Glycolysis & Krebs Cycle HW

Glycolysis & Krebs Cycle HW
Due Monday, November 9
Cell Respiration lab due on Monday, November 9.
1. Contrast glycolysis with cell respiration, citing such factors as locale, oxygen use,
energy yields, and type of phosphorylation used.
2. Briefly describe the two means by which ADP is phosphorylated.
3. How does glycolysis differ from fermentation?
4. What is the purpose of NAD in glycolysis? Why must it be constantly recycled?
5. Suggest a reason for the phosphorylation of glucose at the start of glycolysis.
6. How many energy-consuming steps occur in glycolysis? Energy-yielding steps? What
is the net gain in ATP?
7. What does a fermenter gain by the reduction of pyruvate in the fermentation reactions?
8. Briefly describe the chemical steps in the alcohol fermentation of pyruvate.
9. Describe what is meant by the term facultative anaerobe and cite an example.
10. Explain the chemical steps leading from pyruvate to lactate.
In which organism is lactate a waste product?
11. Explain how an "oxygen debt" arises and how it is paid off.
12. Summarize the reactions which occur to allow pyruvate to enter the Krebs cycle.
13. What is the overall purpose of the citric acid cycle (Krebs cycle)
14. What is the total yield of NADH? FADH2?
15 How much ATP is generated by the cycle?
Oxidative Phosphorylation
16. Briefly describe the organization of the inner membrane components of the
Include the electron and hydrogen transport system and the Fl particles.
17. Describe the path of electrons and protons from NADH as they cross the cristae
membrane. Where do they start and end? How many protons cross the membrane in each
18. Compare the proton pumping capabilities of FAD and NAD+. Why is there a
19. What is the ultimate fate of all electrons passing through the ETS of the
20. Briefly describe the chemiosmotic differential in the mitochondrion.
21. Where do protons accumulate? What is the nature of the differential?
22. Describe the events surrounding the phosphorylation of ADP. How many protons