T-08 Experiences in the Cloud


IPMA Forum 2012

T-08 Experiences in the Cloud

State agency insights on public cloud platforms

Tuesday, May 22 11:15AM-12:15

Moderator: Bob Zych, Office of the Chief Information Officer

Panel Members:

Grant Rodeheaver, Department of Transportation

Michael DeAngelo, Department of Fish and Wildlife

Michael Zimmerman, Department of Enterprise Services


Strategic Action 3:

Encourage adoption of public cloud platforms where appropriate

OCIO Lead: Loren Kyllo, OCIO

Agency Lead: Grant Rodeheaver, WSDOT

Executive Sponsor: Bharat Shyam, OCIO

The following tasks are part of the cloud strategy:

– Negotiate purchasing relationships with cloud platform providers

– Identify workloads in state agencies appropriate for public cloud platforms

– Experiment with and adopt management toolsets

– Explore the concept of the Government cloud


Cloud Technologies at WSDOT

Presentation to 2012 IPMA Forum

May 22-23, 2012

Grant Rodeheaver


Information Technology Division

Paula Hammond

Secretary of Transportation

2012 IPMA Forum

May 22-23, 2012

The WSDOT Website

Internet Bandwidth: Jan. 15 - 21,

2012 vs. 2012 Daily Average

1 600,00 GB

1 400,00 GB

1 200,00 GB

1 000,00 GB

800,00 GB

600,00 GB

400,00 GB

200,00 GB

0,00 GB








Jan. 15-21, 2012 798,49 1 001,4 1 351,8 1 290,8 1 133,5 918,22 409,32

2011 Average 230,39 400,14 448,24 465,67 456,95 406,72 255,18

2012 IPMA Forum

May 22-23, 2012


WSDOT Alternate Website

• IIS Web Server on

Amazon Web Services EC2

• Hosting static HTML site for use during maintenance & outages

• Redirection using DNS failover

(DNS provided by DNSMadeEasy, a 3 rd -party hosted DNS provider)

2012 IPMA Forum

May 22-23, 2012


WSDOT Public Website

• Burstable capacity for website traffic images

• Traffic images make up a significant percentage of website traffic

• Opportunity for cloud-hosted solution for burstable capacity

• Currently working with Amazon Web Services on a proof-of-concept

2012 IPMA Forum

May 22-23, 2012


WSDOT Public Website

• Hosted Solution for Traffic & Weather app

• Traffic & Weather application is one of the most popular pages on

WSDOT’s website

• WSDOT engaged with ESRI to conduct a Traffic & Weather website proof-of-concept using ESRI-hosted GIS base map and WSDOT data layers on WSDOT-hosted servers.

2012 IPMA Forum

May 22-23, 2012


WSDOT Public Website

• Findings of ESRI Traffic & Weather Beta

+ Improved mapping presentation and usability compared to WSDOT's current static maps.

+ Improved ability to expand roadside information versus current maps where the maps can get crowded with cameras and other information.

– Increase infrastructure cost for delivering mapping layers.

– May incur costs for base map provided by vendor.

– Increase of support by WSDOT GIS staff to provide flow layers.

– May not meet WSDOT business requirements such as web advertising.

Due to funding issues for the additional infrastructure software, hardware and operational support identified in this beta, WSDOT decided that this solution model will not be pursued at this time. WSDOT will continue to monitor technology offerings from web mapping service providers.

2012 IPMA Forum

May 22-23, 2012


Microsoft Office 365 / Lync Online

• WSDOT is researching / testing

Unified Communications (UC) solutions

• Participating in OCIO

Office 365 pilot

• Including Lync Online

2012 IPMA Forum

May 22-23, 2012


Looking Ahead

• Researching hybrid cloud and virtual private cloud solutions such as:

• Amazon Web Services Virtual

Private Cloud (VPC)

• Citrix NetScaler Cloud Bridge

• Microsoft Windows Azure

• VMware vCloud

2012 IPMA Forum

May 22-23, 2012


Seeding the Cloud with public data

• WSDOT currently provides data sources directly to the public via API & web services, including:

• Traveler Information API

• 10 different services, including Highway Alerts and Ferries info

• 154 registered subscribers

• March & April 2012 each had >2,000,000 requests per month

• Ferries

• Ferries Schedule available through WSDOT web service and

Google Transit Feed

• Ferries Maintenance Schedule

2012 IPMA Forum

May 22-23, 2012


Challenges of Cloud Adoption

• Network connectivity, especially for end-user cloud services, could require additional investment

– WSDOT has 230 sites, several with T-1 or DSL connections

– Capacity, redundancy are potential issues

• Any potential savings through reduction in labor should be evaluated, because many of the support roles when using a cloud service, such as provisioning and administration, may still remain

• Licensing costs may or may not decrease, if the provider requires you to still provide them

– Some software companies offer programs like Microsoft’s License 

Mobility to use licenses you already own in the cloud

2012 IPMA Forum

May 22-23, 2012


Challenges of Cloud Adoption

• Although service levels are typically very high, ability to negotiate individual SLAs with cloud provider may be limited

– Versus a standard Usage Agreement when signing up

– Some consumer-oriented services do offer enterprise / corporate accounts – for example, DropBox for Teams

• Learning curve

– As with any new platform, it can be a process for people to learn to accept and embrace. You will likely encounter resistance.

