Tutorial support - University of Exeter

L3 Certificate in
Leadership and
Candidate and Assessment Pack
Clive Betts
Centre Co-ordinator
ILM Candidate Pack L3 Cert L&M 2012/13 July 2012
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Introduction to the ILM L3 Award in Leadership and
The ILM Level 3 Award in Leadership and Management aims to give practising or potential
middle managers the foundation for their formal development in this role. The qualification
does this by developing basic management skills and assisting participants in gaining the basic
knowledge required at this level.
Are you a Middle Manager?
The following profile is provided to help you confirm that this is the right qualification for you.
Middle Managers:
may engage in some of the tasks performed by their fellow team members, but
this is not their primary function
are practising managers who engage more extensively in managerial tasks in
which other team members do not engage
have a wider span of control, responsibility, authority or power and a greater
degree of autonomy than a team leader
have to make decisions which have some resource implications
have to initiate actions in relation to the employment of others (eg, be involved
in, but not decide about recruitment decisions or disciplinary matters)
have to operate with less supervision and control by others
plan work looking several weeks or months ahead (the team leader’s time
horizons tends to be days or weeks ahead at most)
have a greater knowledge than team leaders of specific requirements of
customers or suppliers (conversely they are not likely to make decisions about
varying terms of trading with customers or suppliers)
may deal with similar problems to team leaders, but require superior technical
knowledge and more subjective judgements that demand understanding of
relationships between people working together (this may extend to the
relationship between customer or supplier and the employing organisation or
other market related criteria)
What distinguishes middle managers from more senior managers is that they have very
limited budgetary responsibility.
They may make decisions about resource utilisation but the budgetary accountability for these
resources exists at a higher level.
They are also limited in the range of decisions they can make compared to more senior
managers, with all delegated decision making heavily circumscribed by rules or procedures.
Overview of the ILM Certificate programme
The Level 3 Certificate in Leadership and Management consists of six core Units, plus one
optional unit from a list of five. All are delivered as standalone workshops and which detailed
in the Scheme of Work below.
In addition to these Units candidates will also attend a mandatory induction and will receive
tutorial support by email and face-to-face from nominated tutors.
A summary of the whole programme is presented in the table below.
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Overview of the Level 3 Certificate in Leadership and Management
Core units
Learning component
Induction workshop (2 hours)
This workshop will give you all the basics you
need to know about the programme, the
assessment process, record keeping and so
The workshop supplements this handbook.
New Managers Programme (upto 10 hours)
A suite of workshops that gives new
managers an overview of the management
scene at the University and offer a chance to
identify the resources and support available.
There is also an opportunity for new
managers to network and learn from more
experienced staff. (This is optional for
experienced managers)
D/503/9326 Solving problems and making decisions
(1 day)
Guided reading with preparatory work.
L/503/9340 Developing yourself and others (half
day plus 1-1 support)
Pre-course activity in the form of a diagnostic
test with interpretative work.
J/503/9353 Understanding performance
management (1 day)
Guided reading with preparatory work.
K/503/9328 Understanding innovation and change
in an organisation
These two Units are covered in the 2 (halfday) sessions on Change Management
H/503/9330 Planning change in the workplace
T/503/9350 Managing workplace projects
Two half day sessions.
Coaching and mentoring day
A scheduled session with 1-1 slots where you
will receive group and 1-1 coaching and
mentoring support on any of the topics in
this programme or related to the
Tutorial Support
You receive 1-1 and group tuition throughout
the Team Leading course
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Optional Units
Learning component
Writing for business
Half-day workshop plus pre-reading.
Understanding customer service
standards and requirements
Half-day workshop plus pre-reading and
pre-workshop activity.
Understand how to lead effective
Half-day workshop.
Understanding health & safety in the
Half-day workshop plus risk assessment.
Understanding stress management in
the workplace
Comprehensive online learning resource
plus 2 X 1.5 hour workshops.
