Urine analysis

Urine analysis
Dr. Usha
Urine is formed in the kidneys, is a product
of ultrafiltration of plasma by the renal
Collection of urine
Early morning sample-qualitative
 Random sample- routine
 24hrs sample- quantitative
 Midstream sample-UTI
 Post prandial sample-D.M
24 hour urine sample
For quantitative estimation of proteins
For estimation of vanillyl mandelic acid,
5-hydroxyindole acetic acid,
For detection of AFB in urine
For detection of microalbuminuria
Urine examination
Macroscopic examination
 Chemical examination
 Microscopic examination
Macroscopic examination
 Color
 Odour
 Reaction or urinary pH
 Specific gravity
Urinary volume
Normal = 600-1550ml
Polyuria- >2000ml
Anuria-complete cessation of urine(<200ml)
Nocturia-excretion of urine by a adult of >500ml
with a specific gravity of <1.018 at night
(characteristic of chronic glomerulonephritis)
Causes of polyuria
Diabetes mellitus
 Diabetes insipidus
 Polycystic kidney
 Chronic renal failure
 Diuretics
 Intravenous saline/glucose
Dehydration-vomiting, diarrhoea,
excessive sweating
 Renal ischemia
 Acute tubular necrosis
 Obstruction to the urinary tract
 Acute renal failure
Color & appearance
Normal= clear & pale yellow
Colourless- dilution, diabetes mellitus,
diabetes insipidus, diuretics
Milky-purulent genitourinary tract
infection, chyluria
Orange-fever, excessive sweating
Red-beetroot ingestion,haematuria
Brown/ black- alkaptunuria, melanin
Urinary pH/ reaction
Reaction reflects ability of kidney to
maintain normal hydrogen ion
concentration in plasma & ECF
 Normal= 4.6-8
 Tested by- 1.litmus paper
2. pH paper
3. dipsticks
Acidic urine
Ketosis-diabetes, starvation, fever
 Systemic acidosis
 UTI- E.coli
 Acidification therapy
Alkaline urine
Strict vegetarian
 Systemic alkalosis
 UTI- Proteus
 Alkalization therapy
Normal= aromatic due to the volatile fatty
 Ammonical – bacterial action
 Fruity- ketonuria
Specific gravity
Depends on the concentration of various
solutes in the urine.
 Measured by-urinometer
- refractometer
- dipsticks
Take 2/3 of urinometer container with urine
 Allow the urinometer to float into the urine
 Read the graduation at the lowest level of
urinary meniscus
 Correction of temperature & albumin is a
 Urinometer is calibrated at 15or 200c
So for every 3oc increase/decrease
add/subtract 0.001
For 1gm/dl of albumin add0.001
High specific
 Causes
All causes of oliguria
Low specific
All causes of polyuria except gycosuria
Fixed specific gravity (isosthenuria)=1.010
Seen in chronic renal disease when kidney
has lost the ability to concentrate or dilute
Chemical examination
 Sugars
 Ketone bodies
 Bilirubin
 Bile salts
 Urobilinogen
 Blood
Tests for proteins
Principle-proteins are denatured & coagulated
on heating to give white cloud precipitate.
Method-take 2/3 of test tube with urine, heat only
the upper part keeping lower part as control.
Presence of phosphates, carbonates, proteins
gives a white cloud formation. Add acetic acid 12 drops, if the cloud persists it indicates it is
protein(acetic acid dissolves the
Other tests
Sulphosalicylic acid test
 Dipsticks
 Esbach’s albuminometer- for quantitative
estimation of proteins
Causes of proteinuria
Prerenal causes-Heavy
exercise,Fever,hypertension, multiple myeloma,
Renal –acute & chronic
glomerulonephritis,Renal tubular
dysfunction,Polycystic kidney, nephrotic
Post renal- acute & chronic cystitis, tuberculosis
Selective proteinuria
 Nonselective proteinuria
The level of albumin protein produced by
microalbuminuria cannot be detected by
urine dipstick methods. In a properly
functioning body, albumin is not normally
present in urine because it is retained in
the bloodstream by the kidneys.
Microalbuminuria is diagnosed either from
a 24-hour urine collection
Significance of microalbuminuria
an indicator of subclinical cardiovascular
an important prognostic marker for kidney
in diabetes mellitus
in hypertension
increasing microalbuminuria during the first 48
hours after admission to an intensive care unit
predicts elevated risk for acute respiratory failure
, multiple organ failure , and overall mortality
Bence Jones proteins
These are light chain globulins seen in multiple
myeloma, macroglobulimias, lymphoma.
 Test- Thermal method(waterbath):
Proteins has unusual property of
precipitating at 400 -600c & then dissolving
when the urine is brought to boiling(1000c) &
reappears when the urine is cooled.
Test for sugar
Test-BENEDICT’S TEST(semiquantitative)
 Principle-benedict’s reagent contains
cuso4.In the presence of reducing sugars
cupric ions are converted to cuprous oxide
which is hastened by heating, to give the
 Method- take 5ml of benedict’s reagent in a
test tube, add 8drops of urine. Boil the
 Blue-green= negative
 Yellow-green=+(<0.5%)
 Greenish yellow=++(0.5-1%)
 Yellow=+++(1-2%)
 Brick red=++++(>2%)
Benedict’s test
Detects all reducing substances like
glucose, fructose, & other reducing
 To confirm it is glucose, dipsticks can be
used (glucose oxidase)
Causes of glycosuria
Glycosuria with hyperglycaemiadiabetes,acromegaly, cushing’s disease,
hyperthyroidism, drugs like corticosteroids.
