Local District Staff Training PowerPoint


Smarter Balanced

Interim Assessments

California Assessment of Student

Performance and Progress Program

Local District Staff Training

Version: 092115

Interim Assessment

Local District Staff Training

To download this power point:

1.Go to Student Testing Branch home page

2.Click on Interim Assessments


Under “Training Materials” click on

Local District Staff Training PowerPoint



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Interim Assessment

Local District Staff Training



Interim Assessment Principal’s Training Objectives

2) LAUSD Comprehensive Assessment Program Help Desk Reference Guide

3) Interim Assessment LAUSD Policy (REF-6507.1)

4) Interim Assessment Purpose

5) Interim Assessment Types a) Smarter Balanced Interim Comprehensive Assessments (ICA) b) Smarter Balanced Interim Assessment Blocks (IAB)

6) TOMS and Digital Library Accounts


Interim Assessment Viewing System “Teacher View” LD

8) Interim Assessment Administration – with Live Demonstrations (LD) a) Designated Supports and Accommodations (REF-6420) LD b) Student Log in Information LD c) Test Administrator Interface LD

9) Interim Assessment Hand Scoring System LD a) Interim Assessments Estimated Hand Scoring Times b) Hand Scoring System Overview

10) Interim Assessment Reporting System a) Requirements for viewing Interim Assessment Scores (Digital Library account) b) ICA Score Reports c) IAB Score Reports

11) Interim Assessment General Information a) LAUSD – Division of Instruction Smarter Balanced Assessment Scoring Training Plan b) Technology Updates c) TOMS System Downtime d) Earbuds e) For More Information – Contact Information


Interim Assessment

Local District Staff Training

Training Objectives

• To provide Local District Staff with an overview of the

Smarter Balanced Interim Assessments and its components.

• To provide Local District Staff with an overview of the comprehensive training that the school site Testing

Coordinators and Principals will receive that will enable them to guide their schools in the administration of the Smarter

Balnced Interim Assessments.



Comprehensive Assessment Program

Help Desk Reference Guide


LAUSD Interim Assessment Policy


The purpose of this Reference Guide is to provide information about the

Comprehensive Assessment Program for 2015-2016. The Comprehensive

Assessment Program is designed to be formative and to provide multiple measures to drive decisions about instruction and intervention. This document details program policies and also provides the 2015-2016 assessment schedules in calendar form.


For 2015-2016, the District will adopt the Smarter Balanced Assessment

Consortium’s Interim Assessment Blocks* (IAB) in Mathematics and

English/Language Arts for Grades 3rd -11th (9th and 10th grade students can only take the 11th grade IABs). Science and History/Social Science assessments will continue to be the District’s California State Standardsbased assessments. For ELA and Mathematics, grades 3rd -12th, schools will have the option to:

(1) give the SBAC IABs, or

(2) give the District’s CA State Standards-based interim assessments in ELA and Math, or

(3) give CCSS-based interim assessments determined by the school and with approval of the Local District Superintendent (see Attachment J).

The District’s Interim ELA and Math assessments for grades TK-2nd will continue to be the California State Standards-based interim assessments.

Kindergarten Literacy interim assessments will not be optional, as they were in

2014-2015. Additionally, Grade 3 will have an end-of-year Integrated Unit, joining the Integrated Units for Grade 4 and 5.

*NOTE: The Interim Comprehensive Assessment (ICA) is another version of the SBAC Summative and requires as much time as the Summative for administration. Use of the ICA is ultimately a school decision and may replace or supplement one of the options above.


Smarter Balanced

Interim Assessments

Summative assessments benchmarked to college

and career readiness

(Grades 3-8 and 11)

Standards set expectations on path to college and career readiness

Digital Library:

Formative assessment tools and practices for teachers to improve instruction

Teachers and schools have information and tools to improve teaching and learning

Interim assessments

Flexible, open, used for actionable feedback

All students graduate college and career ready


Interim Assessment Purpose

• The Interim Assessments are one component of the Smarter

Balanced assessment system and are designed to support teaching and student learning throughout the year. The items are developed under the same conditions, protocols, and review procedures as those used in the summative assessments.

