+ The Right Leader at the Right Time Leslie + Alan Burger Library Development Solutions Princeton, NJ + So your director is leaving, now what? Panic Fear Who will run the library? How will we ever replace her or him? We don’t know where to look for a new director + First Things First: What is the reason for the change Retirement New opportunity Life event Separation + Manage the Transition Communicate with staff, stakeholders and the community Plan for interim leadership Think about what you want in your next leader Identify challenges for your library Devise a search strategy + Interim Leadership Identify internal leadership Interim director + Who Do You Want for Your Library? Do you want someone to change the community’s relationship with the library or change the hours? Keep the doors open or remove the doors? Pull or push? + What are the Challenges You Face? Creating the library of the future Building improvements Increased support Build the right staff team Effect a turnaround What’s going on in your library? + Getting Started: The Recruitment Process Agree on the search process Establish a timeline Create a leadership profile Recruit a great applicant pool Conduct interviews Interview again Design a compensation package + Leadership, Skills and Talents for Your Next Director: Must Have List Vision Understands the “why” of libraries and is passionate about what they do Follows trends Knows what needs to happen to create the library of the future Understands library fundamentals: talent management, planning, budgeting, technology, collections, services, programs, marketing Talents: strategic thinker, leader, articulate, engaging speaker, good listener, risk-taker, confident + Search Process: Step One – The Search Committee Who will serve on the search committee? What is their charge? Who will do the work? How will you keep your deliberations confidential? + Search Process: Step Two – The Candidate Pool Advertise Recruit Sort Interview Final candidates + Search Process: Step Three – Make an Offer Identify the best candidate Check references and complete background checks Employment agreement: at will, union, civil service, contract Make an offer Negotiate Written acceptance + The Employment Offer It’s not only about the money Consider the total package: Salary Benefits: health, dues, cell phone, car allowance, etc. Work environment Hours, vacation, sick leave, personal leave Relationship with the Board, Town Officials Community support for the library + Effective Searches Managed transition Results in the right choice for the next leader Demonstrates Board leadership Results in a library that is ready for and embraces the future + It’s All About Change It’s not so much that we’re afraid of change or so in love with the old ways. It’s that place in between that we fear. Like Linus when his blanket is in the dryer – there is nothing to hold onto. Marilyn Ferguson