Ancestor Poem Rubric Checklist

Poet’s Name _______________________
Date ______________________________
Ancestor Poem Rubric Checklist
*Check off each item as you complete it
*Bring this to your writing conference w/ Mrs. J & turn in with your poem.
*Each item is worth 3 pts. except the title, which is worth 2
This poem includes:
A Title
SDT (Show Don’t Tell) images – at least 3
Simile – at least 1
Follows Manuscript Guidelines:
Is Not Centered
14 pt. font
Single-spaced lines
Double spaced stanzas
Is at least 5 stanzas long
Includes interesting adjectives
Includes vivid verbs
Total= ____/ 35
Record the three SDT images:
Record the Simile:
Record the ineresting adjectives:
Record the vivid verbs:
Names of Editors: