Eastern Illinois University FIN 3300 Final Exam Topics Calculations will be required for items in bold. Income Tax Fundamentals 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) Internal Revenue Code: Treasury Regulations Revenue Rulings Private Letter Rulings United States Tax Court Small Tax Court Legislation Who Must File Filing Status Statute of limitations 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) Determination of Income Tax Liability Gross Income - “Above the Line Deductions” = AGI (Adjusted Gross Income) - Standard or Itemized Deductions -Personal and Dependency Exemptions = Taxable Income Tax Based on Filing Status Types of income Exclusions from income Income timing Above the Line Deductions Itemized Deductions Personal Exemptions Credits 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Child tax credit a) Phaseout amounts provided Adoption credit Child tax credit a) Phaseout amounts provided Hope and Lifetime Education credits a) Phaseout amounts provided Calculation of Tax a) Tax Tables provided Payments of Tax a) Withholding b) Estimated Payments Self-employment tax Trusts/Estates 1) 2) Trusts a) Types of trusts b) Income tax treatment of trusts Estates a) Probate estate b) Taxation of trusts Accounting Methods 1) 2) 3) Cash basis a) Constructive receipt Self-Employment Tax Partnerships a) Taxation b) Advantages c) Disadvantages S and C Corporations 1) 2) 3) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 1) 2) 3) S Corporations a) Taxation b) Requirements c) Losses C corporations a) Dividends LLCs/LLPs a) Taxation b) Requirements MACRS: tables provided Section 179 election Allocation of cost of an asset Depreciation recapture a) Section 1245: personal property b) Section 1250: real estate Listed property At-Risk Rules a) Real estate Passive Activity Losses a) Passive activity b) Rental activities c) Phaseout amounts provided Grouping of passive activities Depreciation Passive Activity Losses Alternative minimum tax 1) Calculation a) Preferences i) Incentive stock options (ISOs) b) AMTI Exemption c) Phaseout amounts provided d) AMT Credits e) Alternative minimum tax f) AMT Planning Techniques g) NQSOs 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Qualified organizations Amount deductible Substantiation IRA Contributions Charitable Trusts a) CRAT b) CRUT 1) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Capital assets: Long-term vs. short-term Basis Capital gains tax rates Capital losses Section 1231 gains and losses 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Qualifying property Gain recognized Basis in property received Basis in old property Related parties Forward exchanges Reverse exchanges Charitable Contributions Capital Gains and Losses Like Kind Exchanges and Capital Transactions 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) Specific identification Average cost Calls Puts Collars Installment sales Wash sales Sale of Personal Residence 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Marriage Penalty Married Filing Separate Property division Alimony Child support QDRO Marriage and Divorce 1) 2) Retirement Plans Defined Benefit vs. Defined Contribution Pension Plans a) Defined Benefit Plans b) Defined Contribution Plans i) Maximum contribution for the year c) Distributions: Pension Plan/Normal Retirement Age d) Joint and Survivor Annuity after retirement e) Distributions Prior to 59½ f) Minimum Distributions IRAs – Contribution Limit a) Traditional and Roth b) IRA Investment Options Employee Benefits 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) Employee Stock Purchase Plans (ESPPs) Stock Appreciation Rights (SARs) Restricted Stock Junior Stock Phantom stock Fringe Benefits Taxation of Fringe Benefits Group Medical Plans a) COBRA Provisions Group Term Life Insurance Group Disability Insurance Cafeteria Plan Flexible Spending Accounts Health Savings Accounts Voluntary Employees Beneficiary Association (VEBA) Salary Continuation Plans Group Long-Term Care Insurance Business Continuation Plans Split-Dollar Life Insurance Key Person Life Insurance 1) Which of the following sources of Federal income tax law is not drafted by the Internal Revenue Service? a) Internal Revenue Code b) Treasury Regulations c) Revenue Rulings d) Private Letter Rulings 2) Wanda Wright was assessed an additional $786,000 in taxes for failing to include income from watch sales on his 2008 Federal income tax return. In which of the following courts can Ms. Wright appeal this deficiency without payment of the disputed amount of income tax prior to hearing the case? a) United States Tax Court b) United States Tax Court small tax cases c) Both a) and b) d) Neither a) or b) 3) Tax a) b) c) d) 4) Which of the following statements