Terms for INQ 111: Seeing Anew . . . Again You are responsible for learning all the terms in this list that have been covered so far, e.g., as they are used in class or appear in the assigned readings. Look in the course book(s) for definitions or explanations; use also other sources listed in the syllabus as well as resources in the library or on the Web. Pay attention to the use of these words in your readings and in class. Never be afraid to ask me or others what a term means (but do the research yourself first). N.B. Terms in yellow may be on quiz #1. In addition, terms in green may be on the midterm exam. In addition, terms in blue may be on quiz #3. Last updated 8 February 2016. .com .edu .net a priori a priori method abacus absolutes absolutism absurdity Adam allegory Anabaptists Andersen, Hans Christian androcentrism animism anthropocentrism anthropology anthropomorphism anti-progressivism apodictic Aquinas arabesque Aristotle arms race Arians Aryans atheism Atomists atonality Augustine authority avatar Bach, Johann Sebastian banking concept of education Beethoven, Ludwig van Being-psychology belief belief engine big bang theory Boolean operators Brecht browser bushmen call number canon capitalism casuistic categorical imperative causality cause Christ civil disobedience classics coalitional contention codex co-evolution (of genes & culture) collective immortality colonialism commons communism communitarianism community Compatibilism conscience conscious(ness) conservative conventional ethical relativism conventional wisdom conventionalism Copernicus Copland, Aaron correlation cosmogony cosmology creation Creationism creative extremist critical thinking critique cultural relativism culture cultural evolution custom Dante Darwin, Charles delight demythologization dependency thesis strong thesis of dependency weak thesis of dependency Descartes, René design designer determinism directionality diversity thesis divine command theory Dualists dualism ecclesia economics education egalitarianism ego egocentrism Einstein, Albert eisegesis e-mail emetic information emic emotivism empiricism enculturation enlightened despots Enlightenment environmentalism Epicureanism epistemology Eppur si muove. essence ethical relativism ethics ethnocentrism ethnography ethos etic etiology Eve evolution evolutionary epistemology exegesis exemptionalism existentialism Exodus experience exponential (geometrical) growth faith fascism fatalism fideism first cause forms Forum Francis of Assisi Freakonomics free choice “free will” fresco Freud Frost, Robert fundamentalism Galileo gazetteer Geisteswissenschaften geocentric God Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von gospel Homer Gospel Gothic guild haiku harmony Hawking hedonic factor heliocentric helpful let-be hermeneutical circle hermeneutics homo erectus homo sapiens http https Hubble hubris human being iconoclasm idealism ideas imagination Impressionism incentive (the) Index individualism indulgences induction information asymmetry Internet invisible hand ISBN Jefferson, Thomas Jesus journal juggernaut theory of human nature just law Kant, Immanuel karma Kennedy, John F. Kepler knowledge King, Martin Luther, Jr LAN language LC Lemaître, Georges liberal liberal (arts) education Libertarianism liturgy Locke, John magazine materialism Marx, Karl Marxism maya Messiah metaphysics method of authority method of tenacity Mill, John Stuart minaret mind’s eye monotheism moral absolutism moral objectivism moral relativism moral skepticism moral subjectivism morality motivation theory Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus mutual coercion myth nature natural law natural selection Naturwissenschaften Nazism Neanderthal Neo-Platonism Newman, John Henry Newton, Isaac Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm nihilism nirvana nonviolent direct action objectivism objectivity Occam’s razor October Revolution ontological progression ontology OPAC orthodoxy Orthodoxy pedagogy pedestal-smashing perception periodical periodical index person personhood Picasso, Pablo (the) Pietá philosophy place-value plagiarism Plato Plebeians poem Pontificia Academia Scientiarum positive feedback predestination primary source problem-posing education processual nature of being progressivism providence psychoanalysis Ptolemy punctuated equilibrium Ramadan rationalism realism reality reason reciprocal altruism reform & status quo regression analysis relativism relativity relief religion Renaissance man risen animal ritual Samaritan samurai Sanskrit satire scholasticism science Scientific Creationism scientific method Scopes, John scroll bar secondary source self Semitic SETI seven liberal arts Shintoism shogun sine qua non Smith, Adam social Darwinism socialism sociology Socrates Socratic method soliloquy sonnet Sophists species speciesism spectroscopy spin-doctoring steady-state theory Stoicism subjective ethical relativism subjectivism substance Swahili symbol(ic) symphony synthesis tabula rasa Talmud Tao Taoism technical solution theism (scientific) theory theory of hierarchy of needs theory of self-actualization thesis thought experiment toga Torah totalitarian tradition tragedy of the commons truth unified theory universals utility URL van Gogh, Vincent virtue vocation Vulgate Web domain name word world World Wide Web Zulu