Student Name__________________ Jauary Math Mania Kindergarten 1. What comes next: 10___ _____, _____,14 , ____16, _____, ____, 2. Fold a piece of paper in ¼.How many sections will it have when you open it? ___ 5. Using a handful of beans measure a fork. How many beans long is it? ___________ 9. Count from 1 to 100 by 10’s._______ 6. Draw five faces. How many 7. Circle the number that is pairs of ears are there? more: 7 or 5? 19 or 12? ______ 20 or 12? 12 or 21? ________ 10. Describe the tails side 11. Pretend you are a double of a penny three different digit number. Have a friend ways. __________ or parent guess what you are. _______ 14. Write the even numbers 15. Write the odd numbers from 1-10. _______ from 1-10. _______ 13. Count to 100 by 5’s 3. Using a handful of beans measure a pencil. How many beans long is it? ___________ ______ 17. Find 2 pennies, 2 nickels, 2 dimes and sort them. How much money do you have? _______ 18. How many months are in two years? _______ Say the months of the year in order. _______ 19. What time do you go to bed? _______ What time do you get home from school? ________ 4. How many letters are in your first name and last name? ______ Now tally the number. 8. Circle the number that is fewer: 10 or 2? 13 or 12? 7or 10? 17or 11? _______ 12. Get a handful of beans and make 3 equations. Ex 1=+2=3 ____ 16. Walk around your house one time. Write how many steps it took. _________ 20. Get 3 pennies and 1 nickel. Count how much money you have. Write it here:_____