Management of the Simulated Clock Fixed-time Increment Variable-time Increment Introduction(Packages) 1 Flowchart for arrival routine, queueing model Arrival event Schedule the next arrival event Yes Write error message and stop simulation Yes Is the server busy? No Add 1to the number in queue Set delay = 0 for this customer and gather statistics Is the queue Full? Add 1 to the number of customers delayed No Store time of arrival of this customer Make the server busy Schedule a departure event for this customer Return Flowchart for departure routine, queueing model Yes Departure event Is the queue empty? No Make the server idle Subtract 1 from the number in queue Eliminate departure event from consideration Compute delay of customer entering service and gather statistics Add 1 to the number of customers delayed Schedule a departure event for this customer Move each customer in queue (if any) up one place Return Distribution of time between arrivals Time between Arrivals(min.) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Cumulative Random digit Probability Probability Assignment 0.125 0.125 0.125 0.125 0.125 0.125 0.125 0.125 0.125 0.250 0.375 0.500 0.625 0.750 0.875 1.000 Introduction(Packages) 000-125 126-250 251-375 376-500 501-625 626-750 751-875 876-000 4 Service Time Distribution Service Time (Minutes) Probability 1 2 3 4 5 6 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.25 0.10 0.05 Cumulative Probability Random digit Assignment 0.10 0.30 0.60 0.85 0.95 1.00 01 - 10 11 - 30 31 - 60 61- 85 86 - 95 96 - 00 Introduction(Packages) 5 Time-between-arrival Determination Random Time btwn Digit Arrivals Customer (Minutes) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 _ 913 727 015 948 309 922 753 235 302 _ 8 6 1 8 3 8 7 2 3 Random Time btwn Digit Arrivals Customer (Minutes) 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Introduction(Packages) 109 093 607 738 359 888 106 212 493 535 1 1 5 6 3 8 1 2 4 5 6 Service Times Generated Random Customer Digit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 84 10 74 53 17 79 91 67 89 38 Service Time (Minutes) 4 1 4 3 2 4 5 4 5 3 Random Customer Digit 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Introduction(Packages) 32 94 79 05 79 84 52 55 30 50 Service Time (Minutes) 3 5 4 1 5 4 3 3 2 3 7 Work Sheet Customer Number Clock Time Arrival 1 0 . . . . . . . . . Event Type Findings from the Simulation 1. Average waiting time for a customer Total time customers wait in queue(minute) Total number of customers 56 2.8(min) 20 Introduction(Packages) 9 Findings from the Simulation(cont) 2. Prob. that a customer has to wait in a queue Number of customers who wait Total number of customers 13 0.65 20 Introduction(Packages) 10 Findings from the Simulation(cont) 3. Proportion of idle time of the server Total idle time of server(minute) Total run time of simulation(minute) 18 0.21 86 Thus, the probability of the server being busy is the complement of 0.21, or 0.79 Introduction(Packages) 11 The Able-Baker carhop problem The purpose of this example is to indicate the simulation procedure when there is more than one channel. Consider a drive-in restaurant where carhops take orders and bring food to the car. Cars arrive in the manner shown in the following table. Introduction(Packages) 12 The Able-Baker carhop problem (Interarrival distribution of cars) Time between Arrivals Cumulative (Minutes) Probability Probability 1 2 3 4 0.25 0.40 0.20 0.15 0.25 0.65 0.85 1.00 Introduction(Packages) Random Digit Assignment 01-25 26-65 66-85 86-00 13 The Able-Baker carhop problem (continued) There are two car hops -- Able and Baker. Able is better able to do the job, and works somewhat faster than Baker. The distribution