SARHAD DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY N.W.F.P. PESHAWAR APPOINTMENT OF EMPLOYEES RULES 1 SARHAD DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY APPOINTMENT OF EMPLOYEES RULES 1. Short Title -These rules may be called the "Sarhad Development Authority Appointment of Employees Rules, 1977". 2. Definition - In these rules unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context:- (a) The "Authority” means the Sarhad Development Authority. (b) "Project" means any project undertaken and managed by the Authority and unless the context requires otherwise includes a Company for which the Authority has been appointed as managing agents. (c) "Deputy General Manager" means an Engineer incharge of a Division under the General Manager Technical in the Technical Wing. (d) "Manager" means the Project manager / General Manager or Manager incharge of a Completed Unit or a Section in the Head Office. (e) "Lateral Entry" means entry into service of the Authority, from another organization / autonomous body under the Provincial Government of NWFP on a parallel post or from one cadre of Authority's service to another cadre on a post in equivalent grade. (f) "Regular Employee" means an employee who is in regular service of the Authority other than on Temporary / Seasonal employment. (g) "Temporary / Seasonal Employee" means an employee who is appointed for a particular season or a specified not exceeding six months or paid from contingencies. (h) "Appointing Authority" means the Officer competent to make appointments as indicated in the Schedule in Appendix -I to these rules. 2 (i) 3. 4. "Cadre" means the strength of a service or part of a service sanctioned as a separate unit. Appointment to posts in the Authority may be any of the following methods:- i. by initial recruitment. ii. by promotion of the existing employees. iii. by lateral Entry. iv. by contract. There will be two cadres of the employee of the Authority namely:- a. HEAD OFFICE CADRE Which will comprise the following:- b. i. All employees appointed on post belonging to Head Office of the Authority. ii. All employees appointed on or in connection with the affairs of the Technical Services Wing of the Authority. PROJECT CADRE Will include all employees appointed on or in connection with the affairs of the projects. 3 NOTE:- The Sub Cadres for the two Cadres are indicated in appendix -IV. PROCEDURE FOR RECRUITMENT/APPOINTMENTS 5. Recruitment/appointments shall be made by the appointing authorities contained in appendix -I in accordance with the procedure laid down below. a. Issuance of Orders for creation of New Posts All orders regarding creation of posts will be issued from the Administration Wing of the Authority. b. c. Issuance of Appointment Letters i. Letters of appointments for all categories of employees in the head office and for grade-17 and above posts for Projects shall be issued by the Administration Wing. ii. For appointments against grade 1 to 16 in the Projects, the letters of appointment will be issued by the Director concerned or Project Managers/Project Engineers as the case may be and shall endorse a copy to Administration Wing in Head Office. iii. Any dispute arising between Projects and Head Office regarding appointment or method of appointment of an employee will be submitted by Admin. Section to the Chairman for decision through the Director concerned. Advertisement of vacancies 4 d. i. The concerned department/project where the post exists will make out "Job Specifications" for the vacant post and forward the same to the Administration Wing through their directorates who would examine/arrange the said material in proper order and send the same to the press for publication. On the receipt of applications by the Administration Wing the case will be processed and interviews held accordingly. ii. In case of availability of senior / suitable candidate within the relevant cadre in the Authority who could be considered for filling up vacant posts, the competent Authority may not advertise the post in the press. However, the existing