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Scheme of Work for the Award in First Line Management
Level 3 Award in First Line Management (12 core credits + choice to a minimum of 14 credits / 55 guided learning hours)
Method of delivery or
ILM Induction and Assessment Workshop
Learning Outcome
An outline of the qualification and the related learner support available (including the Study Guides which can
be downloaded from www.i-l-m.com)
ILM studying membership and benefits
The aims of Team Leading development
Expectations of, and benefits to, the individual and where relevant, their employer
Format of the programme – content, hours, attendance, delivery methods, etc
The assessment requirements, including assessment criteria
Roles and responsibilities of centre staff, learners and ILM
Learning and study skills, including reference to use of library, internet and any open or on-line learning to be
Information on tutorial support, advice and guidance, equal opportunities, appeals procedures, authenticity and
Guided learning hours
Total 2 hours
Guided reading
Candidate & Assessment Pack
Assessment method
Not applicable
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Title of activity and
method of delivery
New Managers Programme (optional for experienced managers)
Learning Outcome
Guided learning hours
Guided reading
Assessment method
Management and governance of the University (How the University works – decision making and governance
Goals and targets of the University (Goals and targets workshop)
HR policies and guidelines for managers (HR website)
Managing absence and performance (Managing staff performance and absence workshop)
Shared experiences with other new managers (the Management Forum)
Insights from experienced staff in a range of management roles (the Management Forum)
Total 10 hours + (distributed over whole programme)
University policies
University website
You e-Develop resources
Not applicable
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Title of activity and
method of delivery
Workshop: Solving problems and making decisions (core)
 Identify a problem at work that needs to be resolved. Think about what has caused this to arise and what the
consequences are if it is not resolved.
 Definition of a problem and Objective setting
 Problem solving techniques including brain storming and creative thinking
 Cause and Consequence Mapping & Fishbone
 Other tools: Pareto, Paired Analysis, Process Mapping, Paired Comparison, Why, Why Diagrams etc.
 Problem Statement grid
 Defining Decisions and analysing decision making problems
 Using statistics, charts, diagrams in interpreting and presenting data
 Decision Making Options and Tools
 Evaluating the Solution: progress review meetings, evaluation tools.
D/503/9326 Solving problems and making decisions:
Learning Outcome
Know how to describe a problem, its nature, scope and impact
Know how to gather and interpret information to solve a problem
Know how to evaluate options to make a decision
Know how to plan monitor and review the implementation and communication of decisions
Total 10 hours:
Guided learning hours
Guided reading
Assessment method
(optional) New Managers Programme
Guided reading
Adair ‘Decision Making & Problem Solving’
Tudor Richards ‘Creativity & Problem Solving at Work’
Online ILM resources from the Learning Zone.
Online resources on You e-Develop
Identify a workplace problem and ways to resolve it
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Workshop: Developing yourself and others (core)
Pre work:
Delegates to review their Job Description and Person Specification together with their own skills and
experiences. Delegates to prepare a personal statement and CV demonstrating their suitability for the role.
 Delegates to bring with them their Personal Performance and Development Objectives.
Title of activity and
method of delivery
Tutor input on SWOT analysis
Delegates to carry out a SWOT analysis for themselves in their current role, using their pre work
Tutor input on the hierarchy of objectives, i.e. that department and individual objectives should be based on
those of the organisation as a whole
Group review of the University of Exeter objectives against their own and discussion
Tutor input on the Development Cycle followed by small group work
Interactive exercise to identify the ways in which current competence of self and others can be established to
include; feedback from others, SWOT, testing etc.
Tutor input on identifying development needs and training needs analysis, followed by an individual activity
relating to the development of a member of their team.
Tutor input on development objectives followed by an activity to consolidate learning
Group work to establish learning and development opportunities for each of the different learning styles
(Activist, Theorist etc. covered in the Course Induction)
Delegates to prepare their own development plan and discuss in pairs
This will be delivered using:
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Plenary, small group and individual work
Reflective exercises, participative group work and small group practical sessions
Tutor Input and Tutorial Support
Use of DVD’s, case studies, etc. as appropriate to the content
Identification of relevant policies and procedures within the University
Assessment of learning by way of Reflective Review
A Learning Log will be provided for all delegates to use to participate in the learning on the day and to support
transfer of learning to the work place.
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Learning Outcome
Know how to identify development needs
Know how to develop self and others to achieve organisational objectives
Total 8 hours:
Guided learning hours
Guided reading
Assessment method
Developing yourself and others workshop
(optional) New Managers Programme
Guided reading
You e-Develop resources
ILM resources
Work-based assignment
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Workshop: Managing performance (core)
Method of delivery or
Learning Outcome
Guided learning hours
Guided reading
Assessment method
 Who are stakeholders?
 Refresher on SMART objectives and alignment of objectives with Organisational Objectives and Vision.
 Performance Equation
 Performance standards and ways of measuring standards.
 Variances in performance and the conduct versus capability model.
 Case studies
 Performance Counselling Meetings
 “I’d like a word with you” DVD
 Group discussion.
