
Latin Course Culminating Task: Library Pathfinder
Learning Goal:
To research a Roman culture using two different sources
To create a handout for your class (side 1: 10 Latin words related
to your topic ; 5 English Words that have Latin roots. Side 2:
create a short exercise to quiz the class
Research visuals for your presentation
To creatively present your topic to the class (You may do a
PowerPoint, Prezi, Mindomo (in D2L…see tips below), Bristol
Board, Capzles)
Create a Works Cited page
Where to find sources:
1. Books: MAX
2. Books, Encyclopedias, Journals…: Virtual Library
3. Another database: Questiaschool
Websites to help you:
Visual Dictionary:
Latin Word Study Tool:
Online Etymology Dictionary:
Latin Words of English Words:
Info about English Vocabulary:
Works Cited:
Use Knightcite to help you.
Cut and paste the citation from Knightcite into a Word Document.
Use the checklist given to you.
Tips to help you with Mindomo:
-Go to D2L
-find the Mindomo icon
-click on create
-choose a template
-click on the question mark find videos. These videos
will review how you can build a simple mind map (to
help you brainstorm and organize your ideas) to how to
animate your mind map with images and videos (for
presenting your information to the class instead of a
Prezi or a PowerPoint)..