Forecasting and Valuation of Free Cash Flows Arzac, Chapter 2 Firm Valuation historical financial statements forecast period opportunity costs of capital market value weight make assumptions for continuation value use formula to get value check different scenarios Firm Valuation • DCF valuation - incorporates estimates of FCF for set number of years with calculation of continuation value at end • multiples approach – comparable companies or comparable transactions FCF Calculation • start with NI • add net interest expense after tax to get unlevered NI • (1-T)(Int. Exp. – Int. Inc.) = Unlevered NI • add back changes in deferred taxes and depreciation • noncash • ↑ def taxes is source of cash • depreciation can include all noncash charges deducted from EBIT except for goodwill FCF Valuation • deferred taxes + unlevered NI = NOPAT • depreciation to NOPAT = Gross CF • total CF given off by firm • Gross CF – Gross Inv. = FCF (operations) • Gross Investment = • • • • increase in WC + capital expenditures + investment in goodwill + increase in net other assets Exhibit 2.1. AdvPak Technologies. Historical Data and Forecasting Assumptions ($000) Historical Forecast for Fiscal Years Ending 12/31 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Operations: Unit Sales Growth 5.4% 6.0% 6.0% 5.6% 5.6% Price Growth 2.0% 2.3% 2.3% 2.3% 2.3% Growth Rate of Sales 7.5% 8.4% 8.4% 8.0% 8.0% Cost of Sales (Excl. Dep. & Amort.) as % of Sales Selling, General & Administrative as % of Sales Research & Development as % of Sales EBITDA as % of Sales Growth Rate 2011 5.1% 2.3% 7.5% 81.8% 7.4% 0.9% 9.8% 8.5% 79.0% 7.0% 1.0% 13.0% 44.2% 77.5% 7.0% 1.0% 14.5% 21.0% 77.5% 7.5% 1.0% 14.0% 4.3% 77.5% 7.5% 1.0% 14.0% 8.0% 77.5% 7.5% 1.0% 14.0% 7.5% 16,100 80,414 39.50% 10,695 13.3% 11,740 14.6% 11,380 81,018 36.70% 10,775 13.3% 11,829 14.6% 17,771 86,658 36.20% 12,132 14.0% 12,999 15.0% 19,437 91,857 35.52% 14,238 15.5% 14,973 16.3% 22,046 98,617 35.30% 15,286 15.5% 16,075 16.3% 22,807 105,129 35.00% 16,295 15.5% 17,136 16.3% Working Capital: Cash balance as % of Sales Accounts Receivable as % of Sales Days Receivable Inventories as % of Cost of Sales Inventory Days on hand Other Current Assets as % of Sales 1.7% 8.9% 32 15.1% 55 0.35% 1.6% 8.9% 32 15.1% 55 0.35% 1.6% 8.9% 32 15.1% 55 0.35% 1.6% 8.9% 32 15.1% 55 0.35% 1.6% 8.9% 32 15.1% 55 0.35% 1.6% 8.9% 32 15.1% 55 0.35% Accounts Payable as % of Cost of Sales Days Payable Accrued Expenses as % of Sales Tax Payable as % of Current Income Tax Other Current Liabilities as % of Sales 10.6% 39 1.15% 0.37% 0.41% 10.8% 39 1.15% 0.37% 0.41% 10.8% 39 1.15% 0.37% 0.41% 10.8% 39 1.15% 0.37% 0.41% 10.8% 39 1.15% 0.37% 0.41% 10.8% 39 1.15% 0.37% 0.41% 16.67% 16.67% 16.67% 16.67% 2.49 2.56 2.52 2.56 8.35% 8.35% 8.35% 8.35% 4.61% 4.61% 4.61% 4.61% 100% of excess cash and marketable securities 38.25% 38.25% 38.25% 38.25% 16.67% 2.38 8.35% 4.61% Capital Expenditures and Depreciation: Capital Expenditures (net of Disposals) Net Property, Plant & Equipment (PP&E) % of Sales Book Depreciation % of Net PP&E Tax Depreciation % of Net