Spanish III Honors syllabus - Pequannock Township High School

Pequannock Township High School
This is an Honors
Department of World Languages
Goal for this school year: COMMUNICATION AND READING
Course description: Honors Spanish III. This course is a continuation of your study of
Spanish at a much more rigorous pace. Continuing with the scope and sequence of the
text book, we will continue to build on vocabulary for communication and practical uses
of the language for everyday life. We will explore begin to use reading to help with the
latter. We will explore a little on Spanish history, such as the Spanish Civil war, and we
will explore the works of Pablo Neruda, renowned Spanish Poet. You will have many
oral vocabulary exams, readings, and graded conversations as well as unit tests, projects,
and even some short essays.
¡Ni me preguntan si
el material va a
estar en español!
Profesor: Daniel J. Rodríguez, MAT
Room: 307
Required Text : Buen Viaje II. Schmitt, Conrad J. and Woodford, Protase E.
Recommended Texts for personal use: Spanish -English dictionary and 501 Spanish
Verbs, By: Christopher Kendris and Theodore N. Kendris
Required Materials: A writing utensil, three ring binder with line paper in it, and a
positive open- mind to learn!!
Profesor’s Contact Information:
Office hours: The world language office is located directly across from the Library. I
am available after school Tuesday-Thursday from 2:55 - 3:45. Special appointments can
be made.
Student expectations
The general principals that apply in our class room are as follows:
1. Be prompted and prepared. Please arrive on time to class, and be
ready to be working. This includes the proper materials. Failure to do so
will result loss of credit for the day.
2. Be focused. Please give your full attention at all times in class, and be
courteous when another person is speaking.
3. Be respectful. Respect must be shown at all times to fellow peers,
teachers, administrators etc.
4. Always make your best effort. Learning a new language can be
challenging, don’t be discouraged about making mistakes, as is part of the
learning process. “I can’t do this, or I can’t pronounce that” are not acceptable
Anything that interrupts the flow of our class (arriving late, talking at
inappropriate times, etc) will yield the following consequences:
1st time: Verbal warning
2nd time: Detention and phone call home
3rd time: Student referred to administration.
* I reserve the right to skip directly to a higher consequence if I feel it is
Grading system (subject to change)
The grading system will be based on a percentage system.
The following areas have the following worth. Grades are available via
the internet. It is the student’s responsibility to monitor their grades and
come for extra help if needed. I will not chase you nor hunt you down to
re-do a test or quiz. You will see at the top of every quiz or test a
message to “see me” if I have a concern and you didn’t do well. At this
time you may be asked if you would like a second opportunity to rectify
your grade.
*Late homework assignments and projects WILL NOT be accepted.
Special circumstances will be considered.
* If you don't turn an assignment in on the date it is due it is a ZERO. I do not give
partial credit for late assignments. There are no extensions allotted for late work, unless
server circumstances.
Homework =10%
Classwork= 20%
Tests= 30%
Quizzes= 20%
Students are expected to adhere to the schools absents policy put forth by the BOE.
Students are expected to make up all work when absent in a timely manner. It is the
students responsibility to inquire on what they have missed during their absents i.e class
work, homework and other assignments.
Example: If you are absent the day of a test or quiz you are expected to make it up on the
following school day. This also goes for turning in assignments.
**************************************************(detach & return)
I have read the following and fully understand what is expected of me, and agree to these
terms. (Spanish III)
Print name_______________________ Signature_____________________________