THE SOLOW GROWTH MODEL kα Production per worker Depreciation Gross investment per worker Stationary state δk skα k 1 CONVERGENCE: GRAPHICAL APPROACH Testing for convergence graphically: Put initial level on horizontal axis (here, income per capita) Put average growth rate over subsequent period on vertical axis -1 -.5 0 .5 1 Convergence implies negative slope, divergence positive slope 4 6 8 lggdppc1980 GDP per cap real growth 1980-1990 10 12 Fitted values 2 TESTING FOR CONVERGENCE IN A GROWTH EQUATION Absolute convergence: typically, no… but gi 0 1 Yi ,sample start ui - Conditional convergence: typically yes gi 0 1 Yi ,sample start 2 I i 3 H i ui -1 0 1 2 3 - 4 6 8 lggdppc2000 GDP per cap real growth 2000-2010 10 12 Fitted values 3 TOTAL FACTOR PRODUCTIVITY GROWTH & THE EAST ASIAN MIRACLE Growth-accounting equation Yit t Kit Lit H it yit ln Yit kit ln Kit it ln Lit hit ln H it yit kit hit uit eit yit ˆ kit ˆ it ˆhit it eit eit eit 1 TFPGit Taiwan Hong-Kong Corée Japon Thailande Singapour Malaisie Am. lat. Afr. sub-sah. TFPG moy., 1970-90 (% par an) 3.76 3.64 3.10 3.48 2.49 1.19 1.07 0.13 -0.99 4 MEASURING OPENNESS Crude measure: (X + M)/GDP, biased by country size etc Residual measure (Leamer) Xi Mi 0 1POPi 2 LLi 3 REMOTENESSi ... ui GDPi X iβ oi ei Xi Mi X iβˆ GDPi predicted openness residual The Sachs-Warner (1995) measure of country openness A country is «closed» if any of the following 5 criteria is met: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Average tariff above 40% Coverage ratio of non-tariff barriers (quotas, prohibitions etc.) above 40% Black-market premium on foreign exchange above 20% for a decade in a row Export monopoly (typically on a commodity export like cocoa, coffee) Socialist economy 5 SACHS-WARNER CLASSIC RESULT Significantly higher growth performance for open economies 6 RODRIGUEZ-RODRIK CRITIQUE But… Rodriguez/Rodrik critique suggests it’s not trade policy that did the trick 7 HOW CROSS-SECTIONAL DATA CAN OBFUSCATE CAUSAL LINKS Data Representation Time averages “Panel” 3 6 2.5 5 2 4 Growth Growth Year 1 2 Average Country 1 Country 2 Opening Growth Opening Growth 0 0.3 1 1.5 1 5.1 1 2.1 0.5 2.7 1 1.8 1.5 1 3 2 0.5 1 0 0 0.5 Opening 1 0 0 0.5 1 Opening 8 WACZIARG-WELSH 2008: USING PANEL DATA Wacziarg-Welsh use factual information about trade-policy changes 9 PANEL RESULTS ARE ROBUST 10 WACZIARG WELSH: GROWTH BEFORE & AFTER LIBERLIZATION 11 EXPLAINING THE GROWTH ACCELERATION: INVESTMENT 12