 Reflection
 Action planning
J/503/9353 Managing performance:
 Understand the value of assessing performance to meet organisational and individual needs
 Know how to manage performance of individuals in the team
 Understand the value of feedback in the workplace
 Know how to manage performance
 Know how to manage underperformance in the workplace
Total 12 hours:
Managing performance workshop (7 hours plus pre-course work)
(optional) New Managers programme
Managing staff performance and absence workshop (3 hours)
Guided reading
You e-Develop resources
University websites (especially HR)
Reflective review in a workplace context
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Workshop: Change Management (core)
Method of delivery or
 The role of change in the survival and prosperity of organisations
 The principles of change management
 Direct and indirect aspects of innovation and change – people, departments and organisations
 Barriers to change and innovation – how to identify them and other difficulties in implementing change
 The role and responsibilities of the manager in helping others through change
 Planning for change
 The role of communication in successful implementation of innovation and change
J/503/9353 Understanding innovation and change in the workplace:
Learning Outcome
Understand innovation and change in an organisation
Understand how to plan, monitor and review the implementation and communication of innovation and change
in an organisation
Understand the effects of innovation and change on people and teams in an organisation
H/503/9330 Planning change in the workplace:
 Understand the forces for change in an organisation
 Know how to identify and plan change in an organisation
Total 9 hours:
Guided learning hours
Guided reading
Assessment method
Change Management workshop (7 hours plus pre-course work)
(optional) New Managers programme
Guided reading
You e-Develop resources
University websites (especially HR)
J/503/9353 Understanding innovation and change in the workplace: Reflective review in a workplace context
H/503/9330 Planning change in the workplace: Reflective review in a workplace context
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Workshop: Project management (core)
Method of delivery or
How to adapt a project if there is a significant change in scope, time or budget.
Basic tools to manage issues, risks and actions.
Setting up and running a project team and project governance.
Project reporting.
How cost, time and quality can influence your project.
The difference between risks and issues and how to manage them.
How to set up a project team and run team meetings.
Why you need project governance and how to choose the most appropriate format for your project.
T/503/9350 Managing workplace projects:
Learning Outcome
Know how to manage a simple workplace project
Understand the financial and non-financial implications of a workplace project
Total 9 hours:
Guided learning hours
Guided reading
Assessment method
Project Management workshop (7 hours plus pre-course work)
(optional) New Managers programme
Guided reading
You e-Develop resources
University websites (especially HR)
Work-based assignment (manage a project)
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Workshop: Business writing
Method of delivery or
Learning Outcome
Choose the right method of communication
University guidelines
University documents – problems and resolutions; Emails – burden and benefit
Planning your document
o Clarify your purpose with your readers in mind
o Brainstorm your ideas
o Produce a rough draft
o Figure out how to get your reader’s attention
o Make it sticky
 Using the most effective words and layout
o Make it concise – sentences, phrases and words
o Make it airy – Basic rules of layout and styles; The University style guide
o Make it short – the one page rule
 Make it even better – what do others think?
M/503/9331 Writing for business:
Know how to write for business
Total 8 hours:
Guided learning hours
Guided reading
Assessment method
Business Writing course (3 hours plus pre-reading and pre-workshop exercise)
Guided reading
Chip and Dan Heath (1998). Made to Stick. Publ: Arrow Books
Dr Robert Cialdini. Influence – the psychology of persuasion. Publ: Collins.
You e-Develop resources
Write a business document
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Online course: A Managers Guide to Stress :
Method of delivery or
The differences between pressure and stress.
Indentifying the symptoms of stress in yourself and others
How to be able and willing to take action.
Reducing unproductive pressures in terms of expectations, behaviours, management styles, policies,
procedures, systems etc.
Avoiding pushing anyone (including yourself) beyond their peak performance.
Measuring success in creating the `can do but caring culture.
Y/503/9342 Managing stress in the workplace:
Learning Outcome
Understand how to manage own stress and minimise stress in others
Know how to support individuals in the team
Total 8 hours:
Guided learning hours
Guided reading
Assessment method
A Managers Guide to Stress online course (8 hours)
Introduction to managing staff at Exeter workshop
Guided reading
Resources in A Managers Guide to Stress (https://exeter.marshallacmtraining.co.uk)
You e-Develop resources
Reflective review in a workplace context
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Tutorial support
Tutorial support in a mentoring and coaching fashion is provided in a 1 day scheduled session. This
session will be held on site.
As this support is an important part of the programme, people will be asked to book themselves onto
this day which will include 1-1 slots. In addition, Lisa and Sandra will be available to offer tutorial
support on delivery days. This will be either individual tutorial time or group tutorial time.
Additionally you will receive 1-1 tutorial support during your submission of assessments and there is
also an assessment workshop to support you after your learning programme.