Not secure, but not public

Limited access to only those individuals within the District who have a professional interest in the use of the assessments


Interim Assessment Purpose cont.

• The interim assessments are optional, but are recommended. They enable teachers to check student progress throughout the year, providing actionable information to inform instruction and help students meet the challenge of college-and career-ready standards.


Interim Assessment Purpose cont.

• The content of the tests have been aligned to the Common Core State Standards in grades

3 –8 and high school. The grade level to assess should be based on the purpose of the testing event.

• Each test can be administered to students in any grade (e.g., a grade 7 interim test is not limited to grade 7 students, but can be administered to students in grades 6 or 8).


Interim Assessment Types

• Two types of interim assessments:


Interim Comprehensive Assessments


– English language arts/literacy (ELA) test and performance task

– Mathematics test and performance task


Interim Assessment Blocks (IABs)

– There are between 5 and 17 IABs per grade and content area


Smarter Balanced

Interim Comprehensive Assessments (ICA)

• Fixed form

• Use the same blueprints and assess the same standards as the summative assessments

• Include the same item types and formats, including performance tasks, as the summative assessments

• Yield overall scale scores, overall achievement level designations, and claim score information

Report against the same scale as the summative test


Smarter Balanced

Interim Comprehensive Assessments (ICA)

• Examples of the use of ICAs include:

A new student from another state is given the previous year’s ICA.

Mid-year a teacher gives an ICA to gauge how students might perform on the summative assessment.


Smarter Balanced

Interim Comprehensive Assessments (ICA)

• This document is intended to assist LEA CAASPP coordinators, site coordinators, and test administrators in planning for the administration and local hand scoring of the interim comprehensive assessments (ICA). The following table provides key information, including the total number of items appearing on each ICA. This total includes items that are both machine scored and hand scored. Also included on this table are the number of items that require local hand scoring on the non-Performance Task (PT) constructed response, the PT constructed response, and the PT essay.



Smarter Balanced

Interim Assessment Blocks (IABs)

• Fixed form

• Focus on fewer sets of skills (e.g., Geometry)

• Flexible; supports instruction and curriculum

• Include the same item types and formats, including classroom activities and performance tasks, as the summative assessments

• Yield overall information for each block

• Results are reported as Below Standard, At/Near

Standard, and Above Standard


Smarter Balanced

Interim Assessment Blocks (IABs)

• Examples of the use of IABs include:

A teacher uses the argument performance task to determine the degree of a student’s understanding before or after instruction.

A team of teachers uses a block to become informed about how a group of students are performing in geometry.


Smarter Balanced

Interim Assessment Blocks (IABs)

The following tables are intended to assist LEAs in planning for the administration and local hand scoring of the Interim Assessment Blocks (IAB). Included in each table are the total number of items on each IAB. The total number of items shown includes both machine scored and hand scored items. Each table also provides the number of constructed response and essay items that require local hand scoring.

The entire list of available IABs for grades 3-8 and 11 can be found at the following web link http://www.cde.ca.gov/ta/tg/ca/iabhandscoring.asp


TOMS and Digital Library


• In order to administer, score and view reports of the Interim

Assessments, staff will need to have an active TOMS and

Digital Library account

• All TOMS and Digital Library accounts from 2014-2015 are still active and are to be used to administer, score and view reports of the Interim Assessments

• Procedures to create new TOMS or Digital Library accounts, and/or to reset any TOMS or Digital Library account remain the same as last year and are the following:




TOMS Accounts

All teachers need to verify that their existing TOMS accounts from last year are working by logging in to TOMS. If their accounts are not working:

1. They should try to reset their password themselves by clicking on the “Forgot my password” button

2. If any teacher cannot reset their TOMS account , they should contact their school

Testing Coordinator and request that the Coordinator reset their TOMS account for them. If their Testing Coordinator isn't able to reset their TOMS account, the Testing

Coordinator needs to send an email to Nancy Foote at nancy.foote@lausd.net

and request that she reset their accounts

3. If any teacher does not have a TOMS account : a. They should contact their school Testing Coordinator and request that the

Coordinator create a TOMS account for them. The Testing Coordinator will need to have the staff member sign and submit to them a Security Affidavit before they are granted a TOMS account. If their Testing Coordinator isn't able to create the NEW

TOMS accounts, the Testing Coordinator needs to send an email to Nancy

Foote at nancy.foote@lausd.net

and request that she create a TOMS for them


Test Security and TOMS ACCOUNTS

Staff that have been granted accounts to the Smarter Balanced

Test Operations Management System (TOMS) are permitted to access secure and confidential information and resources.


