Final Notes on Growth and Saving 1 Agenda for this week • • • • • • Paper assignment Simulation of increased saving experiment Advanced macro on “optimal economic growth” An example from economics of global warming Alternative schools: Real Business Cycles Debt, deficits, and growth 2 Paper Assignment The paper should be 3 to 5 pages (double-spaced, printed, plus tables, figures, and references). It will count as 10 percent of the course grade. The paper must left in the box outside Ms. King’s office at 28 Hillhouse Avenue before noon on Thursday, December 10. Guidelines are that the paper must: (a) be a topic in macroeconomics, (b) consider economic history or policy, (c) present evidence and data, and (d) be an application of macroeconomic analysis. Some examples of topics would be the following: - Administration X’s theories and policies, and their successes and/or failures - The demise of the gold standard or Bretton Woods - The role of the housing price decline in the current recession - The legacy of Alan Greenspan, Paul Volcker, or Ronald Reagan - The macroeconomic effects of protectionism in the Great Depression. You should consult with your Teaching Fellow about your topic to make sure that it makes sense and to get ideas for sources. Consult rules on intellectual honesty and attribution, and don’t procrastinate. See notes on web site for further information. 3 3 Numerical Example of Budget Surplus in Neoclassical Growth Model Assumptions: 1. Production is by Cobb-Douglas with CRTS 2. Labor plus labor-augmenting TC: 1. n = 1.5 % p.a.; h = 1.5 % p.a. 3. Full employment; constant labor force participation rate. 4. Savings assumption: a. Private savings rate = 18 % of GDP b. Initial govt. savings rate = minus 2 % of GDP c. In 1992, govt. changes fiscal policy and runs a surplus of 2 % of GDP d. All of higher govt. S goes into national S (i.e., constant private savings rate) 5. “Calibrate” to U.S. economy of 1997 4 Impact of Increased Government Saving on Major Variables 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 35% Percent change from baseline 30% 25% 20% 15% Consumption per capita GDP per capita Capital per capita NNP per capita - Note that takes 10 years to increase C -Political implications - Must C increase? 10% 5% 0% -5% 5 -10% Results on Growth Rates: Growth rates of Potential 1982-1992 1992-2002 2002-2012 2012-2052 2052-2092 - NNP NNP per capita GDP per capita Consumption per capita 3.02% 3.28% 3.11% 3.03% 3.02% 1.50% 1.75% 1.59% 1.51% 1.50% 1.50% 1.97% 1.69% 1.53% 1.50% 1.50% 1.47% 1.69% 1.53% 1.50% Modest impact on growth in short run Consumption down then up No impact on growth in long run GDP v NNP (gross v. net; national v. domestic) 6 Return to question of whether can have too high a savings rate - Recall question from last time of whether C has to increase when S increases. - This involves the question of whether K is above the “Golden Rule” K. - Golden Rule = maximum sustainable level of per capita consumption - Simple algebra (consider only net output): Max f(k) – nk → f’(k) – n = 0 → r = n or real interest rate = growth rate 7 1. Find k** where net interest rate equals n. 2. At that point c is maximized. This is the golden rule savings rate. y = f(k) y Yale? c** = (1-s**)f(k**) (n+δ)k i = sf(k) k** k 8 More general approach: Ramsey-Koopmans model The Ramsey problem is to determine the optimal savings rate. Here, we treat that with labor-augmenting technological change and a specific utility function. max { ct } t 0 LtU (c t )e t dt c t C t / Lt (1 st ) F(K t , Et Lt ) dK t / dt st F(K t , Et Lt ) K t U (c t ) [(c t1 1) /(1 ) We can use different techniques. One is the "calculus of variations," which leads to the following "Euler equation": rt MPK t gt n , where gt rate of growth of per capita consumption In steady state, t his is: r * MPK * h n 9 Ramsey-Koopmans model (cont.) In the polar case of =h=0, this yields the Golden Rule. However, in cases with or h or >0, get higher r and lower net s. Conventional discounting: ρ = 2 % per year; h=2 %; n = 1 %; = 2 r = 5%; s** = 14% Stern (British economist) argues for low discounting: ρ = 0.1 %; h=1.3 %; n = 0 %; = 1 r = 1.4 %; s** = 31% Current US savings rate about 5 - 10 %! Policy importance: Say you are worried about the damages from global warming in 2000 yrs. Say damages are 50 % of output of $50 trillion plus growth - With conventional discounting, .5*50*exp(200*.02)exp(-.05*200) = $.061 - With Stern discounting, .5*50*exp(200*.013)exp(-.014*200) = $20.5 10 Example of modeling: Yale RICE model Regional Integrated model of Climate and the Economy Integrates economic growth, CO2 emissions, climate change, damages, and economic policy Relies upon: - Solow growth model - Ramsey-Koopmans optimal growth theory - Samuelson theory of public goods - wide variety of geophysical theories - Pigovian theory of externality taxes 11 Results of Solow-Ramsey-Koopmans model 60 GDP (trillions, 2005 US$) 50 40 US EU Japan Russia China India Latin America 30 20 10 0 2005 2015 2025 2035 2045 2055 2065 2075 2085 2095 2105 12 Integration with Climate model and alternative policies 6.0 Temperature Optimal Global mean temperature (degrees C) Baseline 5.0 Lim T<2 Copenhagen trade 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 2005 2025 2045 2065 2085 2105 2125 2145 2165 2185 2205 13 Growth Accounting (not covered in class) Growth accounting is a widely used technique used to separate out the sources of growth in a country relies on the neoclassical growth model Derivation Start with production function and competitive assumptions. For simplicity, assume a Cobb-Douglas production function with laboraugmenting technological change: (1) Yt = At Kt α Lt 1-α Take logarithms and time derivatives: (2) ∂ln(Yt)/∂t= gY = gA + α gK + (1 - α) gL In the C-D, α is the competitive share of K = sh(K); (1 - α) = sh(L). (3) gY = gA + sh(K) gK + sh(L) gL From this, we estimate the rate of TC as: (4) TFP growth = T.C. = gA = gY - sh(K) gK - sh(L) gL Note that this is a very practical formula. All terms except h are observable. Can be used to understand the sources of growth in different times and places. 