PP&E Debt, Interest, Dividends and Taxes: Short-term Debt & Curr. Portion of LTD as % of Total Debt Total Debt as a multiple of next year EBITDA Interest rate on debt Interest rate on cash and marketable securities Dividends paid Tax rate on income 16.67% 2.85 38.25% 38.25% Exhibit 2.2. AdvPak Technologies. Pro-Forma Income Statements ($000) Historical 2006 Sales 203,580 Cost of Sales 166,592 Gross Profit 36,988 Sales, General & Administrative Expenses 15,164 Research & Development 1,922 EBITDA 19,901 Depreciation 10,695 EBIT 9,206 Interest Expense Interest Income Pretax Income Current Income Tax Deferred Tax Net Income 2007 220,758 174,399 46,359 15,453 2,208 28,699 10,775 17,923 6,831 157 11,250 3,900 403 6,947 Forecast for Fiscal Years Ending 12/31 2008 2009 2010 239,386 258,605 279,368 185,524 200,419 216,510 53,862 58,186 62,858 16,757 19,395 20,953 2,394 2,586 2,794 34,711 36,205 39,112 12,132 14,238 15,286 22,579 21,967 23,826 7,218 7,741 8,237 163 176 191 15,524 14,403 15,780 5,606 5,228 5,734 331 281 302 9,586 8,894 9,744 2011 300,369 232,786 67,583 22,528 3,004 42,052 16,295 25,757 8,974 206 16,989 6,177 322 10,491 Exhibit 2.3. AdvPak Technologies. Pro-Forma Balance Sheets ($000) Historical 2006 Assets Current: Cash and Marketable Securities 3,417 Accounts Receivable 18,119 Inventories 25,158 Other Current Assets 717 Total Current Assets 47,411 2007 Forecast for Fiscal Years Ending 12/31 2008 2009 2010 2011 3,532 19,647 26,337 777 50,294 3,830 21,305 28,017 843 53,996 4,138 23,016 30,267 911 58,331 4,470 24,864 32,697 984 63,015 4,806 26,733 35,155 1,058 67,752 Property, Plant & Equipment Less: Depreciation Net Property, Plant & Equipment 117,667 37,253 80,414 129,047 48,028 81,018 146,818 60,160 86,658 166,255 74,398 91,857 188,301 89,684 98,617 211,108 105,979 105,129 Other Noncurrent Assets: Total Assets 9,352 137,177 9,352 140,665 9,352 150,006 9,352 159,540 9,352 170,984 9,352 182,233 Liabilities Current: Short-term Debt & Current Portion of LTD Accounts Payable Accrued Expenses Taxes Payable Other Current Liabilities Total Current Liabilities Long-term Debt Deferred Income Taxes Total Liabilities Common Stock and Retained Earnings Total Liabilities and Net Worth 13,632 17,659 2,341 20 835 34,487 68,162 1,209 103,859 33,319 137,177 14,405 18,835 2,539 14 905 36,699 72,027 1,612 110,338 30,327 140,665 15,449 16,439 20,037 21,645 2,753 2,974 21 19 981 1,060 39,241 42,138 77,246 82,194 1,943 2,224 118,430 126,556.48 31,576 32,983 150,006 159,540 17,910 23,383 3,213 21 1,145 45,672 89,548 2,526 137,746 33,237 170,984 17,910 25,141 3,454 23 1,232 47,759 97,626 2,848 148,233 34,000 182,233 Exhibit 2.4. AdvPak Technologies. Pro-Forma Cash Flow Statements ($000) Historical 2006 Funds from Operating Activities Net Income Depreciation Deferred Tax Decrease (Increase) in Current Assets Increase (Decrease) in Current Liabilities except debt Decrease (Increase) in Net Working Capital Funds From Operations 6,947 10,775 403 (2,768) 1,439 (1,330) 16,796 9,586 12,132 331 (3,404) 1,498 (1,905) 20,144 8,894 14,238 281 (4,028) 1,907 (2,121) 