selection procedure will remain unchanged for filling up such posts. Deputation case In order to keep uniformity of policy, all cases of deputation whether at Project or at Headquarters will be processed by the Administration Wing. e. Issuance/Publication of Administrative/Executive/orders in the Authority. All Administrative/executive orders in the Authority will be issued / published by the Administration Wing in consultation with the Deptt. Concerned. f. Appointment/ Recruitment etc. Appointment to Grade-17 and above posts, whether at the Headquarters or at the projects will be dealt with and processed by the Administration Wing of the Authority. g. Departmental Selection and Promotion Committee The composition of the departmental and promotion selection committees for the posts in various grades shall be as in grade appendix- II. 6. In case of urgency, the Director concerned may appoint a suitable person on an ad-hoc basis against an existing post for a period not exceeding 6 months at a time. Such an appointment will require regularization within the above specified period. Reasons for such appointment will have to be recorded. 5 7. Unless otherwise allowed or/relaxed by the Authority a candidate for initial recruitment to a post must:i. Possess the qualifications/experience as may be prescribed for the post; ii. be within the age limit as laid down for the post; iii. be in good mental and bodily health, free from any physical defect and shall produce a medical certificate of fitness from a Registered Medical Practitioner. Note Medical certificate will not be required from re-employed Govt servants, contractees and temporary/ seasonal employees. 8. Existing employees of the Authority who possess the prescribed qualifications and meet the general condition laid down for a post will not be precluded from appearing for selection, on the grounds of age or their existing lower position in the Authority's Organization. 9. Appointment by promotion will be made within the Cadres on the basis of inters seniority of the employees in the relevant sub cadres in the following ratio on the recommendations of Departmental Promotion Committee :i. Grade 1 to 16 and above --- 75% by seniority cum fitness --- and 25% by direct recruitment ii. 10. Grade 17 and above --- 75% by seniority cum fitness --- and 25% directly. Appointment by contract may only be made for special purposes or for obtaining services of specially qualified persons and should not be for a period of less than one year. * 10. A. 11. As noted below. The letter of appointment should be issued on the standard form prescribed in Appendix- III to these rules and must be signed by the Appointing Authority in his own hand. 6 12. The Board of Directors in its full sitting may relax any rule or procedure for appointment if it is considered necessary in the necessary in the interest of the Authority. * 10. A. Quota for Ex - Servicemen "10% of vacancies to be filled-in by initial recruitment ex- servicemen. 7 shall be reserved for Appendix - I SCHEDULE OF POWERS Appointing Authority 1. 2. Part-I Technical Services Regular Employees in NPS Grade 1 - 4 Dy: General Manager " " " " " 5-10 General Manager " " " " “11-16 Director concerned " " " " “17 & above Chairman Part-II Project under implementation Regular Employees in NPS Grade 1-10 General Manager/Project Manager subject to Provision in PC-I or Project Estimate Regular employees in NPS- Grade-11-16 Director concerned. 17-& above Chairman 8 3. Part-III Completed Unit Temporary/Seasonal Employees in General Manager/Manager Connection with the Factory as per production and Manpower Process/Production Budget (All Grades) Regular Employees in Grade 4. 1-10 General Manager/Manger " " " " 11-16 Director concerned " " " " 17-& above Chairman Part - IV Head Office Regular Employees in NPS. Grade 1-10 Secretary/General Manager (Administration) " " " " “11-16 " " " " “17-& above Director (Admn :) Chairman Note :- 1. Residual powers are to be exercised by the Chairman. 2. The delegated powers may also be exercised by the Director concerned. 