types of proteins include:
• Structural proteins in cartilage, ligaments,
bones, hair, skin, and nails
• Contractile proteins that enable muscles to
• Pigment proteins such as melanin
determine color of eyes, hair, and
• Clotting proteins that are needed for blood
Functions of Proteins (continued)
• Certain hormones are proteins
– Hormones are chemical
messengers that regulate body
processes and responses.
• Examples include insulin and glucagon.
• Enzymes are proteins
– Compounds that speed up (catalyze)
chemical reactions without becoming
part of the products.
Functions of Proteins (continued)
• Transport proteins
– Oxygen and many nutrients are
transported by special proteins.
• Proteins aid in fluid balance.
Fluid Balance
and Proteins
Proteins in blood,
such as albumin,
help maintain the
proper distribution of
fluids within
bloodstream and
body tissues.
• Insert Figure 7.1
What is Edema?
Insert Figure 7.1
Acid-base Balance and Proteins
• Acid-base balance
– Maintaining the proper pH of body
• Blood and tissue fluid must
maintain a pH of 7.35 to 7.45
• Acidic - having an excess of H+
• Too basic – not enough H+
• Proteins act as buffers by
accepting or releasing H+.
Amino Acids
• Proteins are made of smaller units called amino
• 20 different amino acids in human proteins
• Each amino acid is composed of:
– An amino or a nitrogen-containing group
• Amino group has nitrogen bonded to 2 hydrogen atoms
– R-group (side chain) — varies with each amino acid
• Acid group – acid portion
Amino Acid: Basic Chemical Structure
• Insert Figure 7.2
Classifying Amino Acids
Essential Amino Acids
• Cannot be made by the body, so
must be supplied in the diet
• 9 of the 20 amino acids
Nonessential Amino Acids
• Can be made by the body
• 11 of the 20 amino acids
The Essential and Nonessential Amino Acids
Insert table 7.1
Proteins in Foods
• Nearly all foods contain some protein, but
no natural food is 100% protein.
• Animal foods typically have more protein
than plant foods.
– Seeds, tree nuts, and legumes supply more
protein than fruit or the edible leaves, roots,
flowers, and stems of vegetables.
Protein Contents of Some Commonly Eaten
• Insert Table 7.2
What Are Legumes?
• Legumes
– Plants that
produce pods with
a single row of
Soybeans, peas,
peanuts, lentils,
and beans
Insert figure 7.3
Protein Quality
• High-quality protein
– Protein that contains all 9 essential amino acids in
amounts that support growth
– “Complete protein”
– Most animal products and products made with
processed soy
• Low-quality protein
– Protein that lacks or has inadequate amounts of one
or more of the essential amino acids
– Most plant foods (except processed soy)
and gelatin
What Happens to Protein in Your Body?
• How Your Body Synthesizes Proteins
– Cells assemble the 20 amino acids in
specific sequences according to information
provided by DNA.
– Amino acids are connected by peptide
– Peptides
• Chains of fewer than 15 amino acids
– Polypeptides
• Proteins made of > 50 amino acids
What Is a Protein?
• Each distinctive bead
in the illustration
a different amino
• The “hook” that
connects the “beads”
represents a peptide
Insert figure 7.4
Peptide Bond
• Insert figure 7.5
Protein Synthesis
• Insert figure 7.6
A Protein Takes Shape
• Insert figure 7.7
Sickle Cell Anemia
• If the DNA code is faulty, the wrong amino acid may be
inserted into a protein. For example, sickle cell disease
that affects red blood cells
Insert figure 7.4
Protein Denaturation
• Altering a protein’s natural shape and function by
exposing it to conditions such as heat, alcohol, acid,
and physical agitation
– Heat denatures the protein in raw eggs.
– Acidic lemon juice “curdles” the protein in milk.
– Hydrochloric acid denatures food proteins in the
stomach, making them easy to digest.
– Physical agitation includes whipping protein-rich
foods (e.g., beaten egg whites).
Insert Figure 7.9
Protein Turnover
• Protein turnover
– Breaking down old or unneeded proteins into
amino acids and recycling the amino acids
• Amino acid “pool”
– Amino acids that have not been incorporated
into proteins
• Endogenous amino acids
– Those available from the amino acid pool
• Exogenous proteins
– Those from dietary sources
Transamination and Deamination
– Transfer of nitrogen-containing group from an
unneeded amino acid to a carbon skeleton,
forming an amino acid
– Removal of nitrogen-containing group from an
unneeded amino acid
Example of Transamination and
Insert Figure 7.10
The Liver and
Ammonia (NH3)
is converted to
urea that the
kidneys excrete
in urine.
