Ch 11 – Gender, Sex and Sexuality PRESENTATION

Gender, Sex and Sexuality
AP Psychology
Alice F. Short
Hilliard Davidson High School
Chapter Preview
Defining Sex and Gender
Theories of Gender Development
Gender Differences
Sexual Orientation
Sexual Behaviors and Practices
Sexual Variations and Disorders
Sexuality and Health and Wellness
• Properties that determine
male or female
– 23rd pair of chromosomes: XY or XX
• pair of genes
– gonads = glands (part of endocrine system)
ovaries (either side of abdomen)
testes (in scrotum, the pouch of skin below the penis)
gonadal hormones: estrogens or androgens
gametes – the ova and sperm  will be used in
– internal reproductive structures
– DOCUMENTARY: It’s a Girl
Defining Sex
– external genitalia
• female: vulva
– mons pubis – a fleshy area just above the vagina
– labia – lips surrounding the vaginal opening
– clitoris – a small sensory organ at the top where the labia meet
• male
– penis
– scrotum
– secondary sex characteristics (at puberty) – traits that
differ between the two sexes but are not part of the
reproductive system
• breasts
• facial hair
– sex may not equal psychological experience (gender)
Defining Gender
• gender - social and psychological aspects of being
female or male
– goes beyond biological sex
– includes a person’s understanding of the meaning to
his or her own life of being male or female
• Gender Identity
masculinity (instrumentality)
femininity (expressiveness)
androgyny (both)
undifferentiated (neither)
Sexual Development
• embryonic development of gonads and genitalia
– SRY gene  testes  androgens  male physiology
– female is “default” condition
• gender differences in regards to the brain
size of brain parts
function of brain parts
corresponding cognitive function
which part of brain involved in particular behaviors
Sexual Development
• Disorders of Sexual Development
– formerly called intersex conditions / hermaphroditism
– congenitally atypical chromosomal, gonadal, or
anatomical development
– questions of relation of DSD to gender development
• Transgender Experience
– Gender Identity Disorder
• not considered a disorder in France or Great Britain
• gender dysphoria – distress over one’s born sex
• sex reassignment surgery
Gender Development
• Biological Accounts
– behavioral difference in newborns and infants
• Evolutionary Accounts
– selection pressures for gendered behaviors
competition for mate (usually by male)
preferences/choice for quality mate (usually by female)
reproductive challenges: quality v. quantity
human infants = helpless  adaptive for men to invest in
their offspring
• is it mine? (younger ladies)
Gender Development
• Social Cognitive Accounts
– experience influences sense of gender
– socialization (rewards, punishments, modeling)
– Albert Bandura – modeling is an especially potent
mechanism for transmitting values
– gender schema (mental framework)
– gender-nonconforming behavior
• peers = harsher than family after age 6
– DOCUMENTARY: Miss Representation
• (You can’t be who you can’t see.)
Gender Development
• Social Role Theory
– division of labor
• natural differences become expected/valued differences
• gender roles – expectations for how females and males
should think, act and feel
• gender stereotypes – overly general beliefs and expectations
about what women and men are like
• institutional structures
• patterns of opportunity that perpetuate gender differences
– women have resources  less likely to prefer men with resources
– TED Talks: Sheryl Sandberg
– Summary of Gender and Gender Development
Theories on p. 357
Gender Differences
• Who are more ___________?
• For each adjective on the next slide, answer as
quickly as you can with either “men” or
Gender Differences
• Who are more . . .
sexually adventurous
Gender Differences
• Cognitive Differences
math and science?
verbal performance (female advantage)
visuospatial ability (male advantage)
general intelligence (no advantage)
• Differences due to:
– social expectations and support v. evolved roles
– gender similarities hypothesis – Janet Shibley Hyde’s
proposition that men and women (and boys and girls)
are much more similar than they are different
Gender Differences
• Differences in Aggression
• overt aggression (physical/verbal harm)
– males more than females
• relational aggression (harm social standing)
– females more than males
– severely damaging psychologically
• why the difference?
– testosterone?
– evolutionary pressures?
– socialization?