is correct? i) The Internal Revenue Service will automatically refund any income taxes due to an individual who is not required to file a Federal income tax return ii) If an individual fails to file a Federal income tax return in 2008, the Internal Revenue Service can assess a deficiency 80 years later for taxes owed by the individual for 2008 iii) If a couple is married on December 31, 2008, they can file married filing joint for 2008 (a) i) and iii) (b) ii) and iii) (c) ii) only (d) iii) only 5) Which of the following does not reduce AGI? a) $1,000 of self-employed health insurance b) $1,000 of charitable contributions c) $1,000 of contributions to a Traditional IRA d) $1,000 of student loan interest 6) Which of the following is included in gross income of Merle Mizaur? a) A $13,000 gift she received from Beatrice Bushue b) $22,000 she inherited from her Aunt Edna c) A $2,000 gain on the sale of bonds issued by the city of Chicago d) A $175,000 gain on the sale of her home she has lived in for six years 7) Which of the following is included in gross income of Loretta Luce? a) $15,000 in disability insurance benefits from a policy she purchased b) $45 of pizza her employer provided when she was required to work overtime c) $600 of dividends which were reinvested into additional shares of the Dive Bomb international stock mutual fund d) A $3,000 scholarship which paid for her tuition at the University of Mattoon 8) Which of the following are not subject to phase out based on the amount of the taxpayer’s income? a) Itemized deductions b) Personal exemptions c) Hope education credit d) Traditional IRA deductions e) Mortgage interest expense 9) Medith and Melbert Mizaur have two children, Megbert and Meggplant. Megbert, age 22, is a graduate student at the University of Effingham and lives with his parents who provide all of his support. Meggplant, age 18, is married and files a joint return with her husband, L. Phunt. Megghead, age 2, is Megbert’s daughter and lives with the Mizaur’s. How many exemptions can the Mizaurs claim? a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 5 e) 6 legislation originates in: The Senate Finance committee The House Ways and Means committee The Treasury Department The House Committee on Taxation 10) Theodore Tumang purchased 100 shares of Infail for $10,000. He gave the shares to his neice Sally Smoes in 2004 when the 100 shares had a value of $3,000. Ms. Smoes sold the stock in 2008 for $9,000. What is the amount of capital gain Mr. Smoes will report in 2008? a) -1,000 b) 0 c) 6,000 d) 9,000 11) Milford and Maquerty Mizaur have AGI of $255,000. They have no children. What is their deduction for personal and depednency exemptions in 2008? a) 0 b) 7,008 c) 7,203 d) 7,268 e) 7,300 12) Merv and Mabel Mizaur had AGI of $700,000 in 2008. They had itemized deductions of $17,400. What is the amount of itemized deductions or stanard deduction they will be able to deduct on their Federal income tax return? a) 0 b) 1,404 c) 11,400 d) 12,068 e) 17,400 13) The a) b) c) d) e) first estimated tax payment of Federal income taxes for 2008 is due: Janaury 15, 2008 April 15, 2008 December 31, 2008 January 15, 2009 April 15, 2009 14) Beulah and Bluggy Bushue have AGI of $110,000 before a $3,000 loss from an apartment building in Charleston, Illinois. Bluggy works 650 hours per year mowing the lawn at the building and showing the apartments to prospective tenants. What is the amount of the loss for the apartment buidling the Bushues can deduct in 2008? a) 0 b) 1,500 c) 3,000 d) 5,000 e) 20,000 15) Leo and Lona Lewis go to a charity dinner-dance and pay $450 for the tickets. The fair market value of the ticket is $185. All proceeds from the event go directly to this qualified charity. They file a joint tax return and are aware that the value of the tickets is LESS THAN what was paid. The allowable charitable contribution on their federal tax return should be: a) $185 b) $225 c) $265 d) $450 16) Marvin Mizaur purchased a new combine for $96,000. It was the only equipment he purchased during the year. His income from farming prior to depreciation of the combine was $47,000. What is the maximum amount of Section 179 expense he can claim for the combine in 2008? a) 0 b) 47,000 c) 56,000 d) 96,000 e) 112,000 17) Sally Sackman purchased a honey wagon (seven-year property) for $71,000 on January 31, 2008. It is the only equipment she purchased during the year. What is the amount of depreciation she can claim in 2008 if her income from farming prior to depreciation was $7,000? a) 7,000 b) 10,146 c) 17,750 d) 35,500 e) 71,000 18) Which of the following is not a requirement for an S corporation? a) b) c) d) all shareholders must elect to have the corporation become an S