Chapter 4: The Periodic Table

Chapter 4: The Structure
of Matter
Section 4: Organic and Biochemical
Key Terms
organic compound – carbon
containing covalent compound
 hydrocarbon – compound made
of C & H, e.g., alkane (single
bonds only), alkene (at least 1
double bond) & alynes (…1
triple bond)
Key Terms 2
polymer – large organic molecule
made of many smaller bonded units,
 DNA – C, H, O, N & P containing
biochemical that determines genetic
 double helix - twisted ladder shape of
Key Terms 3
carbohydrate – OC made of C, H &
O; it provides nutrients to live cells.
 glucose – simplest carb that is stored
as glycogen if not used right away
 amino acids – 20 naturally occurring
organic molecules that combine to
make proteins
Key Terms 4
protein – biological polymer
made of bonded amino acids, e.g.,
insulin which controls use &
storage of glucose in the body
Things To Know/Answer
How do carbon atoms bond
covalently to form OCs?
 What are the names and structures
of groups of simple organic compounds & polymers?
 Polymers essential for life are
made of what?
Organic Compounds
Made of molecules with C always,
usually H and often O, N, S & P
 C9H8O4 (aspirin), C6H14O6 (sorbitol)
& C14H18N205 (aspartame) are
 C atoms form 4 bonds & make
hydrocarbons if only bonded to H.
Organic Compounds 2
methane (CH4) - simplest hydrocarbon
 Alkanes have single covalent bonds.
 They get called normal if 3 or more
are bonded in a straight line.
 Memorize Table 4-9 on page 131.
Organic Compounds 3
condensed structural formula –
show with formulas only how
atoms bond like CH3(CH2)6CH3
 Alkane chemical formulas =
CnH2n+2 except for cyclic ones.
 Study Figure 4-26 on page 131.
Organic Compounds 4
To name hydrocarbons find the
longest line of Cs for root name
where ending = -ane, -ene or –yne
for alkanes, alkenes or alkynes.
 The prefix matches the # of Cs in
the line with numbers inserted to
tell where branches are.
Organic Compounds 5
Study Figure 4-26 on page 131.
Alkenes have double H2C=CH2
bonds; the simplest is ethene.
 Alcohols have –OH or hydroxyl
groups, and there names end in –ol.
 The simplest is ethanol, CH3CH2OH.
Organic Compounds 6
Alcohol molecules behave like
H2O via -OH to -OH attraction.
 For this reason, alcohols tend to
be liquids at room temperature
and to have higher boiling points
than similarly sized OCs.
DNA, rubber, wood and plastic are
examples of polymers b/c they all are
made of large noodle like molecules
with repeating subunits called
 Some are natural; others are
synthetic, man-made. Heat chars the
first kind but melts the second.
Polymers 2
Polymer structure determines
elasticity, ability to change shape but
reform. Cross links between
monomers give this trait.
 polymer memory – returning to
original shape after stretching…
Biochemical Compounds
These occur naturally and are
very important to living things.
 Carbohydrates give creatures
energy, but proteins form tissues
unlike DNA, which is genetic
information about what proteins
are necessary.
Biochemical Compounds 2
Many carbs are made of glucose
bonded together to form starch
which plants use to store energy.
 Enzymes are special proteins that
break down starch among other
Biochemical Compounds 3
Proteins get digested into amino
acids, which bodies reassemble into
different proteins that they need.
 DNA is dē oxy rī bō nū clĕ ĭc acid.
 Its chains of paired bases are cytosine
(C) always with guanine (G) &
adenine (A) with thymine (T).
 Cellular copies of genetic materials
are in chromosomes of DNA.
Biochemical Compounds 4
Copying of DNA happens after
protein helicases unwind the pairs.
 Next, protein polymerases attach new
bases or monomers to exposed ones
on open sides of the unpaired strands.
 Last, 2 identical strands of DNA
Biochemical Compounds 5
DNA structure = twisted ladder,
double helix. See Figure 4-32 on
page 136.
 Sides of ladder = alternating sugar
molecules and phosphate units.
 Steps = paired bases where each
extends from a supporting sugar.