3. The powers are to be exercised subject to availability of sanctioned posts, notified by the Authority through the approved Manpower Budget for that year. Any post not provided in the approved Manpower Budget of the Authority for the year would require prior sanction of the Board in 9 consultation with the Finance Wing of the Authority. Creation of posts in Finance Wing beyond those provided for in the approved Manpower Budget would require Board's approval provided that it is within the budgetary provision. 4. The above powers are subject to the prescribed procedure for recruitment/ appointments as contained in the rules. 10 Appendix- II COMPOSITE SCHEDULE OF DEPARTMENTAL SELECTION/PROMOTION COMMITTEES 1. DEPARTMENTAL SELECTION COMMITTEE i. For the posts in Grade 18 & above or Equivalent Two Directors Two Officers of General Manager Status Two members of the Selection Committee will be nominated by the Chairman, S.D.A. ii. For the posts in Grade - 17 One Director One Officer of G.M. status from the concerned Deptt One Officer of Grade- 18 status The Members of the Selection Committee will be nominated by the Chairman, S.D.A. iii. For the posts in Grade - 16 (H.Qrs.) One Officer of General Manager status One Officer of Grade - 18 status One Officer of Grade - 17 status iv. For the posts in Grade - 16 (Projects) 11 General Manager/Project Manager One Officer of Grade - 18 status One Officer of Grade - 17 status v. For the posts in Grade 11 - 15 One Officer of Grade - 18 status. Two Officers of Grade - 17/18 status. NOTE i. The concerned Director shall appoint the members of the Selection Committee for the posts at serial No. (iii) (iv) & (v). ii. All posts in Grade 1 to 10 where in services suitable Candidates in the relevant cadres are not available for promotion, the posts will be filled-up by direct recruitment of suitable candidates by the Admn. Deptt in the H.Qrs. and by the concerned G.M/Project Managers in the Projects. 2. DEPARTMENTAL PROMOTION COMMITTEE a. For Headquarters I. For Grade 1 to 10 Manager (Admn) ----- Chairman Manager (concerned department) ----- Member A.Mr.(R & P) Member ----- ii.For Grade - 11 to 16 12 iii. Secretary/GM(Admn) ---- Chairman General Manager (concerned) Manager (Admn) ------- Member Member Director (Admn) ----- Chairman Director (concerned) ----- Member Grade - 17 and above Secy/G.M.(Admn) b. ----- Member FOR PROJECTS For Grade - 1 to 10 1 2. One Officer of Grade - 18 Status One Officer of Grade - 17 Status Nominating Authority Director concerned. For Grade - 11 to 16 1. 2. Project Manager / Deputy General Manager / Managers One Officer of Grade - 17. Status 3. Nominating Authority Director concerned For Grade - 17 and above As under Head Office. 13 Appendix - III SARHAD DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY N.W.F.P. PESHAWAR. No. S.D.A./ Date.........200 To: ................................. ................................. ................................. Subject:- Appointment ................... Ref: your application dated.................................... You are hereby offered a post the...............................of the Authority's on the following terms and conditions with effect from................................... 1. Nature of Appointment. Regular After completion of probationary period of 6 months extendible to one year. Temporary / Seasonal: On contract period and Special conditions if any be specified. 14 2. Grade/Scale of pay Rs................................a. For pay and allowances and fringe benefits during probationary Period :- i. Initial pay Rs. ........................per month. ii. Dearness allowance Rs........................per month. iii. L.C.A. Rs........................per month. iv. Fringe benefits Rs........................per month. b.For pay and allowances and fringe benefits after completion of probationary period :i. Initial pay Rs........................per month. ii. Dearness allowance Rs........................per month. iii. L.C.A. Rs........................per month. iv. Fringe benefits Rs........................per month. 