• conduct disorder – a pattern of offensive behavior that
violates the basic rights of others (3x more like in boys)
Gender Differences
• Differences in Sexuality (p. 360-361- Inquiry)
– females more selective in regards to casual sex
• “bed” = none, “apartment” = very few, “going out” = 50%
– males more often aroused, stronger sex drive, less fidelity
• “bed” = 75%, “apartment” = 70%, “going out” = 50%
– women more likely to engage in bisexuality or be aroused by
bisexual stimuli; show changes in their sexual patterns/desires
• Explanations:
biological - genetic/hormonal differences
evolutionary - sexual selection
social cognitive - learned behavior
social role - culturally constructed
Sexual Orientation
• sexual orientation - direction of erotic
interests - refers to more than just sexual
• Orientations: (operational definition matters)
– heterosexual (90% of population)
– homosexual (1500 animal species)
– bisexual
Sexual Orientation
• Orientation is not influenced by…
– being reared by a gay parent
– parenting style
– childhood sexual experimentation
Origins of Sexual Orientation
• Thinking critically about sexual orientation:
– probably not a single cause
– within-group variation
– research challenges such as recruitment
– meaning of cross-sex similarities
– consideration of more than just homosexuality
Sexual Orientation
• Orientation is influenced by
– genetics
– corpus callosum thickness and hemispheric symmetry
– prenatal hormones
• 2D:4D ratio
– women have the same length
– men / “butch” lesbian women have a ring finger longer than their
pointer (male prenatal androgens)
– cognitive factors
– social factors (gender non-conforming behavior)
Gay and Lesbian Functioning
• similarities to heterosexual population
– attitudes, psychological adjustment
• difference from heterosexual population
– hobbies, activities, occupations
• coping with prejudice and discrimination
– 1984: 24% knew someone gay; 2006: 70% knew
someone gay
– Generation Next (1981-1988): 58% homosexuality
should be accepted, just under ½ thought same-sex
marriage should be legal
– coming out
Gay and Lesbian Functioning
• Relationships
– report greater satisfaction than heterosexuals
• kids  reduce happiness / relationship satisfaction
– more likely to end relationships than heterosexuals
• legal tie of marriage  associated with relationship stability
• Families
– less likely to have children
– children of gay couples have not shown differences
from other children
Sexual Behavior
• What constitutes sexual behavior?
infidelity or loss of virginity
activities involved in reproduction
arousal and sexual response
unusually intimate and personal activity as defined by
the participants
• What do you think constitutes sexual behaviors?
Does that definition change when you think
about cheating?
Sexual Behavior: Kinsey Scale
• Kinsey’s (1948) research
– 12% men, 7% women = bixsexual
– are most people promiscuous or faithful?
• 50% men = unfaithful
• later research: 85% women, 75% men = faithful
• does marriage decrease sexual activity?
• what percentage of the population are virgins?
– aged 15-44: men 10%, women 8%
– aged 25-44: 3%
• how often do we have sex (on average)? who masturbates the
– men (per month):
• vaginal intercourse: 5 times
• masturbation: 4.5 times
• oral sex: 2 times
– Women (per month)
• vaginal intercourse: 5 times
• masturbation: fewer than 2 times
• oral sex: 2 times
Sexual Response Pattern
• Human Sexual Response Pattern (William Masters and Virginia Johnson)
1. excitement – begins the process of erotic responsiveness
plateau – continuation and heightening
increased breathing, pulse rate, blood pressure
penile erection / vaginal lubrication complete
several minutes to several hours
engorgement of blood vessels, increased blood flow to genital areas, partial
penile erection
3-15 seconds
explosive charge of neuromuscular tension
release of neurotransmitter oxytocin
resolution/male refractory period
blood vessels return to normal state
• Helen Singer Kaplan: initials stage of desire should be added
– some patients lacked sexual desire
Sexual Cognition
• Cognitive factors in sexual behavior
– self-monitoring and self-regulation
– fantasy and imagery
– sexual scripts
Influences on Sexuality
• Influence of Culture
– Inis Beag
– Mangaia
• Sex Education
– abstinence-only v. comprehensive
Sexual Variations and Disorders
disorders of sexual desire/response
– female dysfunction in arousal
– erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation
Sexuality and Health and Wellness
• Sexually Transmitted Infections
– bacterial: gonorrhea, syphilis
– viruses: genital herpes, HIV
• Safe Sex
– abstinence 100% effective
– risk reduction with condom use
• Psychological Well-Being
– sexual activity is predictor of satisfaction in
Chapter Summary
• Define the terms “sex” and “gender”.
• Explain the biological, evolutionary, socialcognitive, and social role accounts of gender
• Summarize the well-documented gender
• Describe the similarities and differences among
gays, lesbians, and heterosexuals.
• Discuss sexual variations and disorders.
• Explain how sexuality affects health and wellness.
Chapter Summary
• Defining Sex and Gender
• Theories of Gender Development
– biological
– evolutionary
– social-cognitive
– social roles
• Gender Differences
Chapter Summary
• Sexual Orientation
– influences on sexual orientation
– gay and lesbian functioning and relationships
• Sexual Behavior
– sexual activity
– human sexual response pattern
• Sexual Disorders
• Sexuality and Health and Wellness
– sexually transmitted infections