English P4

Finborough School Learning Programme
Year Group: 4
Subject: English
Week Commencing
Autumn Term 2015
Learning (Objective)
To discuss and begin to read the myth of Beowulf.
To identify features of a legend.
To be able to identify powerful verbs.
To understand and identify adjectives.
To write a description using interesting adjectives and
powerful verbs.
To be able edit a peer’s work.
To understand and interpret a piece of fiction.
To create settings, characters and plot.
To create settings, characters and plot.
To write the beginning of a Myth.
To organise paragraphs around a theme.
To assess the effectiveness of their own and each other’s
Can identify and write sentences in 1st and 3rd person.
Can identify the features of a legend within the story of
Children will be able to identify verbs in a passage and
explain why they are powerful.
Can understand the purpose of an adjective and begin to
reflect on interesting vs not.
Can write a description containing some interesting
Children will be able to identify adjectives and their
effectiveness in a peer’s work.
Children will be able to verbally and physically explain and
interpret the plot of Beowulf.
Can consider the 5 senses and ‘power of 3’ when writing an
opening paragraph.
Can use inspiration from opening paragraph to create a
story mind map, including some ambitious vocabulary.
Can use dialogue and correct punctuation to help tell their
Can write the middle portion of their myth using two new
Can suggest at least 3 areas for improvement.
With support, can recognise the difference between 1st and
3rd person.
Can identify some features of a legend.
Children will be able to identify verbs in a passage.
Can use simple adjectives and understand their use.
With support, children will be able to write a description
containing some interesting adjectives.
Children will be able to identify adjectives and comment on
a peer’s work
Children will be able to verbally and physically explain the
plot of Beowulf.
Can consider 5 senses and use some adjectives to write an
opening paragraph.
Can use inspiration from opening paragraph to create
story mind map and ‘magpie’ some ambitious vocabulary.
Can use dialogue and with support, the correct
Can write the middle portion of their myth using a new
Can suggest at least one area for improvement.
Can identify and write sentences in 1st and 3rd person and
explain when each is appropriate.
Can identify features of a legend within the context of
Children will be able to identify powerful verbs and explain
their use in the sentence.
Can use interesting adjectives and adjectival phrases.
Can write a description using interesting adjectives and
adjectival phrases.
Children will be able to identify adjectives, their
effectiveness and suggest ways to improve a peer’s work.
Children will be able to verbally and physically explain and
further interpret the plot of Beowulf.
Can consider the 5 senses, power of 3 to write a well
developed paragraph.
Interesting adjectives worksheet.
Spelling homework.
Monster description final draft for homework.
Spelling Homework.
Can use inspiration from opening paragraph to create a
myth mind map including ambitious vocabulary and some
fronted adverbial sentences.
Can use dialogue with correct punctuation and varying
sentence structures.
Can write the middle portion of their myth using multiple
Can suggest multiple areas for improvement and make
positive suggestions.
Design a front cover and tile page for Myth.
Homework (s)
Finborough School Learning Programme
Year Group: 4
Subject: English
Week Commencing
Autumn Term 2015
Learning (Objective)
To identify the features of instructions.
To understand the importance of a pro-noun.
To write in the present perfect tense.
To use apostrophes with possessives.
To be able to write a set of instructions.
To be able to edit a peer’s writing.
To identify the features of descriptive writing for the
purpose of creating an image.
To be able to recognise an adverb.
To be able to use fronted adverbials.
Can identify all main features of a piece of instruction
Can identify and explain pro-nouns.
Can understand the purpose of present-perfect tense.
Understands the concept of a possessive word and when to
include an apostrophe.
Can write a set of instructions and including all success
Can edit peers writing against a marking ladder as well as
identify how they can personally improve.
Can identify all features introduced.
Understand that adverbs modify verbs.
Can begin complex sentences with fronted adverbials.
Can identify some features of a piece of instruction writing.
Can identify pronouns in a piece of writing.
Can identify the difference between present perfect and
simple past tense.
Can recognise possessive words.
Can write a set of instructions including most of the
success criteria.
Can use a marking ladder to identify how their partner can
Can identify most features introduced.
Can recognise common adverbs by their ending in ly.
Can use fronted adverbials in simple sentences.
Can identify and understand features of instruction
writing and understand how audience affects this.
Can identify, explain and use pronouns effectively in a
piece of writing.
Understands present perfect and can when it is
appropriate to be used.
Understands the concept of a possessive word and when to
include an apostrophe including irregular possessives.
Can write a set of instructions including all success
Can edit peers writing against a marking ladder as well as
identify how they can personally improve.
Can identify and interpret the importance of features
Can explain the difference between adjectives and adverbs.
Can use fronted adverbials in complex sentences with the
correct punctuation.
Homework (s)
Finborough School Learning Programme
Year Group:
Week Commencing
Learning (Objective)
To be able to recognise and use interesting adjectives.
To create an image through descriptive writing.
To be able to edit a peer’s writing.
Can recognise adjectives and use them in a short piece of
Can use interesting adjectives, adverbs and some fronted
adverbials to create an image.
Can edit peers writing against a marking ladder as well as
identify how they can personally improve.
Homework (s)
Can recognise adjectives and use them in a sentence.
Can use some interesting adjectives and adverbs to create
an image.
Can use a marking ladder to identify how their partner can
Can use interesting adjectives within a short piece of
Can use interesting adjectives adverbs and fronted
adverbials to create an image.
Can edit peers writing against a marking ladder as well as
identify how they can personally improve.
Autumn Term 2015
To take on the role of a museum curator.
(cross-curricular, see Topic plan)
To take on the role of a museum curator.
(cross-curricular - see Topic plan)
Finborough School Learning Programme
Year Group:
Week Commencing
Autumn Term 2015
Learning (Objective)
To be able to write a simile.
To identify the features of an image poem.
To use descriptive tools to describe an image.
To be able to identify a metaphor and to understand the
difference between a metaphor and a simile
To be able to write a metaphor.
To write an image poem.
To edit a peer’s work.
To perform an image poem.
Can write a simile using interesting adjectives.
Can identify most features independently.
Can use similes and interesting adjectives.
Can identify metaphors and similes within a text and begin
to write their own.
Can compare two unlikely objects using a metaphor.
Can write an image poem including most of the success
Can read a peer’s poem and identify success criteria as
well as how the poem can be improved.
Can perform own poem using expression.
Can write a basic simile.
With support, can identify most features.
With support, can use similes and interesting adjectives.
Can identify metaphors and similes within a text.
Can compare a given object to a chosen one using a
Can write an image poem including some of the success
Can read a peer’s poem and identify success criteria as
well as how the poem can be improved.
Can perform own poem and is beginning to use expression.
Can write a simile using interesting adjectives to compare
two unlikely objects.
Can identify and understand the purpose of all features of
an image poem.
Can use similes and interesting adjective.
Can write their own similes and metaphors and
understand when each is appropriate.
Using multiple metaphors, can describe a scene.
Can write an image poem including all of the success
Can read a peer’s poem and identify success criteria as
well as how the poem can be improved.
Can perform own poem using expression and physical
Homework (s)