Frequency of food group consumption and risk of allergic disease and sensitization in school children in urban and rural China Online materials 4 GZ SG Food Hypersensitivity % † 3 2 † † † † † 1 † i M lk an go Fi sh Eg W g he Po at ul tr Po y ta Pe to pp er ab M Cr Sh rim p 0 Food Fig E1. Prevalence of food hypersensitivity in Guangzhou (n=5542) and Shaoguan (5139) children 1. Questions included in the screen questionnaire. 1.1 Has your child ever had and illness or trouble caused by eating a food or foods? 1.2 How often has your child had this illness or trouble after eating food or foods? 1.3.1 Itching, tingling or swelling in the mouth lips or throat? 1.3.2 A rash, nettle sting like rash or itchy skin? 1.3.3 Diarrhoea or vomiting (other than food poisoning)? 1.3.4 A runny or stuffy nose? 1.3.5 Red, sore or running eyes? 1.3.6 Difficulty swallowing? 1.3.7 Breathlessness? 1.3.8 Stiffness in the joints? 1.3.9 Fainting or dizziness? 1.3.10 Headaches? 1.4 Has your child had any other symptoms? 1.4.1 If yes, please describe _________________ 1.5.1 name of food 1: ________ 1.5.2 name of food 2: ________ 1.5.3 name of food 3: ________ 1.6 Have you ever been told by a doctor that your child has a food allergy? 1.7 Any history of allergic rhinitis? 1.8 Any history of asthma? 1.9 Any hisory of eczema? 1.10 Date of birth of child? 1.11 Date questionniare filled in? 1.12 Gender of your child? Male/female 2. A total of 104 categories were included in the screen questionnaire. They were Almond, Apple, Apricot, Artichoke, Asparagus, Aubergine, Avocado, Banana, Barley, Beans (butter), Beans (green), Beans (red kidney), Beef, Blackberries, Blue mussel, Brazil nut, Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, Buckwheat, Cabbage, Cacao, Carrot, Cauliflower, Celery, Cheese (hard), Cheese (soft), Cherry, Chocolate, Coconut, Corn, Crab, Date, Egg, Fig, Fish (oily, Sardine), Fish (white, Cod, Plaice), Garlic, Gooseberry, Grape, Grapefruit, Hazelnut, Herring, Kiwi, Lamb, Leek, Lemon, Lime, Lobster, Lychee, Malt, Mango, Melon, Milk (cows), Oat, Onion, Orange, Oyster, Papaya, Parsley, Passion fruit, Pea, Peach, Peanut, Pear, Pecan, Pepper (red/green), Pineapple, Plum, Pork, Potato, Poultry (Chicken, Turkey, Duck), Pumpkin, Radish, Raspberry, Rhubarb, Rice, Rye, Salmon, Shrimp (Prawn), Soya, Spinach, Strawberry, Swede, Tomato, Tuna, Veal, Walnut, Watercress, Wheat (Flour, Gluten), Yam, Yeast (bakers), Yoghurt, Mustart, Sesame, Lentils, Sunflower seeds, Poppy seeds, not coded, Not known, Nuts not specified, Vegetables, Fish not specified, Fruit not specified, Dairy not specified.