• Memorize or store account log in information in a secure location

• Do not share account credentials with any other employee or person

• Do not request computer to store or remember password

• Do not disclose or share any secure material in any format with anyone else

• Report to STB (Nancy Foote) if account is compromised





All teachers need to verify that their existing Digital Library accounts from last year are working by logging in to the Digital Library. If their accounts are not working:

1 . They should try to reset their password themselves by clicking on the “Forgot my Password” button

2. If any teacher cannot reset their Digital Library account , they should contact their school Testing

Coordinator and request that the Coordinator reset their Digital Library account for them. If their

Testing Coordinator isn't able to reset their Digital Library account, the Testing Coordinator needs to send an email to James Overturf at james.overturf@lausd.net

and request guidance on the procedures to create a Digital Library account or refer to MEMO-6423 for detailed instructions

Note :

3. If any teacher does not have a Digital Library account : a. They should contact their school Testing Coordinator and request that the Coordinator create a

Digital Library account for them. If their Testing Coordinator isn't able to create the NEW Digital

Library accounts, the Testing Coordinator needs to send an email to James

Overturf at james.overturf@lausd.net and request guidance on the procedures to create a Digital

Library account or refer to MEMO-6423 for detailed instructions

Coordinators need to log in to the Log in to Digital Library for Coordinators link located at the Student Testing

Branch website behind the “Digital Library” tab or ( art.smarterbalanced.org



Interim Assessment

Viewing System


Interim Assessment Viewing System

 Teacher View enhancement is available for TOMS account holders to use for planning and or training purposes

 Is accessible through the caaspp.org website


Preview the Tests


Preview the Tests cont..


Interim Assessment Administration


Interim Assessment Administration

Designated Supports and Accommodations

Designated Supports

 Must be designated prior to the first day of testing window

 Available to ELs for whom the need has been indicated

 Decision made by educators familiar with the student’s characteristics and needs

 Supports the student has been using during instruction/assessments

 Non-embedded supports are to be provided by the school

 ELs with an IEP or a 504 Plan have to have the designated supports and accommodations listed on the IEP or

504 Plan.


Interim Assessment Administration

Student Log In


Interim Assessment Administration


 The performance task is the same for both the ICA and IAB for the same grade and subject (i.e., grade 3 ELA),.

 Each performance task requires administration of a classroom activity 1 to 3 days before the performance task is administered.

 Classroom activities and guidelines are available for download on the TA Resources for the Interim Assessments page at caaspp.org.


Test Security and

Student Log In Credentials

Student log in credentials (i.e.. SSID and Confirmation Code) are to be considered secure and confidential information that grant access to a student’s Personal Identifiable Information

(Pii). Therefore:

• Schools must establish procedures and guidelines to maintain all student log in credentials secure

• Schools must train all staff that will be handling student log in credentials on the established procedures and guidelines for maintaining the security of student log in credentials

• Schools are to report to the Student Testing Branch if student log in credentials are compromised, using the CAASPP System —Test

Administration Testing Incident or Impropriety Report Form located at the Student Testing Branch web site (form is to be faxed to 213-241-8461)


Interim Assessment Administration

• Accessing and Administering Interim Assessments

Interim Assessments are administered in the same way as summative tests.

The test administrator (TA) must use the TA Interface and the student must log onto the test through the secure browser.


Select the [ Test Administrator

Interface ] button on the CAASPP portal at http://caaspp.org



Log onto the TA Interface using your sign in credentials.


Interim Assessment Administration

3.Select the test category


grade and content area.


Interim Assessment Hand Scoring


Interim Assessment Hand Scoring

This table is a Smarter Balanced document that describes a range of estimated times required to complete the hand-scoring portion of the interim assessments.