14 Some applications (not to be covered) 1. Clinton’s growth policy (see above) 2. U.S. growth since 1948 3. China in central planning and reform period 4. Soviet Union growth, 1929 - 1965 The very rapid (measured) growth in the Soviet economy came primarily from growth in inputs, not from TFP growth. 5. Japanese growth, 1950-75 Japan had very large TFP growth after WWII. Wide variety of sources, including adoption of foreign [These are contained in the slides for growth theory.] 15 Classical themes in macroeconomics: Real Business Cycle Theory 16 Schools of Macroeconomics longrun Classical or non-classical? (sticky wages and prices, rational expectations, etc. Short run or long run? (full adjustment of capital, expectations, etc. shortrun yes no yes Classical or non-classical? (sticky wages and prices, rational expectations, etc. no Neo-classical growth model Marxist theories? Behavior growth theories? Malthusian trap models? Real business cycle (RBC); supply-side economics; structural models; misperceptions models Keynesian model (sloping AS, expectationsaugmented PC, IS-LM, etc.) Real Business Cycles Basic idea: cycles are caused by productivity shocks; these are propagated by changes in prices and then to labor supply. Model Details • Start with neoclassical growth model. • Remember decomposition of output growth from growth accounting: gY = α gK + (1-α) gL + θ, where θ = T.C. • Changes in output come from two sources: – Technological shocks: θ random. – Changes in labor force participation: assumes very high elasticity of labor supply with respect to wages. • This then generates random output fluctuations, which RBC school calls business cycles. RBC recession Price (P) AS’ AS P* AD Q* Real output (Q) 1.12 1.10 Price of GDP 1.08 AS2004:Q4 1.06 1.04 AS2001:Q1 1.02 1.00 9,800 10,000 10,200 10,400 10,600 10,800 11,000 Real GDP Policy implications of RBC models • Output shocks are exogenous phenomena (earthquakes, Internet revolution, terrorist strikes, wars, etc.). • No role for monetary or fiscal policies in cycle: – Economy and unemployment are efficient; no need for policies – Cycles are supply-driven, cannot use AD policies to stabilize output. – Money is “neutral” (M policy cannot affect real output), so cannot use M policy Problems in RBC models 1. Cyclical properties of classical models of the business cycle - Hard to explain deep recessions and depressions (1930s, 200709) as technological regress. 2. Money and output: is money neutral? - RBC predicts money neutral - F/S and Keynesians: much evidence that M is non-neutral 3. Labor market features (such as quits and Beveridge curve) Verdict: Economists deeply divided. Personal view: Keynesian approach has not developed a complete microeconomic justification, but it is most promising approach to understanding sources and policies for business cycles. Growth and savings in an open economy? • For small open economy – What happens if savings rate increases? – In this case the marginal investment is abroad! 23 Open economy growth with mobile financial capital ( r = world r = rw) NX = S - I S0 r = real interest rate r = rw Original NX deficit I(r) 0 I, S, NX 24 Open economy growth S1 S0 r = real interest rate Higher saving: 1. No change I 2. No change GDP 3. Higher foreign saving 4. Increase GNP, NNP Final NX surplus r = rw Original NX deficit I(r) 0 I, S, NX 25 y = f(kd)+rkf yd = f(kd) (n+δ)k sy kd k k 26 What if savings in an open economy? • For small open economy – What happens if savings rate increases? – In this case the marginal investment is abroad! – Therefore, same result, but impact is upon net foreign assets, investment earnings, and not on domestic capital stock and domestic income. – No diminishing returns to investment (fixed r=rw) – Will show up in NNP not in GDP! (Most macro models get this wrong.) • Large open economy like US: – Somewhere in between small open and closed. – I.e., some increase in domestic I and some in increase net foreign assets 27 1. Do Deficits Matter? The Ricardian Theory of the Debt 1. Robert Barro (Chicago/Harvard) introduced a theory in which deficits do not affect national saving or output. 2. Chicago view of households: They are "clans" or "dynasties" in which parents have children’s welfare in utility function: Ui = ui (ci, Ui+1) where Ui is utility of generation i and ci is consumption of generation i 3. This implies by substitution: Ui = ui (ci, ui+1(ci+1, Ui+2)) = vi(ci, ci+1, ci+2, ...) which is just like an infinitely lived person! 4. Important result: Barro consumers are like a life-cycle model with infinitely lived agents with perfect foresight: there will be no impact of anticipated taxes (or deficits) on consumption or on aggregate demand. 5. Controversial, but empirically questionable. Reasons are myopia, singles, liquidity constraints, non-altruistic parents. 28