
CrossSearch at the CrossRoads:
Federated Searching
at Georgia Tech
May 20, 2010
Lori Critz
Larry Hansard
Guy Leach
The implementation of CrossSearch, at the Georgia Tech Library,
was a team effort between technical services and public
services personnel to blend vendor-based (MetaLib) and open
source (Xerxes) software into a customized federated search
product. The presentation will focus on 4 areas of this
implementation: technical installation, configuration and
subsequent interface customization; the process for developing
a list of databases and subject categories; promotional efforts –
including embedding within existing research tools and the
campus course management system; and hands-on usability
testing with students across campus. Future implications, in
light of new developments with the Primo interface, will also be
Technical Installation
Interface Customization
What is XERXES?
• It’s an open source interface to the MetaLib
federated search software from ExLibris.
• It can be easily customized.
• It’s easy to add local features and
XERXES development
• XERXES was developed by David Walker from
the California State University System.
• Used by over 30 institutions around the world
including the Cal State University System,
Johns Hopkins University, Georgia State, New
York University, University of Notre Dame,
University of Oregon.
XERXES development
• XERXES is written in PHP and XSLT.
• Can be downloaded from
Why use XERXES
• MetaLib has a very hard to follow interface.
• MetaLib could not be customized easily.
• Authentication.
Quote from the University of London:
“MetaLib is possibly the worst and most
confusing library interface I have ever come
Installing the code
• Videos by David Walker
– Installing XERXES
– Advanced configuration
New updates from XERXES
• Detection of mobile devices
• Recommender service
• Using Primo Central
• Easy to edit XERXES (make edits to local
• Easy to upgrade.
• XERXES is installed locally.
• MetaLib is installed on a server at UGA.
• Development/production instance.
Georgia Tech’s Customizations
User Feedback
User Feedback-Good
• The search is fantastic! I found what I wanted
right away without having to search through
individual, often redundant databases.
Thanks...this is awesome!
• Worked great -- effective and efficient!
• I like the auto-search in multiple databases
rather than having manually select each one.
User Feedback-Bad
• Takes too long
• It's nice but i can't send search results to
• Doesn't work
Georgia Tech’s Customizations
Single Sign On
Quick Links
a List of Databases
Subject Categories
Making Decisions
• Who made the decisions?
– Some decisions were made in conjunction with GALILEO
– Local decisions made by MetaLib Task Force at GA Tech with feedback
from Subject Librarians
• How were decisions made?
MetaLib orientation and setup documentation
Visiting numerous MetaLib sites
Knowledge and experience of Task Force members and subject librarians
User feedback
• When were decisions made?
– Continuously
– Willingness to change
Key MetaLib Decisions
• Use for federated searching and for list of databases
• Three Tools / Pages:
– QuickSearch labeled “QuickStart”
– MetaSearch labeled “Multi-Database Search”
– Find Database replaced our List of Databases
• Determine which databases will be metasearchable
• Quick Sets and Categories & Sub-Categories
– QuickSets are metasearchable lists of databases preselected by the
– Categories & Sub-categories are subject divisions used to organize
databases in the Find Database page as well as the Metasearch page
Three Links/Tabs for the three tools in MetaLib
• Quick Start and Multi-Database Search provide metasearching functionality
• Find Database provides list of databases and links to search native interfaces
Creation of List of Databases in MetaLib
• Migration of previous CMS to MetaLib
– Manual transfer/entry of databases into MetaLib
– Developing policy for inclusion in List of Databases
– Maintaining two system for the past two years. Content Management
System used for List of Databases is also used to provide subject
• Activate or create titles in MetaLib
– If record exists you can edit and activate
– If no record exists you can create from scratch or copy an existing
Find Database—Title Tab
• Browse alphabetically by using menu
• Type in keyword and search
Find Database – Locate Tab
• Can search by using any combination of boxes:
--Title, Database Vendor, Category, Any Word, Type
Find Database – Category Tab
• MetaLib enables
the library to define a two-level hierarchy of
subject organization: Category and Sub-category
• All subjects have minimum of 3 sub-categories:
--Primary Databases, Related Databases and All
• Subject librarians can add sub-categories unique to the subject
List of Databases for Biology—Primary Databases
MetaLib database results list in Table View and Brief View
Categories & Sub-categories
• Started with general disciplines as the categories and
subject areas for the Subcategories
– Category: Engineering Sub-Category: Mechanical
– Many subject sub-categories had over 20 databases with no way of
further subdividing or grouping
• Changed and made the Subjects the Categories and
created Primary Databases and Related Databases
– Category: Engineering, Mechanical Sub-categories: Primary
Databases, Related Databases, All, etc.