Non-PT Items Performance Tasks

Grade ELA


Short-Text Items and

Brief Writes




ELA Research

Short-Text Items


Full Writes

Math Short-Text

Fill-In Table Items without dependencies

Math Short-Text

Fill-In Table Items with dependencies

Grade 3

Grade 4

15-40 sec.

10-46 sec.


17-24 sec.

15-44 sec.

15-55 sec.

28-646 sec.

319-1042 sec.

5-30 sec.

4-39 sec.

11-82 sec.

7-51 sec.

3-141 sec.

Grade 5

Grade 6

Grade 7

Grade 8

High School

18-61 sec.

103-393 sec.

120-345 sec.

106-475 sec.

21-107 sec.

11-25 sec.

17-18 sec.

13-34 sec.

10-29 sec.

8-37 sec.

18-79 sec.

14-60 sec.

12-75 sec.

12-76 sec.

10-67 sec.

288-1037 sec.

139-146 sec.

134-148 sec.

124-151 sec.

85-177 sec.

55-231 sec.

81-150 sec.

87-402 sec.

31-360 sec.

13-68 sec.

72-432 sec.

49-291 sec.

67-394 sec.

45-301 sec.


Interim Assessment Hand Scoring

 Most interim assessment items are scored by the Smarter

Balanced test delivery engine.

 Hand scoring of constructed-response items and performance tasks is a local responsibility.

 Results for individual students are generated only after the constructed-response item scores and performance task scores are inputted into the Interim Assessment Hand Scoring

System (IAHSS). ( Processing time of up to 48 hours )

 Scoring is supported by training guides, rubrics, exemplars

(i.e., anchor and practice papers).


Interim Assessment Scoring cont.

IABs That Do Not Require

Local Hand Scoring

 ELA, all grades




 Mathematics, all grades

All blocks, except Performance Task blocks


Training Guides and Exemplars

• Training Guides and Exemplars for all constructed response items and performance tasks are accessible in TOMS.

• LEAs can access these materials for professional development and training purposes.


Videos, Training Guides and Exemplars


Interim Assessment Scoring

Logging In…

The Interim Hand Scoring System is part of the connected suite of Single Sign-On systems (e.g.,

TOMS, TA Interface, Completion Reports, etc.)


Hand Scoring System

Home Page


Scoring Responses


Training Guides and Exemplars


Interim Assessment Hand Scoring


The Interim Assessment Hand

Scoring System User Guide can be found at the following web link http://caaspp.org/ta-resources/interim.html


Interim Assessment

Reporting System


Interim Assessment

Reporting System cont.…

Teachers will use their Digital Library logon credentials to access the Data Warehouse to view Interim Assessment student reports.

Requires same logon credentials used for the Digital Library


Interim Assessment Reporting

System Results

 Reports for lists of students and individual student reports. No aggregate reports.

 ICA: Overall scale score (i.e., 2000 to 3000);

Achievement Level (Level 1, 2, 3, or 4); and Claim level (Below, At/Near, or Above Standard).

 IAB: Level of Below, At/Near, or Above Standard for each Block.

 Exportable data file.


Interpreting Interim

Assessment Results

The extent to which interim assessments were administered under standardized conditions will affect the interpretations.

Interim assessment results should only be used in combination with other evidence of student learning; they should not be the sole basis for making any high-stakes decisions.


List of


IA Reporting System Home Page


“List of Students” Display

Presents the following information listed by individual student name:

 Individual results for students within grade or subgroup.

 Overall scores, achievement levels, and error bands for individual student performance (ICA only).

 Overall individual student performance by claim (ICA) or block (IAB).