Insert Figure 7.11
Nitrogen Balance
Nitrogen balance (or equilibrium)
Balancing nitrogen intake with nitrogen losses
Positive nitrogen balance
Body retains more nitrogen than it loses
Negative nitrogen balance
Body loses more nitrogen than it retains
insert Figure 7.12
Positive Nitrogen Balance
Occurs during growth, pregnancy, recovery from illness, and
as a result of certain hormones and resistance exercise
Insert Figure 7.12
Nitrogen Equilibrium
Occurs when healthy adults meet protein and energy needs
Insert Figure 7.12
Negative Nitrogen Balance
Occurs with  protein intake, kidney disease, blood loss, bed
rest, fever, injuries, burns, or  thyroid hormone or cortisol
How Much Protein Do You Need?
• Daily protein needs of healthy adults:
– RDA = 0.8 g/kg body wt
• Protein needs increase during periods of
growth, pregnancy, lactation, and
recovery from illness or injury.
Determining Protein Needs
Using the RDA formula of 0.8 g of protein/kg of
body wt, what is the RDA for protein for a person
weighing 165 lbs?
1) Convert weight in lbs to weight in kg
(165  2.2 = 75 kg)
2) Multiply kg of body wt by 0.8
75 X 0.8 = 60
Therefore, a person weighing 165 lbs will meet his/her
RDA for protein by consuming 60 g of protein per day
Protein Digestion
• Protein digestion begins in the
– Hydrochloric acid denatures proteins
– Pepsin, an enzyme, digests proteins into smaller
• Polypeptides enter the small intestine
– The enzymes trypsin and chymotrypsin break down
polypeptides into shorter peptides and individual
amino acids.
Protein Absorption
• Absorption occurs in the small intestine
– Absorptive cells release enzymes that digest
most small peptides into individual amino
– Individual amino acids and some di- and
tripeptides enter absorptive cells, where they
are completely digested to amino acids.
After Absorption…
• Amino acids enter portal vein and travel to
the liver
– Liver keeps some amino acids for its own use
and releases others into general circulation.
• Most proteins are digested and amino
acids absorbed
– Very little protein is eliminated in feces.
What Is A Food Allergy?
• Allergy
– Inflammatory response resulting when body’s
immune system reacts inappropriately to a
substance that is typically harmless
• Allergen — the offending substance
– Most food allergens are proteins that escape
digestion and are absorbed as whole proteins.
Common Signs of Food Allergies
Signs occur within a few minutes or
couple of hours and typically
Hives (red raised bumps on skin)
Swollen or itchy lips
Skin flushing
Scaly skin rash (eczema)
Difficulty swallowing
Wheezing and difficult breathing
Abdominal pain, vomiting, and diarrhea
Common Food Allergens
Protein-rich foods
- Cow’s milk
- Eggs
- Peanuts
- Wheat
- Soybeans
- Fish and shellfish
- Food dyes
- Sulfites added to:
Who Develops Food Allergies?
• People with family history of food or
environmental allergies
• ~ 4% of children 5 to 17 yrs
• Most outgrow by age 5 yrs
– Allergies to nuts, seafood, and
wheat are typically not outgrown
• ~ 2% of adults
Gluten and Celiac Disease
• Gliadin
– Protein found in gluten of wheat, buckwheat,
barley, and rye
– Triggers inflammatory response in small
– Condition called celiac disease
• Symptoms include
– Chronic diarrhea, weight loss, poor growth in
• Treatment
– Avoid gluten-containing foods
Treatment of Food Allergies
• Avoid offending foods
• Read food labels to check for
• Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer
Protection Act requires manufacturers to
identify allergenic ingredients on product
• Educate teachers and other adults
of allergic children’s need to avoid
certain foods
Treating Severe Allergic Reactions
Insert photo of
girl using epi
Pen from page
treatment for
anaphylaxis (a
severe allergic
reaction) may
involve injecting
a special
What Is PKU?
Phenylketonuria (PKU)
– Genetic disorder
– Affects ~ 1/15,000 infants
– Caused by lack of enzyme
that converts the amino
acid phenylalanine to
another compound
– If undiagnosed, infant will
develop mental retardation
by first birthday.
