Unit 4 Study Guide Name: Nomenclature Date: Per: Directions

Unit 4 Study Guide
Directions: Complete the questions below in preparation for the exam. I will not go over the study guide in class,
but I am available after school for individual questions. The test format is multiple choice, and short answer.
Calculations will be included in both sections.
Things you will be given on the exam:
 a periodic table (it will NOT have the oxidation numbers listed)
 a common ion sheet
Things you need to know:
 how to tell the number of atoms of each element in a chemical formula
 the charges numbers for elements on the periodic table (besides transition metals)
 the prefixes to use with covalent compounds
 how to write names and formulas for
o ionic compounds
o covalent compounds
o acids
Helpful Hints:
 Write the formula or the name first in the margin, then compare it back to the answer choices to find the
correct answer
 Take your time!!! You have the whole class period- there is no need to rush.
 If you don’t understand directions or a question, ask! I will be happy to clarify or restate the question.
 Remember the catch phrase…
o for naming acids: “if you ate something icky, you need to bite something delicious”
1. Classify each of the following compounds as acidic, ionic, or covalent. Then write the formula for each.
Chemical Name
Acidic, Ionic, or
Chemical Formula
Molar Mass of
Moles present in
Molecular. If
100 grams
Molecular, state if it is
transition or nontransition
Manganese (IV) Cyanide
Sodium Nitrate
Lead (IV) Selenide
Magnesium Hydroxide
Magnesium Oxide
Cobalt (II) Selenide
Copper (III) Phosphate
Hydrosulfuric Acid
Ammonium Sulfate
Phosphorous Acid
2. Classify each of the following compounds as acidic, ionic, or covalent. Then write the name for each. Show your
work for the first THREE molar masses and calculations for grams present in five moles of compound in the
space provided below the table.
Chemical Formula
Acidic, Ionic, or
Chemical Name
Molar Mass of
Grams present in
Molecular. If Ionic
5 moles of
state if it is transition
or non-transition
3. What does it mean for a compound to be “binary?”
4. What is a cation?
5. What is an anion?
6. What is a polyatomic ion?
7. How do you determine the charge of an ion or polyatomic ion?
8. Which elements on the periodic table are normal, non-transition metals? (you do not need to list them all, just
make a statement about how/where to find them).
9. Which elements on the periodic table are transition metals? (you do not need to list them all, just make a
statement about how/where to find them).
10. When given the name of an acid, how can you tell if it is…
A. Binary?
B. an oxyacid that contains a polyatomic ion ending in ate?
C. an oxyacid that contains a polyatomic ion ending in ite?