corporation an S corporation must have a single class of stock only individuals may be S corporation shareholders an S corporation may have no more than 100 shareholders 19) Beulah Bushue owns all of the stock of Bushue Bricks, an S corporation. During 2008, the company had a loss of $31,000 and it made a distribution of $3,000 to the owner. What is the amount of loss Mr. Bushue can include on his Form 1040 if he had basis of $14,000 in the company’s stock at the start of 2008 and he made a loan of $10,000 to the business during the year? a) 11,000 b) 14,000 c) 21,000 d) 24,000 e) 31,000 20) Delilah Davis has a portfolio of $1,000,000 in his 401(k) plan at retirement. Academic studies have shown the maximum Mr. Yates should withdraw each year if he wishes to avoid the risk of “outliving his money” is: a) 10,000 b) 40,000 c) 80,000 d) 100,000 21) With a defined contribution plan, the employee has: a) Investment risk if the investments in the retirement plan decline in value b) Life expectancy risk if the employee lives longer than his life expectancy c) Both a) and b) d) Neither a) or b) 22) Which of the following is correct? a) If you are disabled, you can not withdraw funds from a defined contribution plan until you are 59 ½ b) An individual who is 61 years old must take a distribution from his Traditional IRA c) Both a) and b) d) Neither a) or b) 23) Which of the following would be preferable to hold in a retirement plan? a) An actively managed equity fund b) A double short Russell 5000 ETF c) A zero coupon corporate bond d) Shares of Citibank 24) What are the two largest sources of funds for the Federal government? a) Corporate income taxes and tariffs b) Social security taxes and corporate income taxes c) Excise taxes and corporate income taxes d) Individual income taxes and social security taxes 25) Beulah Bushue owns an apartment building with a value of $500,000 and an adjusted basis of $470,000. Boris Brown owns a dairy farm with a value of $320,000 and an adjusted basis of $110,000. Brown transfers the land and $180,000 to Bushue in exchange for the apartment building. What is the amount of taxable gain recognized by Bushue on the exchange? a) 0 b) 30,000 c) 180,000 d) 500,000 26) What is the amount of taxable gain recognized by Brown on the exchange? a) 0 b) 110,000 c) 180,000 d) 210,000 27) What is the amount of Bushue’s basis in the dairy farm after the exchange? a) 290,000 b) 320,000 c) 470,000 d) 500,000 28) What is the amount of Brown’s basis in the apartment building after the exchange? a) 110,000 b) 290,000 c) 320,000 d) 430,000 29) Mearl Mizaur purchased 200 shares of Dive Bomb mutual fund on July 28, 2001 for $12,000. On August 21, 2008, Mrs. Mizaur purchased an additional 200 shares for $20,000. On June 24, 2009, Mr. Mizaur sold 100 shares for $8,400. What is Mrs. Mizaur’s gain on the sale (loss) of the shares if she can’t specifically identify the shares sold? a) -7,600 b) -3,600 c) 400 d) 2,400 30) Which of the following is included in an employee’s taxable income? a) The use of a company car to drive from home to work b) Meals provided at the place of business due to employee’s being unable to leave work c) Both a) and b) d) neither a) or b) 31) Which of the following is included in an employee’s taxable income? a) Employer payment of employee’s dues at an athletic club located down the block from the employer b) Employer reimbursement of $2,000 of education expenses for an employee c) Both a) and b) d) neither a) or b) 32) Which of the following is included in an employee’s taxable income? a) Group-term life insurance coverage of $80,000 b) Sale of inventory to employees below cost c) Both a) and b) d) neither a) or b) 33) Which of the following is included in an employee’s taxable income? a) Employer reimbursement of $10,000 to assist an employee with an adoption b) Employer reimbursement of $600 per month for employee parking c) Both a) and b) d) neither a) or b) 34) On April 17, 2006, Delilah Davis received 500 shares of Intel with a value of $10,000 as a gift from her brother Delbert. He had purchased the shares in 1981 for $1,000. Ms. Davis purchased 200 additional shares of Intel for $6,000 on April 25, 2008. Then on May 30, 2008 she sold 100 shares for $3,200. If she can not specifically identify the shares she sold, Ms. Davis will have: a) a short-term capital loss of $2,800 b) a short-term capital gain of $200 c) a long-term capital gain of $1,200 d) a long-term capital gain of $3,000 35) On April 17, 2006, Dorkus Davis inherited 500 shares of Ameren with a value of $30,000 from her mother Dinji. She had purchased the shares in 1981 for $2,000. Ms. Davis purchased 100 additional shares of Ameren for $3,000 on April 25, 2008. Then on May 15, 2008 she