Exam 2 Key - Sites@UCI

W15 Anatomy D170 Exam 2
There are ___ questions total. You may keep this booklet – write all answers on the answer sheet.
You have Version A. Write “A” on the version space on your answer sheet.
Pick the best answer for each multiple choice question.
1. Which vertebra type has a transverse foramen and short spinous processes?
A. Cervical
B. Thoracic
C. Lumbar
2. Which rib articulates directly on the manubrium and not the body?
A. Rib 1
B. Rib 2
C. Rib 6
D. Rib 7
3. After your skateboarding accident, the physician reports she has found fractures in the coracoid
process. What bone did you break?
A. Ilium
B. Clavicle
C. Ischium
D. Scapula
4. Which is the best descriptor of a symphesis joint?
A. Found in itervertebral disks
B. Joint between first rib and sternum
C. Adjoining bones united by collagen fibers
D. Enclosed by an articular capsule
5. Muscle fibers are found in:
A. Endomysium (will also accept A)
B. Skeletal muscle
C. All muscle tissue
D. Involuntary muscle
6. Which of the following is the best description of brachioradialis?
A. This deep muscle flexes the forearm and is on the lateral side of the forearm
B. This deep muscle flexes the forearm and is on the anterior side of the forearm
C. This superficial muscle flexes the forearm and is on the lateral side of the forearm
D. This superficial muscle flexes the forearm and is on the anterior side of the forearm
7. Which muscle of mastication has its origin on the zygomatic arch?
A. Buccinator
B. Lateral pterygoid
C. Temporalis
D. Masseter
8. The teres minor muscle:
A. Flexes the arm
B. Lies superior to the infraspinatus
C. Has convergent fascicles
D. Inserts on the dorsal surface of the humerus
9. Afferent signals in the nervous system:
A. Come from sensory neurons
B. Originate in the CNS
C. Are part of the somatic motor system
D. Contain more than two processes
Short Answer
Write your answer on the answer sheet. Spelling counts.
10. The trochlear notch is on the anterior surface of the olecranon. What bone does it articulate with?
11. The projection of the coxal bone that bears your weight while sitting:
ischial tuberosity
12. The connective tissue surrounding a muscle fascicle is called:
13. The contractile unit of skeletal muscle is the:
14. In a muscle fiber, calcium is stored in the:
sarcoplasmic reticulum
15. This muscle is the prime mover of arm abduction, originates on the clavicle and acromion and spine
of scapula, and inserts on the humerus:
16. Name two movements produced by a muscle originating at the anterior inferior iliac spine, and
inserting at the patella and tibial tuberosity:
extends leg and flexes thigh (half credit for just “extends and flexes”)
17. If comparing a joint to a lever system and the elbow joint is the fulcrum, the muscle is the _______
and the forearm is the _________ .
effort, load
18. Which muscle from our reading notes inserts on the hyoid?
19. What rotator cuff muscle medially rotates the arm?
20. What structural class of neurons is most abundant in the body?
21. What gyrus is just caudal to the central sulcus?
22. What lobe is deepest inside the cerebral cortex?
23. What wrist bone has been broken in the xray? Scaphoid
24. What carpal bone from the proximal row
articulates medially with the broken bone?
25. Name the two bones involved in a saddle joint
in one of these x-rays
Trapezium and Metacarpal 1
26. What prominance and bone of the leg has been repaired in the x-ray?
Lateral malleolus of fibula
27. What medial movement of the sole of the foot will be painful?
This image is a transverse section of the right thigh.
28. What bone is this?
29. What muscle group is labeled R?
Quadriceps femoris
30. What is the most superficial muscle in group R?
rectus femoris
31. What muscle group is labeled W?
32. What anatomical direction is X?
This is a coronal section of a brain.
33. What part of the brainstem is labeled K?
34. G is labeling the anterior horn of what ventricle?
35. The crossing of the voluntary motor fibers at “H” is
called the:
Decussation of the pyramids
36. What lobe is marked M?
37. What commisure is labeled F?
Corpus callosum
38. What cells are making myelin in this image?
Extra credit question (up to full credit for this exam)
39. Study schedules often change as a quarter progresses. What percentage of your total study time for
this exam occurred before classes?