3 .House Rent Allowance (a) During probationary period...............................P.M. 6. 4. (b) After completion of probationary period.........................P.M. Conveyance allowance 5. Medical facilities for self and family as per S.D.A. Medical Attendance Rules. All others ................................... 7. Place of duty ...........You are employed for...............Project/Office/Head Office etc: and You will not have any right or claim to employment in any other project/ office/Head Office of the Authority, in case your services are no longer required in connection with the affairs of the Project/Officer/Head Office. 15 The Authority may change your designation/duties as and when deemed necessary. 8. Security Deposit required.................................... 9. Notice of termination of appointment During the probationary period your services can be terminated without assigning any reason thereof, After successful completion of the probationary period your services can be terminated on one month's notice or pay in lieu there of on either side provided such termination is not due to misconduct, for which it will be terminated without any notice. 10. Medical Fitness You shall have to produce a Medical Fitness Certificate from the Authority’s Doctor or from a Practitioner nominated by the Authority regarding your health within one month of joining Service. 11. Rules Governing the Service..............Rules/Project Rules. 12. You will not divulge either directly or indirectly to any person or body any knowledge or information which you may acquire concerning affairs, property, enterprises, undertaking of the Authority or Company its business and trade matters and secrets. 13. Offer Open Upto.........If the above terms and conditions are acceptable to you , then you are requested to sign the duplicate copy of this letter as a token of your acceptance & send it by Registered post and report for duty to this office............. within ........... days of the receipt of this letter. : 1) 2) 3) 4) Signature of the Appointing Authority. 16 Appendix: IV 1. Engineering Cadre : This cadre will include the following: i. ii. Electrical Engineers Mechanical Engineers : iii. Civil Engineers iv. Chemical Engineer & Chemists: : : From Gr-17 to Gr-18 Note. The above mentioned categories will remain in their own relevant sub cadres upto grade-18, but for promotion to grade-19, which will be a selection post, they will be considered on joint seniority basis. 2. Managerial cadre : This cadre will include all officers in grade-17 and grade-18:- i. Administration: ii. Commercial iii. Operation : iv. Planning : : Note. Promotion to grade-19 will however be on selection basis from amongst the senior most grade-18 officers of the Managerial Cadre. 3. Finance/Accounts Cadre : This cadre will include the employees of Finance & Accounts Wing in grade-11 to grade-18, Promotion to grade-19 will however be on 17 selection basis from amongst the senior most Finance/Accounts, Cadre. 4. (a). grade-18 officers of the Mining Engineers : This cadre will include Asstt: Mining Engrs: and Mining Engineers from grade-17 to grade-18. (b) Geologists This cadre will include Asstt: Geologists sand Geologists from grade-17 to grade-18. Note. For the purposes of promotion to grade-19 which will be a selection post, the above categories will be considered on joint seniority basis. 5. a. Ministerial-I This sub-cadre will include Junior Clerks, Typist, Senior Clerk, Assistants Care taker and Superintendent i.e. from grade-5 to grade-16, in all the wings of the Authority at the Head Office except for Accounts/Finance where from grade-11 onwards they will be considered as a separate cadre as referred to at serial No. 3 above. b.Ministerial-II 18 This cadre will include Steno-typist, Stenographers, P.As and Private Secretaries from grade-6 to grade-16. Note. For the purpose of onward promotion to grade-17, to the ministerial side, both the above categories (a &b) will be considered on joint seniority basis. c. Ministerial-III This cadre will include Telephone/Operators. PROPOSED QUALIFICATIONS/EXPERIENCE FOR APPOINTMENT AGAINST VARIOUS POSTS IN S.D.A. Designation a. 1. Qualification Age limit General Administration Graduate preferably Law 30-45 Years Secretary General Graduate with 10 years Manager (Admn:) Administrative experie- Grade - 19 nce in Govt. or large Industrial organization. 