donatello without bullets

Hello everyone my name is Donatello I am an Italian artist and a sculptor.
Today I am going to talk to you and tell you why I should be crowned the as Paragon of the
To support this I am going to talk about the following things;
My background, My accomplishments and My major contribution to the Renaissance
First of all - My Background
I was born in Florence in 1386. Unfortunately the exact date is unknown as records
weren’t so good then!
I was lucky that my parents were wealthy. I was also fortunate because my father was a
member of the Florentine wool combers guild who were major sponsors of the arts
I learned my art by being an apprentice at a goldsmith workshop. The famous Lorenzo
Ghiberti taught me how to sculpture.
The people who influenced me were Lorenzo Ghiberti Florence, the heart of the
I am committed to Florence and it’s people.
Now I’d like to talk about My Accomplishments
My first work was St Mark a sculpture. This work can be seen today in the churches
I also worked with Filippo Brunelleschi and Lorenzo Ghiberti
My first works I created In 1406. They were two small statues of prophets for the north
door of the cathedral in Florence.
In 1408 I created what I think is my best work – David, a bronze marble statue.
Between 1412 and 1415 I created the sculptures of St Peter and St George and even St
Lastly I want to talk about My major contribution to the Renaissance period .
I feel that my major contribution is
David, a free standing young male in the nude.
Many believe that David represents or symbolises the Florentine Republic
It is 158cm high and made of marble.
The date of creation is unknown but some people think 1430 and others might say 1440.
The statue David is now in the Bargello.
In summary
I am a descendant of Florence – the heart of the Renaissance and I care a great deal
about our region and its people.
I am considered the greatest sculptor of the 15th century and my work is seen on many of
the great buildings of the Renaissance.
My greatest work, David, is seen as one of the most famous marble works of art of the
Renaissance period. It has been seen and enjoyed by millions of people.
I want to be the voted as Paragon of the Renaissance – I believe I have the right background
for this position. So please vote for me. I thank you all for listening to me any questions ?