
Five Regions of Alaska
By: Sierra Donohue
Southeast Alaska
Major Cities
- Juneau, Ketchikan, and Sitka
Geographical Items
- Mt. St. Elias (18,009 ft)
- Inside Passage
- Dixon Entrance
- The average annual temperature in Southeast is
44.6 F
- The average annual precipitation is 99 in.
- The Inside Passage has the highest annual
precipitation averages in the state
- The population in Southeast is 74,423
- Major ethnic groups are white, and Alaskan Native, and two or more
- Average household income is around $61,500
-commercial fishing industry is an economic mainstay, but remains flat
in terms of volume of fish.
- Tourism is the fastest growing industry in Southeast. It has doubled
since 1990
Southwest Alaska
Major Cities
- Bethel, Dillingham, and Kodiak
Geographical Items
- Alaska Peninsula, Bristol Bay, the Pribilof Islands, Aleutian
Islands, and Kodiak Island
- About 53,000
- Average yearly temp is 34.25 F
- Average yearly precipitation is 30 in.
- Seafood prime industry, and provides a healthy economy
- Oil & gas, and mining sectors are developing industries, and
have a bright future.
- Rising tourism industry, and abundant natural resources
- Major ethnic groups are Alaskan Native, white, and Asian
- Average household income is around $55,400
Southcentral Alaska
Major Cities
- Anchorage
Geographical Items
- Lake Illamna, Cook Inlet, Kenai Peninsula, Prince William
sound, Alaska Range, Mt Mckinley (20,322’), Chugach
Mountains, and Copper River
- 300,000
- Annual average high temperature is 44 F
- Average annual precipitation is 37 in.
-Tourism- 1 of 13 Alaska's jobs is in tourism. That’s 13,400 people
who have jobs in tourism.
- Fisheries, commercial fishing, mining, and natural gas have
always been decent.
- The major ethnic groups are White, Asian, and Hispanic.
- Yearly median household income is $70,000
Interior of Alaska
Major Cities
-Fairbanks, Tanana, and Nenana
Geographical items
-Brooks Range, Yukon River, and Tanana River
-Around 33,000
-Annual average temperature is 33 F
-Annual average precipitation is 21.3 in
- Engineering - new state investment feels that it will build &
expand economy for decades to come.
- Industries- trading, transportation, and military have a big
impact on the economy.
- Tourism and mining also have a big impact on the community
- (325,000 visitors per year)- Fort Knox gold mine produces
1,200 ounces daily at the price is $300 for 1 oz.
-Largest ethnic groups are white, Alaskan native, and two or
more races
-Average household income is $50,000
Arctic Alaska
Major cities
- Kotzebue, Point Hope, Barrow, and Prudhoe Bay
Geographical items
-Brooks Range
- 10,550
- Average Annual temperature is 16 F
- Average annual precipitation is 8 inches
-worldwide shipping route
-petroleum/mining-Efforts to expand this industry are working
well and will have a positive impact on the economy
-oil-The largest oil field in north America was Prudhoe Bay, but
has been slowly declining
-Largest ethnic groups are Alaskan Native, White, Two or more
races, Asian, and Hispanic.
-Median household income is $48,000
• "Alaska Demographics." Alaska-Demographics. Cubit Planning Inc., 2014.
Web. Feb. 2014. <>.
• "Climate." U.S. Climate Data. Climate Data, 2014. Web. Feb. 2014.
• "Alaska Demographics." Alaska-Demographics. Cubit Planning Inc., 2014.
Web. Feb. 2014. <>.
• "Alaska History and Cultural Studies - Southcentral Alaska - 1915-1930 THE
RAILROAD YEARS." Alaska History and Cultural Studies - Southcentral
Alaska - 1915-1930 THE RAILROAD YEARS. Alaska Humanities, 2014. Web.
13 Feb. 2014.
• Anderson, Ben. "Arctic Region's Economic Output at $1 Trillion and
Growing, but U.S. Falling behind." Alaska Dispatch. N.p., n.d. Web. Feb.
2014. <>.
• "Average Earning." Anchorage Daily News, 2013. Web. Feb.
• "Climate." U.S. Climate Data. Climate Data, 2014. Web. Feb. 2014.
• "Fairbanks: Economy." - Major Industries and Commercial Activity.
Advameg Inc, 2009. Web. 13 Feb. 2014. <>.
• "Fire Island Wind Project Approved." REAP. Renewable Energy Alaska
Project, 2011. Web. Feb. 2014.
• "Industries." SWAMC. N.p., n.d. Web. Feb. 2014.
• Knapp, Gunnar. "Twenty-Five Observations on Alaska Economic Trends and
Arctic Economic Development." ISEER. UAA, 2005. Web. Feb. 2014.
• Sheinberg Associates. "Our Region." Southeast Conference. N.p., n.d. Web.
Feb. 2014. <>.
• "Southcentral Region Fishing and Seafood Industry Data." Research and
Analysis. State of Alaska, 2010. Web. Feb. 2014.