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Assessment Pack
Introduction to assessment used for this qualification
You will be required to submit a variety of pieces of work for the Units as described in the
Scheme of Work for this qualification. These are summarised in the table below. Each Unit has
clear assessment criteria which you will need to meet in our submitted work. Although there are
recommended lengths of submissions (and the amount of time needed to achieve this) these
are not strict – it is up to you to make sure your piece of work meets all the assessment criteria
and is clear and concise.
Please structure your work using the headings in the Assessment Guide for each Unit (contained
at the end of this document).
Submitting drafts
You are encouraged to submit drafts to your assessor (notified during the Assessment
workshop) prior to your final submission. You may submit a maximum of two drafts prior to final
submission. Any further drafts submitted will be treated as a final submission and will be
marked accordingly.
Failing to meet the assessment criteria
If a final submission still fails to meet all the criteria you will be asked to re-submit your work
after further work which will be indicated when you are given feedback by your assessor. You
are allowed one re-submission.
After this you will be required to pay an assessment fee (varies with qualification, currently – L2
= £25; L3 = £30; L4 = £40) for every re-submission for that Unit.
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Summary of assessments for this qualification
The Certificate can only be achieved if all the core units are completed plus at least one from the
list of optional units listed below.
Core units
Learning component
Assignment task
Solving problems and making
Identify a problem and ways to resolve it
Developing yourself and others
Work-based assignment
Understanding performance
Reflective review in a workplace context
Understanding innovation and change
in an organisation
Reflective review in a workplace context
Planning change in the workplace
Reflective review in a workplace context
Managing workplace projects
Work-based assignment
Optional Units
Learning component
Assignment task
Writing for business
Write a business document
Understanding customer service
standards and requirements
Reflective review in a workplace context
Understand how to lead effective
Reflective review in a workplace context
Understanding health & safety in the
Reflective review in a workplace context
Understanding stress management in
the workplace
Reflective review in a workplace context
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Assessment Guides
D/503/9326 Solving problems and making decisions
Assignment Task for Unit: Identify a workplace problem and ways to resolve it.
Identify a workplace problem facing you or your team (or a team within another organisation if you are
currently unemployed) and examine ways to resolve it.
For the purposes of this assignment, ‘problem’ may be interpreted as ‘a deviation from the norm’ OR ‘an
improvement opportunity’ OR ‘a potential or anticipated problem’.
You should plan to spend up to 10 hours researching your workplace context, preparing for and writing
or presenting the outcomes of this assignment for assessment. The 'nominal' word count for this
assignment is 1200 words; the suggested range is between 1000 and 2000 words.
Check your assignment carefully prior to submission using the assessment criteria.
Please use the sub-headings shown below when
structuring your Assignment
Assessment Criteria
Briefly describe your organisation, what it does, and
your role within it.
 This aspect is not assessed, but is
designed to help the assessor understand
the context of the information you provide
throughout the remainder of this
Present situation (Analysis of the problem)
What the problem is and what may have caused
Its scope (e.g. how widespread, how often, how
much etc).
Who, how and what it affects in the
What you are trying to achieve by solving the
What the result would be if no action is taken.
Investigation and identification of possible
solutions to the problem
Briefly describe possible solutions to the problem. To
do this you must gather and interpret information to
identify possible solutions.
 Describe a problem, its nature scope and
impact (12 marks)
 Gather and interpret information to identify
possible solutions to a problem (24 marks)
 Prepare a summary of the options
providing facts and evidence (16 marks)
The evidence you gather should be fact supported by
evidence and not just your opinion.
Evaluation of possible solutions
Evaluate the possible solutions using a simple decision
making technique to arrive at the best solution. Your
evaluation should include human, material and
financial resources.
 Apply a simple decision making technique
to evaluate options to arrive at the best
solution (24 marks)
State your chosen solution clearly and concisely.
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Recommend implementation plan to solve the
Provide an action plan for the implementation and
communication of the solution. Your action plan should
include actions, timescales and required resources
including people.
 Plan the implementation and
communication of the decision (16 marks)
 Describe which monitoring and review
techniques could be used to evaluate
outcomes (8 marks)
Briefly describe the monitoring and review techniques
you could use to evaluate the effectiveness of your
chosen solution.
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L/503/9340 Developing yourself and others
Assignment Task for Unit: work-based assignment
The purpose of this unit is to develop knowledge and skill in identifying and development needs and
planning for their achievement.
This task requires you to analyse your own and one other member of your team’s development needs
and learning styles. You should decide how you will plan to meet these development needs, what
support mechanisms are available and how the development can be monitored.
You should plan to spend up to 7 hours researching your workplace context, preparing for and writing
or presenting the outcomes of this assignment for assessment. The 'nominal' word count for this
assignment is 1500 words: the suggested range is between 1000 and 2000 words.