2. Manager (Administration) Graduate (II Class)prefe- Grade - 18 rabley Law graduate with 6-8 years experience in administration and Labour 19 28-40 Years affairs in Govt. or big Industrial concern. 3.(a) Asstt:Manager (A) Grade - 17 Graduate (II Class) with 25-35 Years (b) Asstt: Manager practical experience of at (R&P) Grade-17 least 5 years in Administration and Labour affairs. (c) Asstt:Manager (G&T) 4. Grade - 17 Superintendent (Grade - 16) Graduate (II Class) having 5 years experience in a rele- 25-35 Years vant field in a position. equivalent to Grade - 11 5. Private Secretary to Graduate with 5 years expChairman (Grade - 17) erience as Stenographer Grade 11, with speed of 40/80 6. Private Secretary to words per minute of typing/ Director/Secretary short hand respectively of Grade - 16 Intermediate with 8 years experience as stenographer Grade-11 with speed of 40/80 words per minute of typing/ short hand respectively. b. Finance 20 25-35Years 7. General Manager C.A. (Preferably foreign 30-45 Years (Finance) (Grade 19) qualified) ACMA/MBA (B-Grade) 10 years experience with large Industrial concern of a financial institution in the field of financial management, planning & control. 8. a. Manager (Finance) ACMA or Inter C.A.,/ b. Manager (Accounts) M.B.A. with Major in Fin:/ c. Manager (Audit) M.Com: Ist Division 30-45 Years Experience of 6-8 years in the field of Fin: Accounts, Audit in the Govt: Audit & Accounts Deptt: or in a big Industrial Concern in the respective field. 9. i. Asstt: Manager M.B.A./M. Com/(Ist Division) 25-35 Years a. Finance/Budget preferably two years b. Accounts experience & B.Com (Ist Division) with 5 years experience. ii. iii. Audit Officers M.Com/M.B.A., with PraProject Accountants ctical experience of at least iv. Asstt: Accounts Officers two years in Govt: Semi-Govt or big Industrial Organization 21 25-35 Years v. Accounts Officers in the respective vi. Senior Accountants field/B. Com (Ist Division) etc (Grade. 17) with five years experience. 10.i. Superintendents M. Com/or at least commerce 25-35Years ii. Project Accountants Graduate 2nd Class/with 5-8 years practical/experience iii. Senior Auditors in the field of Finance and accounts in Govt. or Big iv. Division Accountants Industrial Concern. 11. Statistician Graduate-II Class in Economics (Grade-14) Statistics with five years 25-35 Years experience. 12.i. Accounts Asstt:/ Graduate II Class ii. Audit Assistant preferably Commerce Graduate 25-35 Years iii. Stock Verifier with minimum 3 years experience (Grade 11 & 12) in the Accounts field in Govt: or Industrial Concern. c. 13. Planning Wing General Manager MBA/M.A. Economics with at 28-45 (Grade-19) least 8-10 years experience Years 22 of planning monitoring and coordination of large Indl. Projects in Govt:/Private Sector. MBA/M.A. Economics II Class 14. Industrial Economist (Grade-18/19) with at least 6-8 years practical experience in the 28-45 Years field of Planning of new projects, preparation of feasibility studies, market studies and Project appraisal etc. 15. i. Manager (Planning) MBA/M.A. Economics II Class B.E./BSc (Engg:) Electrical, Years ii. Senior Research Mechanical, Civil and Mining Officer with at-least 5-7 years practical experience in Planning and Research of Industrial Unit Annalist in a big Private/Govt: iii. Economic (Grade 18) Industrial Concern. 16. i. Research Officer M.A. Statistics/Economics/& 25-35 ii. Statistical Officer Graduate in Economics/Stat- Years (Grade-17) istics II Class B.Sc, B.E. (Civil) Electrical Mechanical etc. with minimum 5 years 23 25-35 17.Operation and Commercial General Manager M.B.A. with eight years pra30-45 (Opd:/Comml:) ctical experience and Graduate (Grade. 