– Librarians can create a variety of Sub-categories specific to their area
– Made the lists manageable and easier to use
Which Databases will be
• Is there a configuration or can one be written
– Search & Display in MetaLib
– Search in MetaLib & Link to native interface
• Are there resources that are metasearchable that
you choose not to make metasearchable
Shared resources
Limited users
Pay per search
Quality of metasearch results
QuickSearch (QuickStart)
• QuickSets are lists of databases preselected by the librarians
• Grouped by subject, format, or any combination of metasearchable databases
• Databases should be metasearchable with search & display configurations
Quick Sets
• General Research: a good place to start
– Includes four general databases: Academic Search Premier, Research
Library, JSTOR and Web Of Science
– Tried including the GT catalog but found that the results were
unsatisfactory. The patron often had to scroll through several book
records before finding an article
– This quickset is used as an article search box embedded on library home
• Format Quick Sets: News/Current Events, Reference
Sources and Library Catalogs
• Subject Quick Sets
– Tried subject quick sets but task force as well as librarians found that
many subjects were not adequately covered by metasearchable
– Other options for Subject metasearching provided by MetaLib
Metasearch (Multi-Database Search)
• Defaults to Quicksets
• User can select all or some of the databases in the Quick Sets
Metasearch (Multi-Database Search)
• Users can select search type:
– Quick Sets, Categories, or Locate
Select Search type “Categories”
• The same subject categories and sub-categories used for Find Databases
• Can search an individual database by clicking on the linked title
Multi-Database -- Category search
• Category displays databases within one subcategory
• Users must check the boxes next to databases to include in metasearch
• ALL displays all databases without subcategories
MetaLib Search Progress screen
• Search progress screen displays the databases titles, status of the search,
records found and records retrieved
MetaLib Search Results Screen
• Metalib uses various icons to indicate full-text, peer review, add to cart
• Displays several facets for narrowing the search results
Experience with MetaLib
• Customized many aspects including terminology,
defaults, and some display elements but wanted to
do more
• Determined that using three tools/pages was not as
simple as we wanted
• Determined that the functions on each page were
not as simple as we wanted
• Attempted more advanced customization but found
these changes to be difficult
• Investigated Xerxes open-source overlay software as
an alternative to the MetaLib interface
Databases Tab on Library Home Page
• Provided alphabetical menu for access by title
• Databases by subject drop down menu
Xerxes Databases Page
• Simple alphabetical list with navigation at top
• Standard Quick Links for additional navigation
Article Tab on Library Home Page
• CrossSearch box searches General Research Quick Set
• GT CrossSearch by subject goes to new page with subject categories
Xerxes Metasearch Page
• Metasearch QuickSearch box (CrossSearch) and subject links on a single page
• Access to List of Databases through right-hand menu
Individual Subject Category Page
• Displays the Categories and Sub-categories from MetaLib
• Metasearch (CrossSearch) function available though link labeled Biology
Metasearch (CrossSearch) box
• Primary databases will be searched via the CrossSearch box
• User can change (add/subtract) databases by checking/unchecking boxes
Xerxes Search in progress screen
• Displays the databases being searched, the status and the hits
• Search Status bar gives an easy to view graphic of search progress and
Search Results
• Uses icons and text for full-text, peer review, saving records
• Xerxes allowed set up for personal space:
-- My Saved Records & My Custom Search
Xerxes: Observations
• Open-Source software provides interface with
simplified layout and increased functionality
– Two pages: List of Databases page & Metasearch page
• Uses the Quicksets, Categories & Sub-categories
and database information from MetaLib
• Allows users to create personal space
– My Saved Records
– My Custom Search: create their own combination of databases
• Can work right out of the box, but also allows for
Promotional Efforts
Marketing Tools
Library Blog entries
“What is CrossSearch?” webpage
Website tabbed search box
Marketing Tools
We created handouts/flyers to guide
users …
Marketing Tools
Blog entries …
Marketing Tools
Marketing Tools
Tabbed search box provides “general” CrossSearch and link to
subject offerings …
Marketing Tools
New website integrates CrossSearch into toolbar …
Research Guides
Old homegrown guides with embedded CrossSearch box ….
