Video and Sound Multimedia Part II

Wars of the United States
Civil War
Spanish American War
World War I
Korean War
World War II
Civil War
•Started when Confederate bombed Union
soldiers at Fort Sumter.
• The death toll was 620,000 for the United States.
•The northern armies won and rebellious states
returned to the Union.
•Started because of uncompromising differences
between the free and slave states.
•Time frame of war: 1861-1865
World War I
•The death toll was 116,516.
•Time frame of war 1914-1918
•Started with the assignation
of Archduke of Austria.
•Treaty of Versailles ended
the war.
•There was the Central
Powers and the Allied Powers.
World War II
•The death toll was 405,399.
• The war started with Hitler invasion
of Poland.
•Germany surrendered and ended
the war.
•Hitler massacred many Jews
during WWII, called the Holocaust.
Spanish-American War
•The death toll was 2,446
•War ended with Treaty of Paris
giving U.S Cuba, Puerto Rico, and
•Time frame: April 24,1898-Augest 12,
•War begin to end Spanish colonial
•Spain declared war on United
States April 24, 1898.
Korean War
•The death toll was 36,574.
•Time Frame:1950-1953
•Begin when N. Korea wanted to
take S. Korea and then U.S
entered supporting S. Korea
•War ends and still divides Korea
into two South and North.
•Russia allied with N. Korea and
United States Allied with S. Korea
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