– Understanding cloud service offerings, including different services within a provider’s offering, and new terminology

• Technical challenges

– Replicating data between on-premises and cloud, keep apps in sync

– Maintaining a common namespace and ability to shift demand easily between on-premises and cloud

2012 IPMA Forum

May 22-23, 2012



• Contact Us:

Tim Crabb

Infrastructure Services Mgr

WSDOT ITD tim.crabb@wsdot.wa.gov


Grant Rodeheaver

Director, WSDOT ITD grant.rodeheaver@wsdot.wa.gov


Chuck Dorsett

Infrastructure Server Support Mgr

WSDOT ITD chuck.dorsett@wsdot.wa.gov


2012 IPMA Forum

May 22-23, 2012


The fight to bring

Fishers back to Washington

Fisher Story

 Existed throughout northwest

 Over-trapping - protected since 1934

 8 yr survey found none in WA - extinct

 Listed by DFW in 1998

 Introductions (90) began in 2008 with DFW,


 Fisher has not yet recovered

 Tracking about 30 individuals

 Needing to know more about their preferred home range and underlining habitat

Historical Range of Fisher circa 1800

Fisher Home Range

In-house capability with $5k desktop

- Running data for one individual at a time

- 90 meter resolution

- Manually combining results to see aggregate

- About three weeks to compile data for five individuals

- Estimated 18 weeks to complete all 29 individuals

- Estimated cost:

HW dep = $360 labor = $15k

AWS capability

- Running data for all 29 individual at once

- 30 meter resolution

- Completed in 5 hours including two hours learning AWS

- Estimated cost:

Total AWS cost = $5.70

Labor = $250

Summary Results

 Accomplished more

 In a shorter period of time

 Higher accuracy

 At a lower cost

myPRINT in the Cloud:

A small-group experience in leveraging services

DES Printing & Imaging Services

Michael Zimmerman, Business Solutions Developer

IPMA Forum 2012


• What is myPRINT?

• myPRINT in the cloud

• Why we chose a cloud service

• Lessons learned along the way

What is myPRINT?

• myPRINT is a web application for submitting print requests

& web-to-print files, based on a COTS printing industry solution

What is myPRINT?

• Qualified government or non-profit customers can select from standard products or upload files to build their own print jobs with custom options and visuals that update to reflect their selections

What is myPRINT?

• myPRINT can have multiple branded storefronts, such as our public-facing myFulfillment store for distributing pre-made and print-on-demand items from other state agencies

What is myPRINT?

• As a web application, myPRINT is administered and configured by DES staff entirely online, like a sophisticated

Content Management System

myPRINT in the cloud

• myPRINT is fully hosted and maintained by our vendor in an

Application Service Provider model

– We have our own distinct configurations and database managed by the ASP host, so myPRINT is technically not part of a multi-tenant Software as a Service platform

• So, DES does not manage code or infrastructure, just the service

myPRINT in the cloud

• Core data on each order from myPRINT flows from the ASP host back to our print MIS application hosted inside the SGN at DES

– Monarch, our MIS software, is owned by the same vendor who develops myPRINT’s underlying Digital Store Front application

– SGN connectivity was an early challenge but has been working well since go-live in 2009

Why we chose a cloud service

• With only 4 IT staff at the time, we needed to “punch above our weight”

– Focus limited resources on our business needs rather than infrastructure and code

• Quicker path to go-live

• Lower up-front investment

• More vendor involvement and support

Lessons learned along the way

• It is tempting to have more IT control, but keep your focus on refining business value to customers

• Find a way to maintain access to your raw data, even if read-only

• Be clear with vendor about having input on feature development in general vs. what requires customizations

• Pay attention to connectivity issues and the impact on your customers’ experience 


 Learning curve

 Many AWS services

 Each service with its own set of options

 Complex

 Connectivity back to the SGN

 Needed for managing licenses

 Access some data sets

 Account management / Billing

 User management – another set of credentials to manage

 Need an easier way to track usage for cost accounting

 Special projects have their own source of funding

 What is the right IT Service model?

Moderator: Bob Zych, Office of the Chief Information Officer

Panel Members:

Grant Rodeheaver, Department of Transportation

Michael DeAngelo, Department of Fish and Wildlife

Michael Zimmerman, Department of Enterprise Services

