Annette Miller Annette Miller has lived in Madison since 1989. She came to Madison to attend the University and graduated in 1992. She worked for eleven years for state government working providing policy, budget, and project management skills on topics such as new program development, workforce issues, and operational best practices. In 2003, she accepted an opportunity as a mayoral aide for the current Mayor of Madison to work on community and neighborhood issues. Most of her time and energy was directed towards issues related to low-income, fixed income, communities of color and other vulnerable populations. She developed many partnerships with groups who represented racial and ethnic populations, as well as non-profits and community based organizations that served those targeted populations. While at the Mayor’s office, Annette Miller, worked with local community-based organizations, neighborhood centers, and nonprofits to educate them about the City of Madison as well as partner on community-based projects. She was instrumental in coordinating and managing the Mayor’s Vision for Allied Drive, Neighborhood Resource Teams, Mayor’s Community Advisory Committee, Department of Civil Rights, and Allied Drive Taskforce on Strategies. She also helped create and build a young black professionals group. The purpose of that group was to network, socialize and create a sense of community in the greater Madison area with the overall goal of reducing the number of African-Americans who leave to more diverse communities. As a founder of the organization she served five years as Chair of the organization and in 2009 stepped down to help ensure future sustainability of the organization. After leaving the Mayor's Office, Annette moved on to work in the private sector for Madison Gas and Electric where she continues her work in the community. Annette Miller is a Community Services Manager for the company with the purpose of building partnerships and opportunities to help market and promote the programs and services of Madison Gas and Electric. She specifically works with communities of color, low income, fixed income and other vulnerable populations to help them connect to resources the company has available as it relates to energy, weatherization, and bill payment. She also acts as a bridge for these groups and connects them to employment and business related opportunities of the company. 33 Annette is married to Michael Miller, and they have three children in school, ages six to sixteen. Annette is very active in the community and her most notable role was serving on the Urban League of Greater Madison (ULGM), which she chaired for two-years as Board president. She was instrumental in the successful fundraising of the ULGM $4.1 million capital campaign that created the Center for Economic and Workforce Development located on Madison’s South Side. Since stepping down from the Urban League in 2010, she is still quite active and currently serves as Board of Director for SSM Healthcare of WI Board, Madison Foundation for Madison Public Schools, Madison College Foundation Board, Wisconsin Women's Business Initiative Incorporated (WWBIC) South Central Advisory Board, and an overall community activist. Her work has been acknowledged by various community and media outlets over the years for her passion and commitment to the community as follows: 2010 - Recipient of YWCA Woman of Distinction Award 2010 - Distinguished Service Award – Urban League Greater Madison 2009 - Community Leadership Award – Urban League Greater Madison 2009 - Profiled in Madison Magazine, Women’s Issue – May 2008 - Nominee for Athena Young Professional Award 2008 - Profiled in Business Watch as part of "Amazing Women in Business" 2008 – Juneteenth “Unsung Hero Award “ 2008 - Profiled in “Know Your Madison” in the Wisconsin State Journal 2007 - Awarded the Village People Water Bearer Award 2007 - Awarded African American Black Business Professional of the Year 2006 - Profiled in Madison Magazine and titled as a “Power Broker” 2005 - Recognized in UMOJA Magazine as a young community leader 2004 - Listed in Wisconsin Women's Business Directory as a Woman of Interest 2003 - Profiled in the Isthmus as an “up and coming leader” **Please Contact Annette Miller at 34