Religion 15 Course Outline


Religion 15

Course Outline

Glenmary School 2015/16 Instructor: Ms. Marni Mingay

Introduction: The purpose of the grade 10 religion program is to assist you in understanding the role that our faith plays in our personal lives as well as our culture. Through study and reflection, we aim to deepen our understanding of our faith in the development of culture. The textbook for this course is Christ and Culture by the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops.

Within this course, we will be using the text and supplementary resources to fulfill the curriculum expectations.

General Objectives:

Examine the principles that guide Catholics in understanding their role in shaping culture

Understand that belonging to the Christian community involves witness and service.

Understand how the work of Jesus continues in the world through the Catholic Church.

Explore an overview of world religions


Unit I To be human is ……

Explore what scripture and the Church reveal about what it means to be human

Unit II

Unit III

Who has culture?

Understand the dynamic nature of culture and our role as agents within culture

The God questions

Examine the impact that faith in Christ, and the God who

Jesus reveals, can have upon culture

To identify the Catholic Church’s response to social issues in Canada and global social justice issues

Unit IV World Religions

Explore relationships with self, others and God as presented both in culture and from a Catholic perspective

Recognize that Christians are called to relate to the world as disciples and witnesses

Resources: The main resource for this course will be the CCCCB, Christ and Culture


Evaluation: The weighting for each evaluation component is shown below:

A person’s relationship with God is a matter of conscience, the internal forum of the soul. God alone is the arbiter of souls (and then again, who can plumb the depths of Divine Mercy?). It is important, therefore, that we avoid the grading or evaluation of a student’s faith.

We grade the knowledge the student has acquired based on the program of studies and the skills the student is able to show in articulating his/her knowledge.


Evaluation: The weighting for each evaluation component is shown below:

Course Content – 80%

10% journals

10% quizzes

25% minor assignments

35% major assignments/ tests

Final Exam – 20%

If students earn an average of 80% or higher before June 5, they have the choice to be exempt from the final exam. Work hard, participate meaningfully, and reap the reward!!


Notebook for journaling

Lined paper in a binder

Pencil, pens, eraser

All students are expected to have a binder for the course for all the course material (homework, notes, handouts, etc). All course work should be organized chronologically by unit and/or by date.. Students are expected to have their textbook, binder, agenda, pen or pencil and ruler for each class.


Do to others whatever you would have them do to you .”

(Matthew 7:12)

Attendance/Tardiness: You are expected to attend all classes, to be on time, and to have the required texts and supplies with you.

Participation : Discussion is crucial to this course and, as such, you are expected to become actively involved in discussions. You should be able to, and willing to, express your opinions, answer questions, and listen respectfully to other class members.

Legitimate Absence : Periodic absences are sometimes necessary. Please communicate these to your teacher and arrange to complete that work which you have missed. You are responsible for any work/tests you have missed.

Academic Dishonesty: The consequences of cheating will be in accordance with those outlined in the Student


Attention Parents/Guardians: If you have any comments, questions or concerns about the course or the progress of your child please feel free to contact Ms. Marni Mingay, at the school (624-5656) or via e-mail at

Turning in Assignments:

Sometimes your homework, group-work or individual work done in class will be collected. Make sure each assignment has your full name, course code and the date on it. This should be on the top margin of your paper or on the title page. Some assignments, activities and class discussions will be accessed through Google Classroom and some assessments will be submitted via Google Classroom.

Zeros: Zeros will be assigned immediately on the due date and will remain after three interventions have been offered to the student.

Each of these interventions will be recorded in Power School. One of these interventions will involve me calling home and speaking to the parent about the missing assessment and the negative effects of receiving such a grade.

Please Note:

We will be using Google Classroom and Remind.

In case you have forgotten how to use Google Classroom for submitting assignments.


Go to


Sign in with your HFCRD email account (


Find the assignment that’s due.


Open the Google Doc associated with that assignment


When you are done, click “turn in”

Any issues, please email me immediately at

For additional guidance, check out this website:

*Students please make sure the technology permission form is signed and brought to the school office in a timely manner so that you have access to technology in the classroom.

REMIND is a system that allows the teacher to communicate with the parents and students via texting to cell phones without anyone having access to any phone numbers. I will use Remind to inform you of upcoming tests, homework or reading assignments and any other information relevant to the course. is another useful way for teachers to communicate with parents and students via text without anyone knowing anyone else’s cell number.

Both parents and students please join the ELA class you are currently enrolled in using the instructions below:

In the messaging field on your cell phone:

To join Ms. Mingay’s REMIND class, please enter the number: 587 803 0601 and text this message:

@c0445 or

Required Materials:

- large binder with loose-leaf & dividers

-Pencil & eraser, pens, pencil crayons, scissors, glue stick

- Memory stick for computer use; Minimum 1 GB

Students will be given many handouts and they will need their own binder for this course. I will not accept written handwork completed in a spiral bound notebook, it must be on loose leaf paper.

Requirements for Success:


COME TO CLASS REGULARY: Research indicates that as few as five absences in a semester can lower your grade by as much as 10%.


STUDY: Regular studying and review of course material at home and preparation for quizzes and tests is essential. Students are required to hand in assignments; at the beginning of class on the day they are due.

On the back counter in my classroom is a file box in which students will put all assignments to be handed in. Students need to be present for tests and quizzes on the scheduled day. If a student is absent on the day an assignment is due or a test is given, she/ he will be expected to hand in the assignment or complete the test on the day of return, unless previous arrangements have been made. All assignments and test dates will be posted in the classroom and a message will be sent home, students are strongly recommended to record these dates in their organizer.


RESPONSIBILITY: If you miss a class, you’re expected to find out about the missed work the day you return to school, whether or not you have a Language Arts class that day. Please check the

“While You Were Away” folder for your class, on the wall in my room to collect any handouts. Collect any missed notes from a buddy and be prepared for the next class you are attending.


BEHAVIOUR: Mature and considerate behavior is expected in class. The classroom will be a place of mutual respect for the rights and feelings of others and their property. That means listening respectfully while others talk and talking respectfully while others listen. Students who do not meet an acceptable standard of behavior will not be permitted to continue disrupting others.


USE of TECHNOLOGY: Student’s will not have access to their cellphones or IPads without the permission of the teacher. There will be a place designated in the classroom for them to place their technology items if they choose not to leave them in their lockers. If I decide they need to access the technology for research purposes to aid them in an assignment, use their IPAD (laptop) for word processing, or if they need to listen to music with headphones while they do seat work they will be given permission to use it at my discretion.


COMMUNICATION: I will be using remind as a way to send most information home for tests and assignments, as well as some communication via the Power School Email. Instructions for you to sign up to remind is on the following page. Students will also be asked to join Google Classroom. Google

Classroom is a forum for me to post assignments, reminders, tips, videos and homework. Google

Classroom can also be used for class discussions and for assignments to be submitted.

PARENTS: Please check relevant boxes and sign in the space below.

___ I have read the Course Outline

___ I have read the Expectations & Requirements for Success section of the


___I check Power School for updates about achievement

___I receive emails from the school and I know that my email and phone numbers in

Power School are current and correct.

___I have joined REMIND (see instructions in the box above)

Parent: Print__________________________ Sign_________________________

STUDENTS: Please check relevant boxes and sign in the space below.

___ I have read the Course Outline

___I have read the Expectations & Requirements for Success section of the


___I check Power School for updates about achievement

___I have joined REMIND (see instructions in the box above)

Student: Print__________________________ Sign_________________________

Please bring this outline back to your teacher by Friday Sept 4, 2015.