19) Years preferably BBA/,B,E/B.Sc (Engg:) Elect: and Mechanical etc: with minimum 19 years practical experience in handling operational/Commercial activities big Industrial Concern in Public/ Private Sector. 18. i. Manager Operation ii. Manager Commercial (Grade. 18) Graduate in commerce (II Class) 28-40 preferably MBA with 6-8 years experience in production, oper- Years ational management and research and marketing in Govt. or big Industrial concern. 19. Project Managers/ Professional Degree in the 28-45 Manager of Unit relevent Field with practical (Grade-17,18 & 19 experience of 6-8 and 10 years as per size of in Similar Industry/Unit in Units or on Public or Private Sector for Contract) Grade 17,18 & 19 respectively. 20. Superintendent By promotion from Assistants (Grade 16) on the recommendations of 24 Years Deptt. promotion Committee. 21. Technical Wing General Manager (Technical) (Grade 19) B.Sc(Engg:) (Electrical, Mech: 30-45 or Civil with at least 10 years Years experience in the relevant field in Govt: semi Govt: or large private Industrial Concern. 22. Deputy General B.Sc (Engg:)/B.E. Degree in Manager/Technical 28-40 respective field (II Class) Officer/Resident with minimum 5 years experience Engineers (Civil), in private or Public Sector. Electrical, Mechanical) (Grade 18) 23. i. Asstt: Resident B.Sc (Engg:)/B.E. Degree in 25-35 Engineer respective field (II Class) Years ii. Asstt: Design Engineers preferably with minimum 3 (Civil,Elect: & Mechanical years practical experience in Public or Private Sector. iii. Quantity Survey or (Grade 16) 24. Superintendent At least II-Class graduate or (Grade 16) by promotion from Asstt: having at least 5 years experience. 25 Years 25. i. Sub: Engineer Three years Diploma in resp- (Civil), Elect: and Mechanical 25-35 ective field with minimum 3 Years years experience in Public or ii. Quantity Surveyors. Private Sector. iii. Draftman (Grade 11/16). (Grade 16) 26. Tracer (Grade 5) Matriculate II-Division with 25-35 drawing having two years Years minimum practical experience. f) Mineral Wing 27. General Manager B.Sc/B.E.(Mining)with 10 years H.O (Grade 19) 35-45 practical experience in any Govt. Semi Govt. or Private Mining Concern. 28. 29. Project Manager/ B.Sc/ B.E. (Mining) Engg: with 35-45 General Manager, 8-10 years practical experience Years Exploration & Mining in Govt. or Private Mining Projects (Grade 18/19) Concern. Chief Geologist M.Sc Geology II-Class with 26 35-45 Years (Grade 18) Minimum of 5 years practical Years experience in the field. 30. Geologist (Grade 18) M.Sc Geology II-Class with 28-40 Minimum of 5 years practical Years experience in the field or by promotion from Asstt: Geologist after four years, practical experience in the field. 31. i. Mining Engineer B.Sc/B.E.(Mining)Engg: with (Grade 18) 28-40 6-8 years practical experience. ii. Senior Drilling Engineer Years B.E.Mechanical/Diploma in Mech. (Grade 18) anical Compulsorily diploma in drilling from G.S.P.,R.D.C. or equivalent with 10 years experience. 32.Asstt: Geologist/ M.Sc Geology II-Class prefer- 28-40 Junior Geologist ably with 1-2 years experience Years (Grade 17) in the relevant field. 33.Asstt: Mining Engineer B.Sc/B.E. (Mining) Engg: (Grade 17) 25-35 II-Class preferably with 1-2 years experience in the 27 Years relevant field. 34.Senior Chemist (Grade 18) M.Sc Chemistry II Class with 28-40 8-10 years practical experience Years B.E. (Mechanical, Diploma 28-40 Mech:) must hold diploma in Years in Mining field. 35. Chemist (Grade 17) drilling Engineering from G.S.P., R.D.C. or equivalent with six years experience. 36.Drilling Engineer (Grade 17) B.E. (Mining) or 8 to 10 years 30-35 practical experience of Drill- Years ing Mining Sardar etc. 37. Drilling Foreman/ 7-10 years experience in Shift Incharge 38.i. Asstt: Chemist 25-35 Drilling work. Years M.Sc Chemistry II Class 25-35 (Grade 16) Years ii. Driller Grade I Driller Grade II Experience in drilling of diamond core drilling for of Grade 12/15 Years 12 years out of which at 28 25-35 least 6 years shall be as independent Rig Operator for grade 1 & 3 years for grade-II preferably literate person. 