Check your assignment carefully prior to submission using the assessment criteria.
Please use the sub-headings shown below
when structuring your Assignment
Know how to identify development needs
Record the outcomes of the following and briefly
explain how the techniques were used:
 Use a recognised technique to identify the
learning style (s) of yourself and another member
of the team.
 Use a simple technique to carry out a
development needs analysis on yourself and one
member of your team.
 Identify any barriers to your learning that might
occur and explain how these can be overcome.
Know how to develop self and others to
achieve organisational objectives
Based upon the information gathered in section 1:
 Briefly analyse learning/development options
for yourself and the other member of your team
(it is suggested that two options each would be
 Identify support mechanisms, such as training
resources, job rotation or coaching, for the
development of yourself and the other team
 Prepare a development plan to achieve one of
the learning objectives either for yourself or the
other team member.
 Describe how a method such as a learning log
could be used to monitor development.
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Assessment Criteria
 Identify own learning style(s) and the learning
style(s) of another member of the team (12
 Use a simple technique for identifying own
development needs and the development
needs of another member of the team (12
 Identify potential barriers to learning (12 marks)
 Explain how barriers to learning can be
overcome (12 marks)
 Briefly analyse learning/development options to
meet need(s) of self and another member of
the team (12 marks)
 Identify support mechanisms for the
development of self and another member of the
team (12 marks)
 Prepare a development plan to achieve a
learning objective for self or another team
member (16 marks)
 Describe a method that could be used to
monitor the development of self and another
member of the team (12 marks)
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J/503/9353 Understanding performance management
Assignment Task for Unit: Reflective review in a workplace context
The purpose of this unit is to enable you to understand the value of performance management
techniques and how to apply them in a fair and objective manner.
The task requires you to explain the value of performance assessment, to appropriately identify at least
two ways to ensure fair and objective formal assessment giving an explanation of how to set correct
SMART objectives, how to set performance standards and how to measure performance against
agreed standards for a team member.
The importance of feedback to improve performance should then be explained as well a description of
how to give effective feedback.
Finally you should identify at least two potential areas of underperformance in the workplace as well as
two appropriate causes for failure to meet agreed performance levels and a description of at least two
appropriate actions to restore performance.
You should plan to spend up to 8 hours researching your workplace context, preparing for and writing
or presenting the outcomes of this assignment for assessment. The 'nominal' word count for this
assignment is 1200 words: the suggested range is between 1000 and 2000 words.
Check your assignment carefully prior to submission using the assessment criteria.
Please use the sub-headings shown below when
structuring your Assignment
Assessment Criteria
The value of assessing performance
 Describe the value of formal and informal
performance assessment in the workplace
(8 marks)
 Explain the role of the first line manager in
performance management (4 marks)
Know how to manage performance of individuals
in the team
 Identify ways to ensure fair and objective
formal assessment (12 marks)
 Explain how to set SMART objectives for a
team member (12 marks)
 Explain how to set performance standards
for a team member (8 marks)
 Explain how to measure performance
against agreed standards (8 marks)
Understand the value of feedback in the
 Explain the importance of feedback to
improve performance (12 marks)
 Describe how to give effective feedback ( 8
Know how to manage underperformance in the
 Identify potential areas of
underperformance in the workplace (8
 Identify causes for failure to meet agreed
performance levels (8 marks)
 Describe actions to restore performance to
acceptable levels (12 marks)
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K/503/9328 Understanding innovation and change in an organisation
Assignment Task for Unit: Reflective review in a workplace context
The purpose of this unit is to develop knowledge and understanding of innovation and change as required
by a practising or potential first line manager.
In order to demonstrate your knowledge of this you need to respond to all of the questions listed below.
You should plan to spend up to 11 hours researching your workplace context, preparing for and writing or
presenting the outcomes of this assignment for assessment. The 'nominal' word count for this assignment
is 1000 words: the suggested range is between 800 and 1500 words.
Check your assignment carefully prior to submission using the assessment criteria.
Please use the sub-headings shown below when
structuring your Assignment
Benefits of change and innovation
Explain what you see as the benefits of innovation and
change in an organisation.
Barriers to change and innovation
Identify the barriers to change and innovation in the
Assessment Criteria
 Explain the benefits of innovation and
change for the organisation (20 marks)
 Identify the barriers to change and
innovation in the organisation (20 marks)
 Explain practical ways of overcoming
these barriers (12 marks)
Overcoming barriers to change and innovation
Explain what practical ways there are to overcoming the
barriers you have identified in your answer to the
previous question.