sold 100 shares for $3,200. If she can not specifically identify the shares she sold, Ms. Davis will have: a) a long-term capital loss of $2,800 b) a short-term capital gain of $200 c) a long-term capital gain of $2,600 d) neither a capital gain or loss 36) On April 17, 2006, Doorbell Davis inherited 500 shares of Ameren with a value of $30,000 from her mother Dinji. She had purchased the shares in 1981 for $2,000. Ms. Davis purchased 100 additional shares of Ameren for $2,000 on March 25, 2008. Then on May 25, 2008 she sold 100 shares for $2,800. If she can not specifically identify the shares she sold, Ms. Davis will have: a) a long-term capital loss of $3,200 b) a short-term capital gain of $200 c) a long-term capital gain of $2,600 d) neither a capital gain or loss 37) Marvin Mizaur owns 1,000 shares of Google which he purchased for $60 per share. Mr. Mizaur is worried the price of Google stock may fall dramatically due to an earnings report to be released next week. Mr. Mizaur should: a) buy calls on Google stock b) sell calls on Google stock c) buy puts on Google stock d) sell puts on Google stock 38) Milford Mizaur owns 100,000 shares of Google which he purchased for $60 per share. Mr. Mizaur is worried the concentrated position he has in Google stock. His nephew, Telli Traore, a bright finance recommends a collar. This will require Mr. Mizaur to: a) buy calls on Google stock and sell puts b) buy puts on Google stock and sell calls c) sell calls on Google stock and sell puts d) buy puts on Google stock and buy calls 39) Calice and Calbert Cook have filed for divorce. You represent Alice. Which of the following assets should you recommend Calice seek in the property settlement? a) 1,000 shares of Petro Canada stock purchased for $32,000 with a current value of $50,000 b) 1,000 shares of Ameren stock purchased for $82,000 with a current value of $50,000 c) farm land purchased for $12,000 with a current value of $50,000 d) the Cook’ home which was purchased for $32,000 with a current value of $50,000 40) Which of the following is correct? a) The maximum payment for medical expenses from an HSA is $10,000,000. b) A pre-existing condition for medical insurance purposes is medical condition the insured had at birth. c) Both a) and b) d) Neither a) or b) 41) Group term life insurance coverage up to _________ is not taxable to the employee. a) 10,000 b) 50,000 c) 75,000 d) 100,000 e) 750,000 42) Sam Smoes earns $120,000 per year as an elephant trainer at the Mattoon Zoo. What is the maximum amount of disability insurance he will be able to purchase? a) 3,000 per month b) 5,000 per month c) 7,000 per month d) 10,000 per month e) 12,000 per month 43) Sam Smoes purchased a disability insurance policy which defines disability as being “unable to perform duties of his usual occupation”. After an elephant sits on Sam, he receives $3,000 per month from his disability insurance policy. Which of the following statements are correct? a) If Sam is able to regain feeling in his right arm and is hired by the Chicago Flubs as a “closer”, he will no longer be eligible for disability insurance payments. b) The disability insurance payments will not be subject to federal income tax. c) Both a) and b) d) Neither a) or b) 44) Which of the following statements are correct? a) Funds set aside for medical expenses in a flexible spending account are forfeited if they are not spent by the end of the year. b) To have a Health Savings Account an individual must be covered by a health insurance policy with a high deductible. c) Both a) and b) d) Neither a) or b) 45) A QDRO permits: a) the distribution of funds from a retirement account to an ex-spouse without payment of income taxes or penalty b) the distribution of funds from a retirement account to an ex-spouse requiring payment of income taxes but no penalty c) long-term care payments to be received by a spouse without payment of income taxes d) continuation of health insurance coverage for an employee changing jobs 46) Distributions more than five years after the funds were contributed to a _________ by an individual age 60 are not subject to income tax. a) Traditional IRA b) Roth IRA c) both a) and b) d) Neither a) or b) 47) Which of the following does not require the employee to purchase stock? a) phantom stock b) SARs c) Both a) and b) d) Neither a) or b) 48) What form of fringe benefits package allows an employee to select the fringe benefits she prefers? a) COBRA b) QDRO c) cafeteria d) VEBA 49) An employee can purchase permanent insurance for the cost of term insurance under a: a) split-dollar life insurance plan b) long-term care insurance plan c) key-man life insurance plan d) cafeteria life insurance plan 50) In order to postpone the taxation