 Glycosuria without hyperglycaemiarenal tubular dysfunction
Ketone bodies
3 types
 Acetone
 Acetoacetic acid
 β-hydroxy butyric acid
They are products of fat metabolism
Rothera’s test
Principle-acetone & acetoacetic acid react
with sodium nitroprusside in the presence
of alkali to produce purple colour.
 Method- take 5ml of urine in a test tube &
saturate it with ammonium sulphate. Then
add one crystal of sodium nitroprusside.
Then gently add 0.5ml of liquor ammonia
along the sides of the test tube.
 Change in colour indicates + test
Causes of ketonuria
 Non-diabetic causes- high fever,
starvation, severe vomiting/diarrhoea
Test- fouchet’s test.
Liver diseases-injury,hepatitis
Obstruction to biliary tract
Test- ehrlich test
 Causes-hemolytic anemia's
Bile saltsHay’s test
Cause- obstruction to bile flow (obstructive
Blood in urine
Principle-The peroxidase activity of hemoglobin
decomposes hydrogen peroxide releasing
nascent oxygen which in turn oxidizes benzidine
to give blue color.
Method- mix 2ml of benzidine solution with 2ml
of hydrogen peroxide in a test tube. Take 2ml of
urine & add 2ml of above mixture. A blue color
indicates + reaction.
Causes of hematuria
Pre renal- bleeding diathesis,
hemoglobinopathies, malignant
 Renal- trauma, calculi, acute & chronic
glomerulonephritis, renal TB, renal
 Post renal – severe UTI, calculi,
trauma, tumors of urinary tract
Plasma color
Urine color
Smoky red
m/s-plenty of
hemoglobunuria Pink,hepatoglob Red ,
in reduced
Myoglobunuria Pink, normal
Red, occasional
Microscopic examination
Microscopic urinalysis is done simply pouring
the urine sample into a test tube and
centrifuging it (spinning it down in a machine) for
a few minutes. The top liquid part (the
supernatant) is discarded. The solid part left in
the bottom of the test tube (the urine sediment)
is mixed with the remaining drop of urine in the
test tube and one drop is analyzed under a
Contents of normal urine m/s
Contains few epithelial cells, occasional
RBC’s, few crystals.
Crystals in urine
Crystals in acidic
 Uric acid
 Calcium oxalate
 Cystine
 Leucine
Crystals in alkaline
 Ammonium
phosphate crystals)
 Calcium carbonate
Urinary casts are cylindrical aggregations
of particles that form in the distal nephron,
dislodge, and pass into the urine. In
urinalysis they indicate kidney disease.
They form via precipitation of TammHorsfall mucoprotein which is secreted by
renal tubule cells.
Types of casts
Acellular casts
Hyaline casts
Granular casts
Waxy casts
Fatty casts
Pigment casts
Crystal casts
Cellular casts
Red cell casts
White cell casts
Epithelial cell cast
Hyaline casts
The most common type of cast, hyaline
casts are solidified Tamm-Horsfall
mucoprotein secreted from the tubular
epithelial cells
 Seen in fever, strenuous exercise, damage
to the glomerular capillary
Granular casts
Granular casts can result either from the
breakdown of cellular casts or the
inclusion of aggregates of plasma proteins
(e.g., albumin) or immunoglobulin light
 indicative of chronic renal disease
Waxy casts
waxy casts suggest severe,
longstanding kidney disease such as
renal failure(end stage renal disease).
Waxy casts
Fatty casts
Formed by the breakdown of lipid-rich
epithelial cells, these are hyaline casts
with fat globule inclusions
They can be present in various disorders,
 nephrotic syndrome,
 diabetic or lupus nephropathy,
 Acute tubular necrosis
Fatty casts
Pigment casts
Formed by the adhesion of metabolic
breakdown products or drug pigments
 Pigments include those produced
endogenously, such as
 hemoglobin in hemolytic anemia,
 myoglobin in rhabdomyolysis, and
 bilirubin in liver disease.
Crystal casts
Though crystallized urinary solutes, such
as oxalates, urates, or sulfonamides, may
become enmeshed within a hyaline cast
during its formation.
 The clinical significance of this occurrence
is not felt to be great.
Red cell casts
The presence of red blood cells within the
cast is always pathologic, and is strongly
indicative of glomerular damage.
 They are usually associated with nephritic
Erythrocyte cast
White blood cell casts
Indicative of inflammation or infection,
 pyelonephritis
 acute allergic interstitial nephritis,
 nephrotic syndrome, or
 post-streptococcal acute
Leucocyte cast
Epithelial casts
This cast is formed by inclusion or
adhesion of desquamated epithelial cells
of the tubule lining.
These can be seen in
 acute tubular necrosis and
 toxic ingestion, such as from mercury,
diethylene glycol, or salicylate.
Urine dipsticks
Urine dipstick is a narrow plastic strip which
has several squares of different colors
attached to it. Each small square represents
a component of the test used to interpret
urinalysis. The entire strip is dipped in the
urine sample and color changes in each
square are noted. The color change takes
place after several seconds to a few minutes
from dipping the strip. If read too early or
too long after the strip is dipped, the results
may not be accurate.
The squares on the dipstick represent the
following components in the urine:
specific gravity (concentration of urine),
acidity of the urine (pH),
protein in the urine (mainly albumin),
glucose (sugar),
bilirubin and
The main advantage of dipsticks is that
they are
1. convenient,
2. easy to interpret,
3. and cost-effective
The main disadvantage is that the
1. Information may not be very accurate as
the test is time-sensitive.
2. It also provides limited information about
the urine as it is qualitative test and not a
quantitative test (for example, it does not
give a precise measure of the quantity of