Interim Comprehensive Assessment

List of Students


ICA Student Report

 Student’s Mathematics and ELA/literacy overall score and achievement level (i.e.,

Level 1, 2, 3, or 4)

 Overall score is displayed (scale is 2000 to

3000) and surrounded by error bands marked with brackets

 Claim level of Below Standard, At/Near

Standard, or Above Standard

 List of student accommodations


ICA Student Report


IAB Student Report

 Block level of

Below Standard

At/Near Standard

Above Standard

 Multiple blocks on the same report

 Current and previous results for each block on the same report

 Overall scores, error bands, and achievement levels

NOT reported for blocks


Interim Assessment Block

List of Students


Interim Assessment Block

Student Report


Interim Assessment General Information


Smarter Balanced Assessment

Scoring Training Plan

Working with the Los Angeles County Office of Education, the Division is arranging training in

Building Educator Assessment Literacy (BEAL) for four 30-person teams of trainers in each of four areas:

Elementary Math, Secondary Math, Elementary Literacy and Secondary Literacy.

Using secure SBA items, performance tasks will be examined and implications for instruction will be discussed. The trainers will then be eligible to lead BEAL training of teachers in their local district.


Interim Assessment General Information cont.

Technology Updates

1. iOS Upgrade a) DO NOT update any pending i-Pad iOS upgrade.

2. All testing device carts should be opened, devices accounted for (including keyboards) and charged

3. For technical assistance or issues with testing devices or infrastructure, email or contact: a) Testing Hotline - (323) 224-2450 i.

For immediate issues affecting test environment or technical assistance with testing devices b) ITD Hotline - (213) 241-5200 i.

For trouble calls c) i.

Joe Oliver, Director Information Technology Division 213-241-3837

@ joe.oliver@lausd.net

For assistance with Testing Device Carts or inventory of Testing Devices


Interim Assessment General Information cont.

TOMS Updates

Test Operations Management System (TOMS) Downtime

Please note that TOMS will be offline

October 1 –14

During the downtime, LEAs will not be able to download student data files or score report PDFs; access the Online

Reporting System, interim assessments, or hand scoring for interim assessments; add/delete users; or view completion status for interim assessments. We anticipate the system to be back online Thursday, October 15, with new system enhancements that will make 2015 –16 version of TOMS easier to use.


Interim Assessment General Information cont.


Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments 2015-2016

The Student Testing Branch will provide schools that are not participating in the iPad 1-to-1 program with earphones for the

Smarter Balanced Summative Assessment.

Schools will receive earphones to accommodate their student enrollment in grades 3-8 and 11 two to six weeks prior to the opening of their Smarter Balanced Summative Assessment testing window.


Interim Assessment General Information cont.





Primary Use

Log-in Credentials


Who creates new teacher accounts and reset teacher passwords?

Manuals and

User Guides

Other Resources



Viewing System

Select to access interim assessments for professional development and/or training purposes.

TOMS Credentials

CAASPP school coordinator in



TOMS: Adding and Managing

Users n/a

Select to access video demonstrations of interim assessment hand scoring. It includes

Training Guides and



TOMS Credentials

CAASPP school coordinator in



TOMS: Adding and Managing


Test Administrator


Select to start a test session, add tests to the session, verify students’ test settings, approve students for testing, and monitor their progress.

TOMS Credentials

CAASPP school coordinator in



TOMS: Adding and Managing



Assessment Hand



Select to access Interim

Assessment Hand

Scoring System to score

Smarter Balanced Interim assessment responses that require human scoring.

TOMS Credentials

CAASPP school coordinator in



TOMS: Adding and Managing




Reporting System

Select to view interim assessment results for tests that have been scored (all required computer-scored and human-scored items must be completed).

Digital Library


CAASPP school coordinator in

Digital Library



Administration and

Registration Tools

User Guide

TOMS: Test

Administration Setup


Administration of the

Online Interim Tests

Resource Guide

Interim Assessment

Hand Scoring System

User Guide

Interim Assessment

Reporting System User




Reporting System

Quick Start Guide

ICA number of items and hand scoring requirements

IAB number of items and hand scoring requirements


For More Information

CDE Interim Assessments Web Page http://www.cde.ca.gov/ta/tg/sa/sbacinterimassess.asp

ETS CAASPP Web Site http://www.caaspp.org

California Technical Assistance Center

(for LEA CAASPP Coordinators)

800-955-2954 caltac@ets.org

LAUSD Student Testing Branch http://achieve.lausd.net/testing


Division of Instruction http://achieve.lausd.net/instruction#spn-content