Planning, monitoring review techniques
Describe which :
Techniques could be used to manage change and
innovation in an organisation.
 Describe which planning, monitoring and
review techniques could be used to
manage innovation and change (24
 Explain why communication is important
in successful implementation of
innovation and change (12 marks)
The importance of communication in change and
Explain why communication is important to ensure
change and innovation is successful in an organisation.
The human effects of change and innovation
Explain what the possible effects of change and
innovation are on people and teams in an organisation.
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 Explain possible human effects of
innovation and change upon people and
teams in an organisation (12 marks)
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H/503/9330 Planning change in the workplace
Assignment Task for Unit: Reflective review in a workplace context
Examine factors that may require your organisation to change, and identify a change required in the
workplace that will benefit the organisation. If you are not currently working within an organisation, then
you may complete this task in relation to an organisation with which you are familiar. This could include
experience working in a voluntary capacity.
You should discuss the choice of topic and an outline of your submission with your line manager and/or
your tutor. The choice of topic must allow you to demonstrate achievement of assessment criteria from
the unit studied. It should not be a very large or complex topic, but it must offer scope for planning change
– perhaps it is a change in working methods, customer service or working relationships.
You should plan to spend up to 10 hours researching your workplace context, preparing for and writing or
presenting the outcomes of this assignment for assessment. The 'nominal' word count for this assignment
is 1000 words: the suggested range is between 800 and 1500 words.
Check your assignment carefully prior to submission using the assessment criteria.
Please use the sub-headings shown below when
structuring your Assignment
Assessment Criteria
Identify the forces for change in an organisation
Identify factors that may require the organisation to
 Identify the forces that may require own
organisation to change by conducting a
simple PESTLE or SWOT analysis (20
Planning the change
Based on these factors identify a change required in the
workplace and explain the potential benefits of this
change to the organisation.
 Give an example of change required in
the workplace reflecting the SWOT or
PESTLE analysis (28 marks)
Implications of the change
Explain the possible financial effects of the change on
the organisation.
Explain the possible effects on people in the
 Identify relevant human and financial
factors in the consideration of planning
change within the context of the example
given (20 marks)
Communicating and implementing the change
Describe who needs to know about the change, describe
how you will communicate with them and explain why it
is important to communicate the change to them.
Prepare an action plan for implementing the change.
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 Explain how to communicate with and
involve people to facilitate effective
change (16 marks)
 Use a technique for planning change
within the given context (16 marks)
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T/503/9350 Managing workplace projects
Assignment Task for Unit: Work-based assignment (manage a project)
The purpose of this unit is to develop knowledge and understanding of managing workplace projects.
The task requires you to manage a simple workplace project and to understand the costs and benefits
resulting from the project.
You should plan to spend up to 10 hours researching your workplace context, preparing for and writing
or presenting the outcomes of this assignment for assessment. The 'nominal' word count for this
assignment is 1500 words: the suggested range is between 1000 and 2000 words.
Check your assignment carefully prior to submission using the assessment criteria.
Please use the sub-headings shown below
when structuring your Assignment
Know how to manage a simple workplace
Identify a simple workplace project including
the agreeing and setting of SMART project
objectives. You should provide a brief context
statement to explain the background to and
objectives of the project. The following tasks
should be completed and presented in a
logical manner with supporting explanations
and copies of the documentation, such as
GANTT charts, you have produced:
Assessment Criteria
 Identify a simple workplace project (8 marks)
 Use a simple tool for determining the financial
viability of the project (20 marks)
 Produce a project plan using an appropriate
project planning technique (20 marks)
 Set objectives and targets/milestones to monitor
performance and review plans within the project
(12 marks)
 Use a project evaluation technique to evaluate the
project (16 marks)
Identify the tasks and resources needed
to complete your project.
Use a simple tool to determine the
financial viability of your project.
Plan the project using an appropriate
project planning technique.
Set objectives and targets /milestones
targets to monitor performance against
plan and to review plans.
Explain which technique you will use to
evaluate your project and how you will
use it.
Understand the financial and non-financial
implications of a workplace project
Look at the implications of your project and
prepare a reflective summary that covers these
assessment criteria.
ILM Candidate Pack L3 Cert L&M 2012-13 August 2012
 List areas where net savings can be achieved as
a result of the workplace project (12 marks)
 Identify wider non-financial implications that can
result from the workplace project (12 marks)
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M/503/9331 Writing for business
Assignment Task for Unit: Write a business document
The aim of this unit is to assist you to develop writing skills suitable for a business situation. This task
requires you to prepare a document suitable for use within an organisation. This document will probably
be a report to provide information or to propose a solution to a problem, but you could also produce a
newsletter or informational material for external organisations.
