Customer Needs Customer Need # Importance CN1 CN2 1 1 CN3 CN4 CN5 1 1 1 CN6 CN7 CN8 CN9 CN10 CN11 CN12 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Description Design will include safety and component failure Ability to manage inputs from multiple power sources Investigate and benchmark technologies, components and modules Engineer multiple concepts. Perform tradeoff analysis System will integrate power management and load distribution. Establish highly efficient energy conversion parameters and design System must manage energy source variability Provide data acquisition points for future team's display design System must be portable System must include instructions for set-up and use System must utilize Ascent Solar’s flexible solar modules Adequate amount of energy storage Comments/Status Example: Li-ion Batteries (place in a wooden box when testing) 3-5 solar panel inputs/ do not load low voltage panels Find efficient battery charging technology Efficiency is dependent on light conditions Example: clouds or night-time Data acquisition is performed by the microcontroller Ascent Solar competition requirement Ascent Solar competition requirement Ascent Solar competition requirement Project Specifications Spec. # Importance Source Function Specification (metric) S1 1 Power S2 S3 1 1 CN11 CN3,4,5, 7,8 CN5,7 V Stability V out S4 S5 S6 1 1 1 CN7 CN1, 7 CN12 I out I out Storage S7 1 Ability to generate ~5W of energy Voltage stabilization for battery charging (~15V ±0.05V) Output voltage to load of 10V Full solar delivery, provide a max output current of 0.5A Peak output current will meet 5A max Battery capacity is ~5 A-h Power load to simulate future display device at a constant 5W Load/Display S8 CN2 Input S9 S10 CN3 CN4 All All S11 S12 S13 S14 S15 CN6 CN8 CN9 CN10 CN6 All All Unit of Measure Marginal Value W V V A A A-h 14.95V15.05V N/A N/A W Multiple solar panels Benchmark given component's specifications Weigh concepts for each function Calculate, design, measure each function List DAQ points V/A User's manual Efficiencies for each function N/A Ideal Value Comments/Status 5 Average power 15 10 Needs clarification 0.5 5 5 Choose an appropriate battery 5 5V-36V / 0A-1A Efficiencies N/A N/A