Insert photo of phenyl
warning from page 201
Low Phenylalanine Diet
Phenylalanine-free formula and lowphenylalanine foods
Childhood and adult years
Allowed: fruits, vegetables, and special lowphenylalanine foods
Avoided: nuts, milk and milk products, eggs,
meats, and foods and beverages containing
aspartame (e.g., Nutrasweet or Equal)
Protein Consumption Patterns
Insert Figure 7.14
MyPyramid Plan:
Recommendations for Protein Intake
• Choose lean or low-fat meat and poultry
– Lean cuts of beef include:
• Round steaks, top round, loin, top sirloin, chuck and arm
– Lean pork cuts include:
• Loin, tenderloin, and center loin
• Choose “extra lean” ground beef
– At least 90% lean
• Trim visible fat from meats
Nutritional Labeling
• Nutrition Facts panel only
provides grams of protein
• Panel does not provide
information concerning
protein quality
– Judge protein quality by
reviewing items in the
ingredient list
Figure 7.15
Eating Well for Less
- Substitute eggs, milk, cheese, and yogurt for
meat, fish, or poultry.
- Make meals that contain less animal proteins
and more plant proteins.
- Extend cereal proteins with eggs and milk (e.g.,
pancakes, waffles, crepes, or cereal with milk).
- Include more legumes in meals (e.g., chili, bean
soups, and stews) while reducing meat content.
Combining Complementary Proteins
Complementary combinations
- Mixing certain plant foods to provide all essential
amino acids without adding animal proteins
Amino acids often low or limiting in plant
tryptophan, threonine, lysine, and
Complementary Dishes
Insert photo of girl
making BPJ from
page 207
Peanut Butter (legume) on
Bread (grain)
photo from
page 209
Couscous (grain) with
Chickpeas (legume)
Complementary Protein Dishes
• Insert Table 7.3
Vegetarians- People who eat plant-based diets
Types of Vegetarians
• Lactovegetarian
• Consumes milk and milk products
• Ovovegetarian
• Consumes eggs
• Lactoovovegetarian
• Consumes eggs and milk and milk products
• Vegan
• Consumes only plant foods
Is Vegetarianism a Healthy Lifestyle?
• Compared to
vegetarians tend to:
– Weigh less
– Have less heart disease
(eat less saturated fat and
– Often exercise more,
meditate for relaxation, and
avoid tobacco and alcohol
• If diets are poorly
planned, vegetarians may
High-quality protein
Omega-3 fatty acids
Vitamins B-12 and D
Zinc, iron, and calcium
Vegetarian Children and Teens
• May be difficult to consume adequate protein and
energy, because plant foods tend to be filling
– Growth rates of vegan children need close
Pro: Can be healthy diet because more fruits and
vegetables are consumed
Con: May be at risk of anorexia nervosa, an eating
Vegetarian Women
• May need vitamin B-12 supplements
– Infant could be deficient in B-12
• Breastmilk may be deficient in vitamin B-12
– Infant may develop severe developmental delays if
fed breast milk that lacks vitamin B-12
Meatless Menu Planning Ideas
• Insert Table 7.4
Protein Adequacy
Excessive Protein Intake
– May  risk of heart disease and cancers of the
colon/rectum, prostate, pancreas, and breast
What about High-Protein Weight-Loss Diets?
– Diets decrease feelings of hunger and increase
sense of fullness.
– More info about safety of high-protein weight loss
diets in Chapter 10
Protein Deficiency
Uncommon in the U.S.
– May occur in:
• elderly or low-income people
• persons with alcoholism, anorexia nervosa, or
intestinal tract disorders
Kwashiorkor and Marasmus
Protein-energy malnutrition (PEM)
– Results from chronic lack of food or poor food choices
Two types of PEM:
– Kwahsiorkor
• Adequate energy intake but intake of high-quality
protein is low
» Edema
– Marasmus
• Starvation—extreme weight loss
Characterized by
edema in the
abdomen, lower
legs, and feet
Insert figure 7.17
Insert figure 7.18
Chapter 7 Highlight
Building a Bulkier Body
How to increase muscle mass?
• Resistance training is the only safe and
reliable way.
• Dietitians generally do not recommend
eating large amounts of protein-rich
How Resistance Training Builds
Bigger Muscles
• During training, muscle proteins break
– Synthesis occurs during recovery and
lasts ~ 24 to 48 hrs.
• Muscles grow larger if adequate energy
and protein are available (positive nitrogen
Proteins: General Advice for Athletes
• Since carbohydrates spare proteins, eat a
snack before or after exercise that includes
adequate carbohydrate and protein.
• Protein supplements are not needed for
healthy persons.
– If supplements are used, avoid those that contain a
single amino acid.
• Avoid high-protein diets, especially ones high
in red meats.