Waverley College Vocational Education and Training Competency Assessment Notice VET Course: Entertainment Task Number: 3 Assessor / Teacher: Date given: Term 3, week1 Student Name: Alison Jinga Date due: Term 3 Week 4 Class: 11 Project/Unit of Work: Work placement task Unit/s of competency: BSBWHS201A BSBCMM201A For this assessment: Participate in OHS processes Communicate in the workplace Task Context: - Access to an actual workplace Application of skills and knowledge relating to lighting, audio, staging and other areas of the Entertainment Industry Preparation/Resources practical demonstration of skills through the completion of a range of preparatory and set-up tasks with industry-standard lighting, staging and audio equipment work activities that allow knowledge to be applied to specific production contexts and situations use of culturally appropriate processes and techniques appropriate to the language and literacy capacity of learners and the work being performed. Task Outline: Create a power point presentation on your work placement that you will show to the class. It should be a minimum of 20 pages. It must be dropped into the Haiku ‘workplace power point’ drop box and you must hand in a hard copy. Include the following points on your report: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Brief description about your work place – no names mentioned. A list of Entertainment related tasks/activities/skills – and departments you worked in Photos of you doing various tasks. (Ask permission) Other activities under taking (serving/taking phone calls/administration/cleaning/meetings) New equipment you used – list and pictures with names and the procedure you used Equipment on the premises you didn’t use (pictures and labels) provide egs List evidence of Safety and WH&S issues. (Signs/reports/forms) and the procedure you used Pictures of signs/report/forms. (ask permission) 5 things you learnt provide egs 5 things you enjoyed 1 interesting fact/story about your work placement. (Appropriate and Entertainment task related) You will be given a mark out of 100 for your power point information/layout etc and your presentation to the class. This will also be marked off as a competency if you complete it effectively. To prepare for your assignment, and to ensure you collect all the necessary information and photos while you are on work placement, write a list of photos you may wish to take and a list of questions you will need to ask your supervisor/colleagues to be able to answer the question sufficiently. Use the space below to ‘brainstorm’ questions. You should be looking at a minimum of 15 questions. Catholic Education Office Sydney Qualification and code Version Control: Nov 2013 Waverley College It is easy to tell if you have made things up! Especially as I will come and visit most of you and can ask your supervisor if you have been asking relevant questions! Employability Skills and facet/s to be developed Communication Team work Problem solving Planning and organising interpreting production documentation, e.g. lighting and staging instructions completing workplace documentation explaining production requirements to other personnel clarifying production requirements with supervisor passing on key safety information to colleagues. liaising with colleagues and supervisors during set-up and production completing installation tasks as a member of a team checking safety procedures with other team members. basic troubleshooting and maintenance of lighting equipment adjusting position of lighting equipment responding to equipment malfunction during performance identifying safety issues and reporting them to appropriate person. collecting information needed to record a series of lighting cues playing lighting cues in correct sequence testing equipment in advance to ensure working order Catholic Education Office Sydney Qualification and code Version Control: Nov 2013 Waverley College Selfmanagement positioning and placing equipment/set pieces ready for installation working with cue documentation and calculating timings organising work tasks to ensure safety. developing personal time management skills following workplace procedures, particularly in relation to OHS, e.g. ensuring electrical safety acting within the scope of job role maintaining personal safety standards. Competencies to be assessed: BSBOHS201A Participate on OH&S processes 1.1 Follow established safety procedures when conducting work 1.2 Carry out pre-start systems and equipment checks in accordance with workplace 1.Work safely procedures. 2.1 Identify designated persons for reporting queries and concerns about safety in the workplace 2.2 Identify existing and potential hazards in the workplace, report them to designated 2. Implement persons and record them in accordance with workplace procedures workplace safety 2.3 Identify and implement workplace procedures and work instructions for controlling requirements risks. 2.4 Report emergency incidents and injuries to designated persons. BSBCMM201A Communicate in the workplace 1.Gather, convey and receive information and ideas 2.Complete workplace documentation and correspondence 3.Communicate in a way that responds positively to individual differences 1.1. Collect information to achieve work responsibilities from appropriate sources 1.2. Use method/s and/or equipment to communicate appropriate ideas and information to the audience 1.3. Use effective listening and speaking skills in verbal communication 1.4. Seek input from internal and external sources to develop and refine new ideas and approaches 1.5. Respond to instructions or enquiries promptly and in accordance with organisational requirements 2.1. Present written information and ideas in clear and concise language to ensure the intended meaning of correspondence is understood by recipient 2.2. Draft and present correspondence within designated time lines 2.3. Ensure presentation of written information meets organisational standards of style, format and accuracy 2.4. Complete workplace forms and documentation in a clear, concise and easy to read format 3.1. Value all individuals and treat them with respect, courtesy and sensitivity 3.2. Take into consideration cultural differences in all verbal and non-verbal communication 3.3. Use communication to develop and maintain positive relationships, mutual trust and confidence 3.4. Make efforts to use basic strategies to overcome language barriers 3.5. Ensure that behaviour is consistent with legislative requirements, enterprise guidelines and/or social protocols Catholic Education Office Sydney Qualification and code Version Control: Nov 2013 Waverley College Critical Aspects of Evidence: BSBOHS201A Participate on OH&S processes ability to follow instructions and safety procedures. accurately following all relevant safety procedures identifying and reporting hazards to designated personnel knowledge of relevant health and safety legislation knowledge of relevant materials, equipment and work processes. BSBCMM201A Communicate in the workplace using communication methods appropriate to the audience producing clear, concise and correct written communication providing prompt responses to requests for information knowledge of relevant legislation. Vocational Education and Training Competency Assessment Assessor Feedback VET Course: Entertainment Task Number: 3 Assessor / Teacher: Date due: Term 3 Week 4 Student Name: A. Jinga Date submitted: Class: 11 Receipt Signature: Project/ Unit of Work: Work placement task Unit/s of competency: BSBWHS201A BSBCMM201A Participate in OHS processes Communicate in the workplace Catholic Education Office Sydney Qualification and code Version Control: Nov 2013 Waverley College S – Satisfactory [student has demonstrated required skills and knowledge] Power-point Presentation HD – Highly Developed [student has demonstrated advanced skills and knowledge] Unit: D BSBWHS201A Participate in OHS processes BSBCMM201A Communicate in the workplace S H D D H D S S HD Competent D – Developing [student has not yet demonstrated required skills and knowledge] Partially Achieved Assessor Determination Not Yet Competent Assessor Feedback C This task is all my own work Student Comment: This task helped me with my learning by … In this task I have demonstrated competence by … This task could be improved by … Signature: Assessor / Teacher Comment: ………………………………….. Date: …………………………. Please resubmit: ___________________ W(what you’ve done well)… O(other things to include) … W(where to from here) … Signature: Catholic Education Office Sydney ………………………………….. Date: Qualification and code …………………………. Version Control: Nov 2013