of service times of Able and Baker is following. Introduction(Packages) 14 The Able-Baker carhop problem (Service Distribution of Able) Service Time (Minutes) 2 3 4 5 Random Cumulative Digit Probability Probability Assignment 0.30 0.28 0.25 0.17 0.30 0.58 0.83 1.00 Introduction(Packages) 01-30 31-58 59-83 84-00 15 The Able-Baker carhop problem (Service Distribution of Baker) Service Time (Minutes) 3 4 5 6 Random Cumulative Digit Probability Probability Assignment 0.35 0.25 0.20 0.20 0.35 0.60 0.80 1.00 Introduction(Packages) 01-35 36-60 61-80 81-00 16 The Able-Baker carhop problem (Continued) l Over the 62-minute period Able is busy 90% of the time. 2 Baker was busy only 69% of the time. The seniority rule keeps Baker less busy. 3 Nine of 26 or about 35% of the arrivals had to wait. The average waiting time for all customers was only about 0.42 minute, or 25 seconds, which is very small. Introduction(Packages) 17 The Able-Baker carhop problem (Continued) 4 Those 9 who did have to wait only waited an average of 1.22 minutes, which is quite low. 5 In summary, this system seems well balanced. One server cannot handle all the dinners, and three servers would probably be too many. Adding an additional server would surely reduce the waiting time to nearly zero. However, the cost of waiting would have to be quite high to justify an additional worker. Introduction(Packages) 18 GPSS (Process-Oriented) Diagram Logical Level GPSS Implementation Level PERM ANENT -Created Implicitly GPSS Equipm e nt Entitie s -Facilities, Storages, Queues, sw itches,... ELEM ENTS -Entities and Attributes Model Structure OPERATIONS TEM PORARY - created/ Destroyed Dynamically BLOCKS - Activated by Entering Transactions Introduction(Packages) TRANSACTIONS -Attributes Flowing Through Connected to form NETWORK 19 GPSS Events Current-Event Chain: Transaction with BDT <= C1 Future-Event Chain: Transaction with BDT > C1 Introduction(Packages) 20 GPSS Events(continued) Note Events must be executed chronologically, so chains are maintained in ascending order Current-Event Chain performs an additional tasks(i.e. maintains by priority) Introduction(Packages) 21 GPSS Execution Trace The system. Four transactions enter the system at intervals of 3 time units, starting at time unit 1. They try to seize facility MACH for 4 time units and then try to enter storage BUFFE (with capacity 2) before releasing MACH. After 9 time units in BUFFE, they leave storage and terminate. In this model the number of transactions must be limited because it has been devised to cause catastrophic congestion. Introduction(Packages) 22 GPSS Sample instructions BUFFE STORAGE GENERATE QUEUE SEIZE DEPART ADVANCE ENTER RELEASE ADVANCE LEAVE TERMINATE START Introduction(Packages) 2 3,,1,4 WAIT MACH WAIT 4 BUFFE MACH 9 BUFFE 1 4 23 GPSS (Process-Oriented) Diagram no1 0 1 no1 no2 no3 no4 4 7 10 15 no2 no3 no4 20 25 30 Queue WAIT no1 no2 no3 no4 1 5 9 14 Facility MACH 18 no4 no2 no1 5 27 9 14 no1 18 no2 Introduction(Packages) no3 Storage BUFFE 23 no3 no4 24 GPSS/H Block Diagram, Queueing Model GENERATE RVEXPO(1,1.0) QUEUE SERVERQ SEIZE SERVER LVEQ N$LVEQ Create Arriving Custome r DEPART SERVERQ (STOP) TEST ADVANCE RVEXPO(2,0.5) Enter the Queue Seize the Server 1000 L Delay for Service SER VER (STOP) Leave the Queue Introduction(Packages) RELEASE TERMINATE Test for the termination of the run 1 Release the Server Customers Depart 25 GPSS/H - Queueing Model 1 * SIMULATION OF THE M/M/1 QUEUE 2* 3 SIMULATE 4 GENERATE RVEXPO(1,1,0) Create Arriving Customer 5 QUEUE SERVERQ Enter the Queue 6 SEIZE SERVER Seize the Server 7 LVEQ DEPART SERVERQ Leave the Queue 8 TEST L N$LVEQ,1000,STOP Test for Termination 9 ADVANCE RVEXPO(2,0.5) Delay for