Code No: R41034
Set No. 1
IV B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, December - 2013
(Mechanical Engineering)
Time : 3 hours
Max. Marks: 75
Answer any Five Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. Why are non conventional machining processes preferred for hard materials? Explain.
2. Explain briefly with a neat sketch the principle and working of ultrasonic machining
3. Explain clearly with a neat diagram, Abrasive Jet Machining method. State also its
advantages, disadvantages and applications.
4. a) Explain chemical machining. Write its advantages and applications.
b) Explain the economic aspects of ECM .
5. Write short note on the following:
Dielectric Fluids
Wire EDM
Electric Discharge Grinding
Electrode materials in EDM
6. a) What is the working principle of Electron Beam Machining? What are its advantages,
disadvantages and applications?
b) Explain why EBM process is performed usually in a vacuum chamber.
7. Explain metal removal mechanism of PAM. How do you control surface finish?
8. What is the principle of Shaped tube electrolytic machining? Explain its advantages and
typical applications.
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Code No: R41034
Set No. 2
IV B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, December - 2013
(Mechanical Engineering)
Time : 3 hours
Max. Marks: 75
Answer any Five Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. a) What are the specific advantages of nontraditional machining methods over
conventional machining methods?
b) Explain why the mechanical properties of work piece materials are not significant in
most of the Non- traditional machining methods.
2. a) Write the important characteristics of USM .
b) Explain process parameters that can control MRR in Ultrasonic machining.
3. Explain the method of Water Jet Machining with a schematic diagram . Name the typical
materials that can be machined with Water Jet Machining.
4. a) Explain electro chemical honing and deburring processes with sketches.
b) Write short note on the following :
i) Tool Design of ECM
ii) Surface finish and Accuracy of ECM
5. a) Explain mechanics of metal removal in Electric Discharge machining.
b) Write the advantages, disadvantages and applications of EDM.
6. a) Explain the process parameters of Laser beam machining?
b) Explain the principle of Electron Beam machining in detail.
7. Explain Plasma Arc Machining with a neat sketch. State also its advantages,
disadvantages and applications ?
8. Discuss the differences between Magnetic Abrasive finishing and Abrasive Flow
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Code No: R41034
Set No. 3
IV B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, December - 2013
(Mechanical Engineering)
Time : 3 hours
Max. Marks: 75
Answer any Five Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. a) Make a comparison between conventional machining processes and non-conventional
machining processes.
b) Write the classification of modern machining processes.
2. a) Explain Economic considerations in USM.
b) Write the applications and limitations of Ultrasonic Machining.
3. a) Explain the method of Abrasive Jet Machining with a schematic diagram.
b) Write the advantages and applications of Water Jet Machining.
4. a) Describe Electro chemical grinding process with a sketch. State its applications.
b) Differentiate between Electro chemical machining and chemical machining.
5. a) Write the characteristics of spark eroded surface.
b) Explain the principle of Electric discharge machining with a neat diagram .
6. Discuss briefly with a neat diagram the principle of Laser Beam Machining. Give also its
advantages, disadvantages and applications.
7. a) Explain the process parameters of Plasma Arc Machining.
b) Write the applications of plasma in manufacturing industries.
8. What is the principle of Electro-stream drilling? What are its specific advantages?
Explain its applications.
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Code No: R41034
Set No. 4
IV B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, December - 2013
(Mechanical Engineering)
Time : 3 hours
Max. Marks: 75
Answer any Five Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. a) What are the main parameters to be considered while selecting a particular process
and why ?
b) What are the considerations in process selection of Non-traditional machining
2. a) Explain the mechanics of metal removal in Ultrasonic Machining.
b) Write advantages, disadvantages and applications of USM.
3. a) Explain the mechanics of metal removal in Abrasive Jet machining.
b) Write about the process variables in Abrasive Jet machining method.
4. a) Explain the principle and working of Electro chemical machining with a neat sketch.
b) Write the advantages, disadvantages and applications of ECM.
5. a) Explain Electro discharge grinding with a neat sketch.
b) Write about the surface finish and machining accuracy of EDM .
6. Write short note on the following :
a) Electron Beam Machining
b) Laser beam machining
7. What is plasma? How do you generate it? What are the applications of plasma in
manufacturing industry?
8. Write short note on the limitations of the following :
a) Abrasive flow finishing
b) Electro-stream drilling
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