39.Draftsman (Grade 8) Three years Diploma in res- 25-35 pective Technology from a Years recognised Institution with 3-5 years experience. 40. Surveyors One/Two years Diploma or cer- 25-35 tificate in surveying with practical Years 41.Mining Sardars Preferably Matric with 6-10 35-45 (Grade 11) Years experience, of Mining Years (Grade 12) experience of 2-3 years. Sardar's certificate preferably shot firer certificate holder with 6-10 years experience. 42. Mechanical Foreman/ Diploma holder in respective Senior Electricians/ technology or 5-8 years practical Mechanical 25-35 Years experience in the job. 29 (Grade 11-12) 43.General Ministerial/ Graduate with 3 years exper- other Cadres. 25-35 ience or Intermediate, Matri- i. Office Asstt: Acc- culate with 6-8 years exper- ounts Asstt:/Ass- ience in Govt. or reputable istants Care taker private concern. Years etc. (Grade 11-12). ii. Stenographers Intermediate with 40/100 words (Grade 11) per minute speed in Typing/ 25-35 Years shorthand. Matriculate with 6-8 years experience as Stenotypist with 40/100 words speed in typing/ Shorthand. iii. Stenographers Matriculate with 40/80 words (Grade 11) speed per minute in typing/ 18-25 Years Shorthand. iv. P.As to Director/ (G.Ms) (Grade-15) By promotion from 18-25 Stenographer speed per minute Years in typing/ Shorthand. v. Accounts Clerks/ Intermediate II-Class with 3 30 18-25 Years Senior Clerks/Re- years experience or Matriculate cord Keeper/or all other general duty clerks in (Grade 6/7). with 5 years experience in Govt. or private Organization. vi. Junior Clerk/Des- Matriculate II- Division for 8-25 patcher/General Typist minimum 30 words speed Years Clerk/Junior Auditor Typist and all other clerks in (Grade 5). per minute in typing. SARHAD DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY PESHAWAR ITEM NO.3 OF 168TH BOARD MEETING HELD IN 22.9.1989 No. SDA/AM(Admn)/5-10/82 DATED 7.10.1986 S.No. 1(i) & (ii) : For the posts in Gr-17 and above or equivalent Chairman, 2 Director, including one Director concerned. The Chairman may co-opt a technical man on the committee if none of the Directors is technical. S.No. (iii) For the posts in Gr-16 (HQ) 31 Director concerned. G.M. concerned. One Officer of Gr-18 Status. S.No. (iv) For the posts in Gr-16 (Projects) Director concerned. G.M./P.M. concerned. One Officer of Gr-13 Status. S.No. (v) For the posts in Gr-11 to 15 G.M./P.M. concerned. One Officer of Gr-18. One Officer of Gr-17 status. Note (i) The concerned Director shall appoint the members of the Selection Committee for the post at S.No(iii). (ii) All posts, in Gr-1 to 10 where in service suitable candidates in the relevant cadres are not available for promotion the post will be filled up by direct recruitment of suitable candidates by the concerned deptt/project selection committee for which will be 32 Grade -1 to Grade - 10 GM/Project Manager. An officer of Gr-18 of the concerned deptt/ project. One officer of Gr-17 status. The Committee will be approved by the Director concerned. Note. The above rules will also be applicable in the case of contract employees. AMENDED 2. DEPARTMENTAL PROMOTION COMMITTEE a. For Headquarters For Grade-1 to 10 i. G.M. concerned Manager - concerned Chairman Member Manager (Admn) Member 33 ii. iii. For Grade - 11 to 16 Director concerned Chairman General Manager(Admn) Member Manager concerned Member For Grade - 17 and above Chairman - Chairman Director concerned Member Director (Admn) Member b. For Grade -1 to 10 1. G.M. / P.M. concerned. 2. One officer of Grade - 18 status. 3. One officer of Grade - 17 status. (Nominating Authority : Director concerned). II. For Grade - 11 to 16 1. Director concerned. 2. GM/P.M. concerned. 3. One officer of Grade - 17 status. (Nominating Authority : Director concerned). III. For Grade - 17 and above 34 As under Head Office GENERAL MANAGER (A) S.D.A. Amended composition of Departmental Promotion Committees/Departmental Selection Committees in pursuances of Board decision No.3 dated 22.9.1986 vide subsequently notified under No.SDA/AM(Admn)5-10/82 dated 9.10.1986. 35