21,292 9,744 15,286 302 (4,351) 2,064 (2,287) 23,044 10,491 16,295 322 (4,401) 2,087 (2,314) 24,793 Funds for Investment Capital Expenditures 11,380 17,771 19,437 22,046 22,807 Funds to (from) Financing Decrease (Increase) in Debt Dividends Total Funds to (from) Financing Increase (Decrease) in Cash End-of-Year Cash & Marketable Securities (4,638) 9,939 5,301 115 3,532 (6,262) 8,337 2,075 298 3,830 (5,939) 7,486 1,547 308 4,138 (8,824) 9,490 666 332 4,470 (8,078) 9,728 1,650 336 4,806 Required cash balance ………………...…… Excess cash ………………………………….. Increase in Net Debt Net debt 3,417 Actual 3,417 0.000 78,378 2007 3,532 0.000 4,523 4,523 82,901 Forecast for Fiscal Years Ending 12/31 2008 2009 2010 3,830 0.000 5,964 5,964 88,865 4,138 0.000 5,631 5,631 94,496 4,470 0.000 8,492 8,492 102,988 2011 4,806 0.000 7,742 7,742 110,730 Financial Flows • includes all interest-earning or interest-paying financial securities and equity • independent estimate from FCF • must be equal to FCF (good check!) ∆ excess marketable securities - AT interest income + ↓ debt + AT interest expense + dividends + share repurchases −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− Total Financial Flow = Total FCF Estimating FCF • forecast financial statements • consistency • compare with analysts ? • common forecasting error • “plugs” for building balance sheet • calculate FCF for set number of years • how long? Estimating FCF • Continuation Value • idea is that over time most firms regress to industry norm • estimate FCFs over period of “competitive advantage” relative to industry and then make growth assumptions with firm converging to industry norm – i.e., constant growth NOPATT (1 g )[1 ( g / r )] VCV 0 WACC g Estimating FCF NOPATN 1 VN WACC • assumption that competition drives return on invested capital in LR to equal WACC • perpetuity model • growth rate in CF not relevant because no value creation • discount VN back to time 0 (discount using?) Estimating FCF • value driver model • dominant firm in industry – Microsoft, Coca-Cola • potential to earn high returns on invested capital for very long time • discount to get value at T=0 NOPATN 1(1 g / r ) VN WACC g Exhibit 2.5. AdvPak Technologies. Enterprise Valuation as of 12/31/2006 ($000) Year-end 2006 Net Income Net Interest after Tax Unlevered net income Change in deferred taxes NOPAT Depreciation Change in Net Working Capital Capital Expenditures Free cash flow Valuation WACC PV{FCF} @ Continuation growth rate Continuation value PV{Continuation value} @ Enterprise value 10.03% WACC 7.52% 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 6,947 4,121 11,068 403 11,470 10,775 (1,330) (11,380) 9,537 9,586 4,357 13,942 331 14,274 12,132 (1,905) (17,771) 6,729 8,894 4,671 13,565 281 13,846 14,238 (2,121) (19,437) 6,526 9,744 4,969 14,713 302 15,014 15,286 (2,287) (22,046) 5,966 10,491 5,414 15,905 322 16,226 16,295 (2,314) (22,807) 7,400.3 27,783 316,370 WACC 196,153 223,936 AdvPak Technologies, Inc. Cost of Capital Calculation Levered Long-term government bond yield Market equity premium Beta coefficient