service 10 STOP RELEASE SERVER Customers Depart 11 TERMINATE 1 12 * 13 * CONTROL STATEMENT 14 * 15 START 1000 Make 1 simulation run 16 END Introduction(Packages) 26 GPSS/H standard output report, Queueing Model RELATIVE CLOCK: 1014.1565 BLOCK CURRENT 1 2 3 LVEQ 5 6 STOP 8 ABSOLUTE CLOCK:1014.1565 TOTAL 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 999 1000 1000 -- AVG-UTIL-DURING-FACILITY TOTAL AVAIL UNAVL ENTRIES AVG CURRENT TIME TIME TIME TIME/XACT STATUS SERVER 0.516 1000 0.523 AVAIL Introduction(Packages) 27 GPSS/H standard output report, Queueing Model(Continued) QUEUE MAXIMUM AVERAGE TOTAL ZERO PERCENT CONTENTS CONTENTS ENTRIES ENTRIES ZEROS SERVERQ 8 0.605 1000 454 45.4 QUEUE AVERAGE $AVERAGE TIME/UNIT TIME/UNIT SERVERQ 0.614 1.124 QTABLE CURRENT NUMBER CONTENTS 0 RANDOM ANTITHETIC INITIAL CURRENT SAMPLE CHI-SQUARE STREAM VARIATES POS. POS. COUNT UNIFORMITY 1 OFF 100000 101001 1001 0.71 2 OFF 200000 200999 999 0.69 Introduction(Packages) 28 SIMSCRIPT II.5 Preamble, Queueing Model 1 PREAMBLE 2 PROCESSES INCLUDE ARRIVAL.GENERATOR, 3 CUSTOMER, AND REPORT 4 RESOURCES INCLUDE SERVER 5 DEFINE DELAY.IN.QUEUE, MEAN.INTERARRIVAL.TIME, 6 AND MEAN.SERVICE.TIME AS REAL VARIABLES 7 DEFINE TOT.DELAYS AS AN INTEGER VARIABLE 8 DEFINE MINUTES TO MEAN UNITS 9 TALLY AVG.DELAY.IN.QUEUE AS THE AVERAGE AND 10 NUM.DELAYS AS THE NUMBER OF DELAY.IN.QUEUE 11 ACCUMULATE AVG.NUMBER.IN.QUEUE AS THE 12 AVERAGE OF N.Q.SERVER 13 ACCUMULATE UTIL.SERVER AS THE AVERAGE OF 14 N.X.SERVER 15 END Introduction(Packages) 29 SIMSCRIPT II.5 Main program Queueing Model 1 MAIN 2 3 READ MEAN.INTERARRIVAL.TIME, 4 MEAN.SERVICE.TIME, AND TOT.DELAYS 5 6 CREATE EVERY SERVER(1) 7 LET U.SERVER(1) = 1 8 9 ACTIVATE AN ARRIVAL.GENERATOR NOW 10 11 START SIMULATION 12 13 END Introduction(Packages) 30 SIMSCRIPT II.5 Process routine ARRIVAL.GENERATOR 1 PROCESS ARRIVAL.GENERATOR 2 3 WHILE TIME.V >= 0.0 4 DO 5 WAIT EXPONENTIAL.F(MEAN.INTERARRIVAL.TIME, 6 1) MINUTES 7 ACTIVATE A CUSTOMER NOW 8 LOOP 9 10 END Introduction(Packages) 31 SIMSCRIPT II.5 Process routine CUSTOMER 1 PROCESS CUSTOMER 2 3 DEFINE TIME.OF.ARRIVAL AS A REAL VARIABLE 4 LET TIME.OF.ARRIVAL = TIME.V 5 REQUEST 1 SERVER(1) 6 LET DELAY.IN.QUEUE = TIME.V - TIME.OF.ARRIVAL 7 IF NUM.DELAYS = TOT.DELAYS 8 ACTIVATE A REPORT NOW 9 ALWAYS 10 WORK EXPONENTIAL.F (MEAN.SERVICE.TIME, 2) 11 MINUTES 12 RELINQUISH 1 SERVER(1) 13 14 END Introduction(Packages) 32 SIMSCRIPT II.5 Process routine REPORT 1 PROCESS REPORT 2 3 PRINT 5 LINES THUS SIMULATION OF THE M/M/1 QUEUE 9 PRINT 8 LINES WITH MEAN.INTERARRIVAL.TIME, 10 SERVICE.TIME, AND TOT.DELAYS THUS MEAN INTERARRIVAL TIME MEAN SERVICE TIME NUMBER OF CUSTOMERS Introduction(Packages) **.** **.** ***** 33 SIMSCRIPT II.5 Process routine REPORT(Continued) 19 20 21 PRINT 8 LINES WITH AVG.DELAY.IN.QUEUE, AVG.NUMBER.IN.QUEUE(1), ANDUTIL.SERVER(1) THUS AVERAGE DELAY IN QUEUE AVERAGE NUMBER IN QUEUE SERVER UTILIZATION 29 30 31 ***.** ***.** *.** STOP END Introduction(Packages) 34 SIMSCRIPT II.5 Output Report Queueing Model SIMULATION OF THE M/M/1 QUEUE MEAN INTERARRIVAL TIME MEAN SERVICE TIME 1.00 .50 NUMBER OF CUSTOMERS 1000 AVERAGE DELAY IN QUEUE .43 AVERAGE NUMBER IN QUEUE .43 SERVER UTILIZATION .50 Introduction(Packages) 35 SLAM II network for single-server queue simulation EXPON(4,5) 0 0. RNORM (3.2, 0.6) 1 1 CREATE node QUEUE node Introduction(Packages) 1000 1 ACTIVITY TERMINATE node 36 SLAM II Model of Single-Server Queue GEN, BANKS CARSON, NELSON SINGLE SERVER QUEUE EXAMPLE, 1/20/95 LIMITS,1,0,30; MODEL CAN USE 1 FILE, MAX NO. OF SIMULTANEOUS ENTRIES 30 NETWORK; BEGINNING OF MODEL CREATE, EXPON(4.5) CUSTOMERS ARRIVE AT CHECKOUT QUEUE(1); CUSTOMERS WAIT FOR SERVICE IN QUEUE FILE ONE (1) ACTIVITY(1)/1,RNORM(3.2,.6); CHECKOUT