of compensation to a future year, an employee must a) Ask to defer the compensation to a later year prior to earning the compensation b) Have the risk of losing the deferred compensation if her employer becomes insolvent c) Both a) and b) d) Neither a) or b 51) Which of the following types of trusts allows an employee to defer the taxation of funds placed into the trust? a) Secular b) Rabbi c) Both a) and b) d) Neither a) or b 52) Payments received under which of the following is subject to FICA tax? a) phantom stock b) SARs c) Both a) and b) d) Neither a) or b) 53) Turtle Tumang had brain surgery so she could learn to tell time. Her major medical insurance policy had a $1,000 deductible and a 80/20 co-pay with a maximum out of pocket of $5,000. If the cost of the surgery is $21,000, what is the amount Cook will be required to pay? a) $1,000 b) $4,200 c) $4,600 d) $5,000 54) HSAs: a) Require a high deductible health insurance policy b) Permit tax-free earnings for funds used for medical expenses c) Both a) and b) d) Neither a) or b) 55) Transferring assets to an irrevocable trust: i) Reudces the probate estate ii) Reduces the taxable estate (a) i) only (b) ii) only (c) both i) and ii) (d) neither i) or ii) 56) Income from a grantor trust is taxed to: i) The grantor of the trust ii) The trust if the income is not distributed iii) The beneficiaries of the trust if it is distributed (a) ii) only (b) i) and ii) (c) i, ii) and iii) (d) i) and ii) (e) i) only 57) Calice Cook purchased an apartment building in 1985 for $220,000. She has taken a total of $190,000 of deprecation during the time she has owned the building. In 2008, she sells the building for $720,000. What is the amount of taxable income Cook will have from the sale in 2008? a) 0 b) 30,000 c) 190,000 d) 690,000 e) 720,000 58) Which of the following type of regulations represents primary authority? a) proposed b) temporary c) interpretive d) legislative 59) A taxpayer who is unsure of the tax treatment by the Internal Revenue Service for a transation involving a substantial amount of money may request a: a) revenue procedure b) technical advice memorandum c) revenue ruling d) private letter ruling 60) Mabel Mizaur’s husband Malph was fatally injured by a wayward elephant at the circus on December 24, 2007. The Mizaurs have a two-year old son, Malph, Jr. Mabel qualifies for married filing joint status for: a) 2007, 2008, and 2009 b) 2007 c) 2007, 2008 d) she must file as head of household for all years 61) Marvin Mizaur, who has a 35% marginal tax rate, purchased a 4 percent coupon bond issued by the city of Mattoon at par. The taxable equivalent yield for this bond is ___ . a) 1.4% b) 2.8% c) 6.15% d) 10.15% 62) Tu Tu Tumang, age 72, received $20,000 of social security benefits in 2008. What is the maximum amout of benefits that may be subject to income tax in 2008? a) $3,000 b) $4,000 c) $17,000 d) $20,000 63) Tommy Trakes purchased 10,000 shares of Jones Soda for $220,000. She sold all 10,000 shares three years later in 2008 for $40,000. What is the maximum amount of capital loss Trakes can deduct in 2008? a) 0 b) 3,000 c) 90,000 d) 180,000 64) What type of trust can accumulate trust income and make charitable contributions? a) complex b) simple c) accumulation d) complete 65) Which of the following assets included in a decedent’s estate would create IRD? a) $56,000 in a 401(k) plan b) $437,000 in life insurance proceeds c) a $320,000 home owned entirely by the decedent d) $791,000 of IBM stock owned by the decedent 66) Mutual agency: a) creates liability for the general partners for the acts of other partners related to the business b) creates unlimited liability for limited partners c) requires distributions from a grantor trust d) is required to form an LLC 67) Which of the following statements about S corporations is false? a) all corporations with one shareholder are automatically considered to be S corporations b) the corporation can only have one class of stock c) the corporation must have less than 100 shareholders d) generally there is no corporate income tax on S corporations 68) Which of the following is not a non-taxable fringe benefit for an employee? a) Reimbursement for $200 of parking expense each month b) $100 for a monthly pass on the Charleston Metro Authority commuter bus c) Flights from Chicago to Springfield on a charter plane owned by the state of Illinois at a cost of $4,900 per flight to allow the state governor to spend extra time combing his hair each morning d) Reimbursement for an employee moving household goods from Chicago to Springfield e) Lodging for a forest ranger 69) An individual under the age of 55 can contribute _______ to an HSA in 2009. a) 2,000 b) 2,900 c) 5,000 d) 5,800 e) 6,000