Cost of equity before small cap premium Small capitalization premium AdvPak Technologies cost of equity Cost of debt Corporate tax rate Debt ratio WACC 4.62% 4.36% 0.9361 8.70% 3.90% 12.60% 8.52% 38.25% 35.00% 10.03% Unlevered 4.62% 4.36% 0.6085 7.27% 3.90% 11.17% WACC WACC Exhibit 2.6. AdvPak Technologies Value Table ($000) Growth Rate 7.0% 7.5% 8.0% 9.50% 229,340 283,060 366,605 10.03% 189,690 223,936 271,616 10.50% 164,798 189,394 221,525 10.00% 191,692 226,797 275,933 12.00% 116,376 127,231 139,891 8.0% 366,605 271,616 221,525 275,933 139,891 Exhibit 2.7. AdvPak Technologies Implied EBITDA Multiples from Continuation Value Estimates Growth Rate 7.0% 7.5% 8.0% 9.50% 7.0 8.9 11.7 10.03% 5.8 7.0 8.7 10.50% 5.0 5.9 7.0 10.0% 5.87 7.09 8.80 12.0% 3.52 3.93 4.40 8.0% 11.73 8.66 7.04 8.80 4.40 Exhibit 2.8. AdvPak Technologies. Free Cash Flow Decomposition ($000) Net Income Depreciation Deferred Tax Decrease in Net Working Capital Capital Expenditures Increase in Net debt Cash flow to equity holders Net Interest after Tax Increase in Net Debt Cash flow paid to debtholders, after tax Free cash flow to all security holders 2007 6,947 10,775 403 (1,330) (11,380) 4,523 9,939 2008 9,586 12,132 331 (1,905) (17,771) 5,964 8,337 2009 8,894 14,238 281 (2,121) (19,437) 5,631 7,486 2010 9,744 15,286 302 (2,287) (22,046) 8,492 9,490 2011 10,491 16,295 322 (2,314) (22,807) 7,742 9,728 4,121 (4,523) (402) 9,537 4,357 (5,964) (1,607) 6,729 4,671 (5,631) (960) 6,526 4,969 (8,492) (3,524) 5,966 5,414 (7,742) (2,328) 7,400 Exhibit 2.9. AdvPak Technologies. Equity Valuation as of 12/31/2006 ($000) 2002 2003 2004 Free cash flow to equity Cost of equity Continuation value growth rate Continuation value PV of equity cash flows PV of continuation value Equity value 9,939 8,337 2006 2007 7,486 9,490 9,728 12.60% 7.5% 205,729 31,923 113,652 145,575 Exhibit 2.10. AdvPak Technologies. Net Debt Valuation as of 12/31/2006 ($000) 2002 2003 2004 Free cash flow to net debt Cost of net debt after taxes Net debt balance in 2007 PV of net debt cash flows PV of net debt balance Net debt value 2005 (402) (1,607) 2005 2006 2007 (960) (3,524) (2,328) 5.26% 110,730 (7,327) 85,689 78,361 Exhibit 2.11. AdvPak Technologies. Enterprise Valuation under No-Real Growth as of 12/31/2006 ($000) Year-end 2006 Net sales EBITDA Depreciation EBIT Taxes Unlevered net income Change in deferred taxes NOPAT Depreciation Change in Net Working Capital Capital Expenditures Free cash flow Valuation WACC PV{FCF} @ Continuation value growth Continuation value PV{Continuation value} @ Enterprise value 10.03% WACC 2.3% 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 208,262 27,074 10,165 16,909 6,468 10,441 380 10,821 10,165 64 (6,184) 14,867 213,052 30,893 10,797 20,095 7,686 12,409 295 12,704 10,797 (389) (11,490) 11,622 217,953 30,513 12,000 18,514 7,082 11,432 237 11,669 12,000 (543) (12,291) 10,835 222,965 31,215 12,200 19,016 7,273 11,742 241 11,983 12,200 (552) (13,490) 10,141 228,094 31,933 12,374 19,559 7,481 12,078 244 12,322 12,374 (565) (13,500) 10,631 44,754 140,651 WACC 87,206 131,960