Research Guides
Research Guides
Research Guides
Research Guides
New LibGuides with embedded CrossSearch box …
Google Widget
Google Widget has a “Quick Article Search” tab for the General
CrossSearch option …
T-Square Integration
• Sakai (open source) Course Management System
• Developing new TOOL that will allow instructors
to include embedded link to appropriate
CrossSearch list
• Programming is underway
• Next step will be to develop a match between
CrossSearch options and each GT course offering
• Some CrossSearch options will need to be
Usability Testing
Usability Testing
• Conducted 2 hands-on sessions with
undergraduate students
• Used a laptop & set up in Commons/Café area
• Offered candy incentive to spike their interest
• Presented scenarios and did a “talk through”
• Several themes emerged from testing – need
for better visibility/terminology/consistency
• Currently revising the interface based on
You are in an undergraduate
LCC/English class and need to locate articles on the use
of symbolism in Hawthorne’s “The Scarlet Letter.” Show
us how you would do this.
From your results, lead us to the full-text of one article.
SCENARIO #2: For a psychology class your professor has
asked that you use the PsychInfo database to find 3
recent journal articles on Schizophrenia. Show us how
you would do this.
SCENARIO #3: Your professor has asked you to locate an
article in the ACM database. Show us how you would
navigate to this database.
• SCENARIO #4: For your biology class, you need to
use scholarly articles for your term paper on Stem
Cell Research. Show us how you would search
MULTIPLE databases simultaneously on this topic.
Once you get your results, show us; how to access
the full-text of the articles; how to SAVE three
records (and then access the saved list); and how to
PRINT the RESULTS you got.
– Once you have run this search, show us how you could
access the results from just ONE of the databases
– Show us how you could change the combination of
databases searched.
Additional Questions Asked
Does the terminology “databases by subject” make sense?
If not, what would you recommend?
Did you consider using the ‘Databases A-Z List’ or
‘Databases by Subject’ (whichever one they didn’t use)?
Do you think the CrossSearch box should be located on the
initial subject page?
If you could redesign this page, how would you do it?
What did you think of the color scheme?
Were there any navigational links that you were looking for
or would like to see?
Are there any that should be more prominent?
Additional Questions Asked
Did you look for help information/link?
Would you use
one and what should it be called?
What did you most like about CrossSearch?
What did you like the least?
On a scale of 1-10 how would you rank the ease of use.
On a scale of 1-10 how would you rank your satisfaction
with the search results.
Have you used CrossSearch from the home page. The single
article search box
Have you used the subject CrossSearch pages before today?
Would you consider using it now?
Is there anything else you want to comment on about this
search system?
• Scenarios needed ‘tweaking’ to get at issues
we wanted to address
• Graduate students and faculty may have very
different views
• There are several recommendations that could
not be addressed due to inherent features of
the system
• Additional round of testing needed after
changes are implemented
Add a KEYWORD option to search, along with ALL FIELDS option.
Change “Check For Availability” wording to “FINDit@GT” for
consistency, or choose more obvious wording ---- and, move this
link/option closer to article title (to increase visibility as several
students remarked it was not obvious/visible to them)
Make MY SAVED RECORDS and MY DATABASES folders larger/bolder.
Move MY SAVED RECORDS to top or side of results list.
Add a PRINT icon (if possible); if not, add instructions saying use
FILE/Print or CTL/P.
QUICK LINKS heading text/font needs to be BIGGER/BOLDER, as do
the individual links under it.
CrossSearch box should be more obvious – use colored box perhaps
or make larger/bolder.
Overall font size on page needs to be increased.
On CrossSearch boxes, the “Search multiple databases
simultaneously …” message should be ABOVE search box, and
larger/bolder. They liked this wording however!
SAVE RECORD link needs to “show” a record has been saved –
perhaps add a message “record has been saved.”
In subjects listings, add option to be able to select an entire
“category” (e.g. Primary, Related, …) to search.
The link from the Library’s homepage should be obvious and lead
directly to CrossSearch (perhaps linked under Search & Find).
“Search a handful of our most popular databases …” needs to say
Add brief phrase of explanation to each database on subject lists
(students said they will not click on “I” for more info).
Make it more obvious that individual titles of databases are
“clickable” to search them individually.
Divided response on need for CrossSearch Box or link to CrossSearch
on subject pages – a change is probably not needed at this point.