SERVICE TIME IS N(3.2,0.6) TERMINATE, 1000; SIMULATE UNTIL 1000 CUSTOMERS ARE CHECKED OUT ENDNETWORK; END OF MODEL END OF SIMULATION Introduction(Packages) 37 CSIM Sample Code(1) /* simulate an M/M/1 queue (an open queue with exponential service times and interarrival intervals) */ #include "lib/csim.h" #define SVTM #define IATM #define NARS FACILITY f; EVENT done; TABLE tbl; QTABLE qtbl; int cnt; 1.0 2.0 5000 /*mean of service time distribution */ /*mean of inter-arrival time distribution */ /*number of arrivals to be simulated*/ /*pointer for facility */ /*pointer for counter */ /*pointer for table */ /*pointer for qhistogram */ /*number of active tasks*/ Introduction(Packages) 38 CSIM Sample Code(2) sim() { int i; set_model_name("M/M/1 Queue"); create("sim"); /*1st process - named sim */ /*required create statement*/ f = facility("facility"); done = event("done"); tbl = table("resp tms"); qtbl = qhistogram("num in sys", 10); /*declare facility*/ /*declare event*/ /*declare table */ /*declare qhistogram*/ cnt = NARS; for(i = 1; i <= NARS; i++) { hold(expntl(IATM)); cust(); } wait(done); report(); theory(); /*initialize cnt*/ /* hold interarrival*/ /*initiate process cust*/ /*wait until all done*/ /*print report*/ /*print theoretical res*/ } Introduction(Packages) 39 CSIM Sample Code(3) cust() { float t1; create("cust"); statement*/ /*process customer*/ /*required create t1 = clock; note_entry(qtbl); reserve(f); hold(expntl(SVTM)); release(f); record(clock-t1, tbl); note_exit(qtbl); cnt--; if(cnt == 0) set(done); /*time of request */ /*note arrival */ /*reserve facility f*/ /*hold service time*/ /*release facility f*/ /*record response time*/ /*note departure */ /*decrement cnt*/ /*if last arrival, signal*/ } Introduction(Packages) 40 CSIM Sample Code(4) theory() /*print theoretical results*/ { float rho, nbar, rtime, tput; printf("\n\n\n\t\t\tM/M/1 Theoretical Results\n"); tput = 1.0/IATM; rho = tput*SVTM; nbar = rho/(1.0 - rho); rtime = SVTM/(1.0 - rho); printf("\n\n"); printf("\t\tInter-arrival time printf("\t\tService time printf("\t\tUtilization printf("\t\tThroughput rate printf("\t\tMn nbr at queue printf("\t\tMn queue length printf("\t\tResponse time printf("\t\tTime in queue = = = = = = = = %10.3f\n",IATM); %10.3f\n",SVTM); %10.3f\n",rho); %10.3f\n",tput); %10.3f\n",nbar); %10.3f\n",nbar-rho); %10.3f\n",rtime); %10.3f\n",rtime - SVTM); } Introduction(Packages) 41 CSIM Results(1) Tue Dec 1 09:25:18 1987 CSIM Simulation Report Version 12 Model: M/M/1 Queue Time: Interval: CPU Time: 10041.661 10041.661 32.183 (seconds) Facility Usage Statistics +----------------------+---------------means----------------+---counts----+ facility srv disp serv_tm util tput qlen resp cmp pre facility 0.992 0.494 0.5 Introduction(Packages) 0.991 1.989 5000 0 42 CSIM Results(2) Table 1 Table Name: resp tms mean variance 1.989 3.813 min max 0.000 14.273 Number of entries 5000 QTable 2 QTable Name: num in sys Mean queue length Mean time in queue 0.991 1.989 Max queue length Number of entries Introduction(Packages) 13 5000 43 CSIM Results(3) Queue Table Histogram Length % of Elapsed Time 0 0.506 1 0.242 2 0.123 3 0.067 4 0.035 5 0.015 6 0.007 7 0.002 8 0.001 9 0.001 10 0.000 over 0.001 Cumulative 0.506 0.748 0.871 0.938 0.972 0.988 0.995 0.997 0.998 0.999 0.999 1.000 Introduction(Packages) Count 2516 3694 1845 1014 510 234 99 40 21 13 6 8 Mean Time 2.020 0.657 0.671 0.659 0.686 0.652 0.700 0.627 0.469 0.823 0.519 0.807 44 CSIM Results(4) M/M/1 Theoretical Results Inter-arrival time Service time Utilization Throughput rate Mn nbr at queue Mn queue length Response time Time in queue = = = = = = = = 2.000 1.000 0.500 0.500 1.000 0.500 2.000 1.000 Introduction(Packages) 45