The document should have a clearly stated purpose which is given in the introduction and you will be
assessed on how effectively the document satisfies that purpose.
The document should be presented in a way that follows business writing conventions and guidelines
such as ‘house’ style, either those of your own organisation or those recommended to you. It should be
written in a clear, accurate and well-structured way using an effective and appropriate tone. Language
and level of formality should be appropriate for business writing.
Your document should be supported by basic statistics and visual material that are relevant to and
support the content of the document and are correctly referenced in both the document and the
You will need to produce a short summary explaining the context, intended audience and details of your
purpose or objective in writing the document. This should be attached to your submission.
You may be producing a document specifically for this unit, in which case the document can be one
which you have been or might be required to produce for use within your organisation, or for an
organisation with which you are familiar.
You may be using material from another unit(s) as the content for your document in which case you need
to remember that the assessment criteria for those units will also be assessed.
You should plan to spend up to 8 hours researching your workplace context, preparing for and writing or
presenting the outcomes of this assignment for assessment. The 'nominal' word count for this
assignment is 1500 words: the suggested range is between 1000 and 2000 words.
Check your assignment carefully prior to submission using the assessment criteria.
Please use the sub-headings shown below
when structuring your Assignment
Assessment Criteria
Know how to write for business
The document you produce should satisfy
the unit assessment criteria shown.
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 Produce a piece of business writing for a defined
purpose (40 marks)
 Produce a piece of business writing that satisfies an
organisation’s business writing conventions (20
 Use effective and appropriate tone, language and
level of formality to meet specified standards when
writing for a business purpose (20 marks)
 Incorporate basic statistics and visual material in the
content or in an appendix (20 marks)
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A/503/9334 Understanding customer service standards and requirements
Assignment Task for Unit: Reflective review in a workplace context
The purpose of this unit is to develop knowledge and understanding of the importance of customer
service standards to both the customer and the organisation in defining what customers can expect from
the organisation and the organisation’s obligations to its customers. Success in achieving these
standards will not only lead to increased customer satisfaction and fewer complaints but also to
improvements motivation and morale within the team.
This task requires you to demonstrate your knowledge of customer service and customer service
standards. It also requires you to show how monitoring customer service standards and gathering
feedback from customers can be used to improve performance.
You should plan to spend up to 10 hours researching your workplace context, preparing for and writing
or presenting the outcomes of this assignment for assessment. The 'nominal' word count for this
assignment is 1200 words: the suggested range is between 800 and 1500 words.
Check your assignment carefully prior to submission using the assessment criteria.
Please use the sub-headings shown below
when structuring your Assignment
Understand the legal and organisational
requirement for managing customer
Describe the context for customer service
standards by providing responses to cover
these assessment criteria.
Understand customer service standards
Using your understanding of the nature and
purpose of customer standards give
responses to cover these assessment criteria.
Use of examples to support your explanation.
Know how to monitor customer service
Using a specific example where customer
service is monitored in your organisation, or
an organisation with which you are familiar,
give responses to cover the assessment
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Assessment Criteria
 Describe the main legal rights of customers (12
 Describe an organisation’s commitments to
customers (12 marks)
 Describe the manager’s responsibilities in relation
to customer service (12 marks)
 Describe the purpose of customer service
standards (12 marks)
 Explain how customer service standards and
procedures are used to meet customer needs (12
 Explain how an organisation monitors customer
service against the standards set (16 marks)
 Explain how to use feedback from customers to
improve performance in customer service (24
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K/503/9359 Understand how to lead effective meetings
Assignment Task for Unit: Reflective review in a workplace context
The purpose of this unit is to develop knowledge and understanding of how effectiveness on leading
meetings can be increased by good planning, preparation, and the use of meeting management
Where appropriate, you may chose to include examples of documentation you have completed with brief
explanations to cover context, background, and your reasons for taking the approach shown.
The requirements of the task are set out in the sections below.
You should plan to spend up to 9 hours researching your workplace context, preparing for and writing or
presenting the outcomes of this assignment for assessment. The 'nominal' word count for this
assignment is 1000 words: the suggested range is between 800 and 1500 words.
Check your assignment carefully prior to submission using the assessment criteria.
Please use the headings shown below when writing up
your Assignment
Know how to prepare and plan a meeting
Based on a meeting situation with which you are
familiar provide responses to these assessment criteria
showing how you plan and prepare for an effective
meeting. Where appropriate, you may include
examples of documentation you have completed with
brief explanations.
