Relativism Connections Gertrude Himmelfarb argues that Mill, by making truth dependent on falsity (false ideas are useful for keeping true ones alive and for finding good reasons for the true ones), tends to make truth and falsity equals. She argues that this position of Mill lends credence to the current relativist temper. Melchert on relativism - 1 Relativism Another argument for a connection between Mill’s ideas and the current relativism is connected to Mill’s individualism. Extreme individualism fosters the view that each person’s beliefs and values are valid for him or her; there are no objective beliefs and values. Melchert on relativism - 2 Relativism What is relativism? The main ideas • 1. There is no over-arching system to which one can appeal for determining what is good or bad, true or false. There are no external standards for determining goodness & truth. Melchert on relativism - 3 Relativism What is relativism? The main ideas • 2. All truth and value claims are relative to either personal choice or culture. All standards for assessing truth and goodness are internal to a system or framework. Melchert on relativism - 4 Relativism Different types of relativism Based on level or size • 1. Individual • 2. Cultural Based on area of human ideas & activity • 1. Cognitive • 2. Moral • 3. Aesthetic Melchert on relativism - 5 Relativism Melchert ~ Who’s To Say? Arguments for cultural relativism -- the position that “custom is king.” 1. Diversity • There does not appear to be a set of universal values & beliefs • Therefore, there are no objective value & beliefs. Melchert on relativism - 6 Relativism • Critique – Lack of universality does not entail lack of objectivity. – E.g., In 17th century, the majority of people, including scientists, accepted the Ptolemaic theory as true. Melchert on relativism - 7 Relativism 2. The tolerance argument for cultural relativism • Relativism enhances tolerance & objectivism leads to intolerance. • Objections – (1) Relativism may enhance intolerance. – If one set of values & beliefs is equal in truth value and moral value to any other set, why not impose mine on other people? (Melchert 80) Melchert on relativism - 8 Relativism – (2) 2nd objection - the selfreflexive move. If all values are relative, why place tolerance above other values? Arguments against relativism in general (vs only cultural relativism) 1. Reductio ad absurdum • The dentist example (Melchert 12) • The Khmer Rouge, Nazis Melchert on relativism - 9 Relativism 2. The self-reflexive move again • If all is relative, then the claim that relativism is true is itself relative (Melchert 18). Melchert on relativism - 10