Conducting a needs assessment - 7 Barbie E. Keiser University of Vilnius May 2007 1 Designing information products that will meet the needs of your organization in the 21st century • Consider alternative product development processes that will work in your library • How can library staff be encouraged to define and develop comprehensive information product lines? 2 Information needs assessment looks outward • A top-down approach to assessing the information requirements of your university and user community • Broaden the base of products and services offered by the library 3 Key questions • How effective is the library in targeting current user needs? Predicting future needs? • What information needs are not being satisfied? • Is the library targeting existing products to potential users? • Are new products necessary? 4 Framework for user-driven information systems • Understand the contexts from which the need for information arise • Various groups which generate, store, analyze, publish, transmit, and market data, information and knowledge within the university • How people and organizations choose to use and distribute information 5 Know thy market • Your market has many constituencies, each with distinct information needs • An ongoing, systematic process to identification of information needs • The librarian is no longer the only gatekeeper – Do you know your competition? – How do you effectively deal with them? 6 Assessing the environment • What’s happening in the world which may change the way the organization performs? • Are there shifts in focus or emphasis which you should/must be aware? – Be prepared for change – Be flexible 7 The information products you develop should... • Support the goals and objectives of the operating environment • Be targeted to the segments most critical to its success • Be compatible with the culture of the organization • Employ appropriate technologies 8 Develop useful information products that… • • • • Advance the organization strategically Enhances recipient’s ability to act Facilitate the decision-making process Maximize the availability of accurate information (QA) • Minimize information costs, organizationwide 9 Develop useful information products that… (con’t) • • • • • Increase productivity Help individuals function efficiently Help user groups function effectively Avoid duplication of effort Reduce the time it takes to gather and analyze information 10 This will... • Increase your value to the organization/ your clients 11 Understand your customers... • Who they are • Their goals/objectives (and strategies used to achieve them) • What are their driving forces? Critical success factors? • How do they relate to one another? Fit into the overall structure? • Why they need information – What purpose does it serve? – How do they use it? • What type of information do they require? – Technical – Tactical – Strategic 12 …and their information needs • • • • • • • • • What the “group” does How well it performs Where information plays a role What type of information Which sources and tools How it obtains and uses information Problem areas/opportunities Personal preferences Where the library fits in 13 Know your competition • Internal and external • Create alliances with your competition 14 The needs assessment process • Identify where information is used • Identify areas which could most benefit by an improvement • Identify sources of information and destination through the organization • Identify logical clusters of functions and information groups • Generate ideas for specific improvement projects 15 The needs assessment process • Meet with a few strategically important groups • Interview individuals • Review interview results with your staff and identify opportunities • Reconvene focus group to review potential project opportunities and ideas. As a group, set priorities (to create stakeholders) • Begin planning for new products identified during needs assessment and prototype each16 What this says about your organization • • • • Flexibility Agility Willingness to listen Cooperative nature 17 Pose questions designed to elicit an understanding of each group’s • • • • • Objectives Priorities Problems Functional business model Information usage model – To determine flows/stores/outside agents – To determine statistics (e.g., frequency, critical timing, store size) 18 Questions for your focus groups • Describe what the group does and how well it performs – What is its role within the organization? – What products/services does it provide? To whom? – What resources does it manage? Budget? • How does the group obtain and use information? – What information does the group use? How frequently? – Where does it get that information? – What information does this group produce? – To whom is that information sent? 19 Why conduct a needs assessment? • Determine how individual groups within the organization relate to each other • Track information flowing into the organization, identifying the sources, and through it, identifying all users • Note all pockets of information (information stores/warehouses) • Analyze whether there is any duplication of effort. Could complementary information be exchanged? Could technology be shared? • Suggest methods to improve management’s control 20 over expenditures for information Needs assessment checklist • Have you identified the information needs of your organization as a whole, as well as individual groups within the organization? • Do you have a clear picture of how information is obtained, managed and used throughout the organization? • Can you identify any problem areas? Do these present an opportunity for the library? 21 Use the results of your information needs assessment to help user groups • Manage their information more effectively • Eliminate duplication of effort • Facilitate communication among groups 22 The opportunity • Information can eliminate the confusion caused by a rapidly changing environment • Find out what kinds of information people need and want, and then deliver it • Turn your competitors into allies 23 The challenge • Find a need and satisfy it 24