Know how to manage a meeting
Based on the example given above, explain the roles
and responsibilities of those attending the meeting,
including the correct protocols/procedures that should
be followed.
Give some specific examples of the types of behaviour
that in your view can have a positive or negative effect
on the success of the meeting and in the case of
negative behaviours explain how, as the chairman of
the meeting you would address these. There are some
models you could apply.
Assessment Criteria
 Explain the purpose of a meeting (12
 Explain the purpose and structure of an
agenda (12 marks)
 Explain how to select and invite the right
people to attend the meeting (12 marks)
 Describe how to prepare prior to a meeting
(12 marks)
 Explain the roles and responsibilities of the
chairperson, the secretary and individuals
at a meeting (12 marks)
 Explain basic meeting protocol and
procedures (16 marks)
 Explain positive and negative actions that
can affect meetings (12 marks)
 Explain the purposes of minutes and action
plans (12 marks)
Explain how the meeting should be minuted, action
points prepared and followed up. Where appropriate
you may include examples of documentation you have
completed with brief explanations.
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A/503/9351 Understanding health and safety in the workplace
Assignment Task for Unit: Reflective review in a workplace context
The purpose of this unit is to develop knowledge and understanding of the basic principles of health
and safety policy as they apply in the workplace and the responsibilities of the manager in
implementing policy.
The task requires you to show your awareness of the main legislation and industry regulations that
apply in a specific workplace. You will also need to show your understanding of how to conduct a risk
assessment and how you would promote safe working within your team.
You should provide a short context statement to introduce your responses. You may attach specific
examples of documentation you have produced to illustrate your answers.
You should plan to spend up to 9 hours researching your workplace context, preparing for and writing
or presenting the outcomes of this assignment for assessment. The 'nominal' word count for this
assignment is 1000 words: the suggested range is between 800 and 1500 words.
Check your assignment carefully prior to submission using the assessment criteria.
Please use the sub-headings shown below when
structuring your Assignment
Assessment Criteria
The organisation’s policy and responsibilities for
ensuring a safe and healthy working environment
You need to identify the main legislation and industry
regulations that apply in a defined workplace
situation. It is sufficient to supply brief details or
references. You do not need to supply complete
 List current legislation and industry
regulations relating to health, safety and
welfare at work as relevant to a specific
organisation (12 marks)
 Describe an organisation's policy in relation
to one specific item of legislation or
regulation (12 marks)
The manager’s responsibilities for health and
safety in the workplace
You need to provide responses to the assessment
criteria. You should relate these responses to a
specific workplace situation.
 Explain the difference between a hazard
and a risk (12 marks)
 Describe how to conduct a risk analysis
(16 marks)
 Identify the main areas of own
responsibility for health and safety in the
workplace (16 marks)
 Describe how to ensure the team is aware
of the health and safety requirements in
the workplace (16 marks)
 Describe how to monitor health and safety
in the workplace (16 marks)
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Y/503/9342 Understanding stress management in the workplace
Assignment Task for Unit: Reflective review in the workplace
This task requires you to demonstrate your knowledge of stress in the workplace, how to manage stress
and support others to minimise stress.
You should plan to spend up to 5 hours researching your workplace context, preparing for and writing or
presenting the outcomes of this assignment for assessment. The 'nominal' word count for this
assignment is 1000 words: the suggested range is between 800 and 1500 words.
Check your assignment carefully prior to submission using the assessment criteria
Please use the sub-headings shown below when
structuring your Assignment
Managing stress
Identify a situation at work where you or a colleague
has felt under stress.
Explain what caused this stress and examine its impact
on your workplace.
Note: If neither you nor a colleague has experienced
any stress, you may choose to use the experience of a
friend or relation who has experienced stress at work,
or you may explain the general causes and impact of
stress in organisations.
Describe how you would recognise stress in yourself
and in other members of your team and explain one
practical stress management technique that you could
use to overcome this stress in yourself or in your team.
Supporting individuals in the team
Outline the responsibilities your organisation’s
management has in relation to work related stress in
your team, and briefly explain how you could use
counselling, advising or mentoring to provide support
for individuals.
Assessment Criteria
 Examine the causes and impact of stress in
the organisation (24 marks)
 Describe the symptoms of stress in self
and others (20 marks)
 Explain a practical stress management
technique (12 marks)
 Describe management responsibilities and
actions in relation to work-related stress in
the team (20 marks)
 Explain how and when to provide advice,
mentoring or counselling to support
individuals in the workplace (24 marks)
Note: If you have had experience of using counselling,
advising or mentoring, you should describe the
circumstances. Otherwise, describe the conditions
under which you would do so.
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