Pitt Chemistry Syllabus - Sharpsville Area School District

Pitt Chemistry
Teacher: J. Chovanes
Periods: 7-8(MTWRF), 5-6 (T,R)
The Pitt Chemistry CHS course is designed to be the equivalent of the chemistry course
taken by first year college science majors. This course, if its credits are accepted,
enables students to take sophomore level chemistry courses as college freshmen.
Students in this course will have the opportunity to attain a more in-depth
understanding of chemistry concepts and competence in dealing with chemical
problems. This course will differ from the first year of chemistry with respect to the kind
of textbook used, emphasis on chemical calculations and understanding chemical
concepts, and the complex nature of experiments done in the laboratory. The topics in
this course will include: the structure of matter (atomic theory, chemical bonding,
nuclear chemistry), states of matter, reaction types, stoichiometry, chemical equilibria,
chemical kinetics, redox chemistry, and descriptive organic chemistry. Problem solving;
higher-order thinking; the scientific method; the use of scientific literature; qualitative
analysis; quantitative techniques; data collection, manipulation, and analysis; and
exposure to instrumentation will be the focus of the laboratory experience.
The University of Pittsburgh requires a payment of $300 for enrollment and lab fees.
Please see the additional documents for more information.
Textbook: General Chemistry. Ebbbing and Gammon. Tenth Edition. Brooks Cole/
Cengage Learning. 2013
Optional: Solutions Manual. You can purchase this on ebay or another suitable site.
Splash proof safety goggles
Materials: 3 Ring binder
Chemistry, Algebra 3/Trigonometry, HonorsPhysics (previously or concurrently)
1. Homework will be accepted ONE DAY late with a 50% deduction.
2. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to find out what assignments/notes you
missed and when they are due.
3. If you are present when an assignment was made but absent on the day it was due,
you must turn it in the day you return to school, unless other arrangements are
4. If you are absent when the assignment was made, you have the same number of
days as you were absent to complete it. See the Student Handbook for more on this
5. Copying homework from someone else will result in a grade of “zero” for all
6. I will make exceptions for unusual circumstances, but you must meet with me
before coming to class to make arrangements.
7. Any student who is failing will participate in the S.O.S. program. You can only
receive S.O.S credit [60% maximum] for assignments missed from the week prior to
receiving S.O.S. notification.
1. If you are present when the test is announced but absent on the day before the test,
you will take the test as scheduled.
2. If you are absent on the day of the test, you will take the test the day you return to
school, unless other arrangements are made
3. Make-up tests may be a different format from the original test.
4. I will make exceptions for unusual circumstances, but you must meet with me
before coming to class to make arrangements.
Please see the grading scale document.
I reserve the right to make positive adjustments to borderline grades at the end of a marking
period. In order to achieve the higher letter grade, participate in class discussions, display safe
behaviors in the labs, and maintaining positive behaviors in my classroom, ask questions, and
communicate with me regarding any trouble you are having.
Complete all work and turn it in on the due date.
Every day, bring your calculator, notebook and anything else you need for class.
Ask questions. If not in class, ask before or after class, before or after school, by email, or at
some other time you arrange with me.
Listen while I am teaching or while someone else is asking or answering a question.
Take ownership of your decisions and actions. Admit it if you make a mistake. Keep trying.
You will succeed eventually
If you need help, ask for it. Stay after school if needed.
If there is a problem, talk to me right away so that we can find a solution.
Inform me right away if there is an accident in the lab. You are responsible for the cost of all
school equipment in the classroom which you have broken.
Outside of school or homework assignments, use the information you learn in school to do
something. This can be as simple as watching a related video or recognizing something you
may have learned in class. The more often you see things, the more likely you are to
remember them.
Seek study materials outside of class, for example khan academy. Do extra practice on your
own. This course is difficult and takes a lot of work to succeed at.
Remember the rule that it takes 10,000 hours of practice to master a skill and keep going.
The best way to study? Do practice problems and answer practice questions
I will be available after school for tutoring, following the S.O.S. schedule. If you need to
stay on a different day, please make arrangements with me. I may not always be able to
If your parents need to contact me for any reason, I may be reached at 724-962-7861
(x1075) or by e-mail (jchovanes@sharpsville.k12.pa.us).
Financial Assistance
Students on a free or reduced lunch program may be eligible for financial assistance in
paying the tuition and fees for this course. Contact the High school for more details.
The University of Pittsburgh has a financial assistance program available. Contact your
instructor for more details.
 Please review the syllabus handed out in class. Then complete the following
information, including student and parent signatures, cut out the area below
the dotted line, and return the lower portion to Mr. Chovanes by Wednesday,
September 9, 2014.
 By signing this form, you are indicating that you have read and understand the
information given in the syllabus for this class.
 The information also gives me a way to contact you if necessary.
 Please contact me any time you have a question or concern. I may be reached
at 724-962-7861 (x1075) or by e-mail (jchovanes@sasdpride.org).
 Thank you in advance for your time and cooperation in this communication.
Student Name:
Student Grade:
Student Signature:
Parent/Guardian Name:
Contact Information (Please circle your preference):
Parent/Guardian Signature: