Family Picture This page has hyperlinks to 2 World Views certain sections of the seminar. Mormons Ctrl-k will make a hyperlink. Browse to the slide you wish to Big Brothers link to. When in presentation Buddumber mode just click once on the link 1st Law to go to the slide or type in the number of the slide you wish Big Bang to jump to and hit enter. Merry-Go-Round 2nd Law Some slides are “hidden” because I don’t always have Public Schools time to use them in Textbooks-charts presentations. Survey In sorter mode press Alt-d-h” to Definition of Science hide or reveal slides. Q áéí Ó úñ Check list: 1. Screen 2. Sight in projector 3. Water 4. Mints 5. Thanks to Pastor and Church 6. Set up tables 7. Time line 8. Sales Table 9. Quitting Time EVANGELISMO DE CIENCIA CREACIONISTA Seminar Parte 1a: La Gran Explosión Lección 1 de 14. Un Seminario de Creación Por Dr. Kent Hovind 29 Cummings Road Pensacola, FL 32503 850-479-3466 Correo Electronico: Toda escritura es dada por inspiración de Dios, y es útil para doctrina, para redargüir, para corregir, para instrucción en justicia, All scripture is given by 2 Timteo 3:16 inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 2 Timothy 3:16 Mas santificad al Señor Dios en vuestros corazones y estad siempre aparejados para responder a cada uno que os demanda razón de la esperanza que está en vosotros; con mansedumbre y temor; But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear: 1 Peter 3:15 1 Pedro 3:15 Tres cosas que quiero hacer en este seminario: 1) Quiero que se crece tu fe en la palabra de Dios. 2) Si no eres salvo, quiero convertirle. 3) Si eres salvo y no estás trabajando para el Señor, trataré de hacerle sentir avergonzado. I have 3 things I wish to accomplish in this seminar: 1) I want to strengthen your faith in God’s word. 2) If you are not saved I want to try to convert you. 3) If you are saved and are not doing much for the lord I am going to try to make you uncomfortable. Kent & Jo July 14, 1973 Pensacola, Florida E.E.U.U. Eric and Tanya Hovind Kent Andrew and Danielle Hovind Paul and Marlissa Jewell Grandkids are God’s reward for not killing your own kids when you thought about it! Los nietos son el galardón de Dios para no matar sus propios hijos cuando quisiera. Angelina 2 meses Stephanie 22 meses 7-19-04 Kailey 18 meses La Familia Hovind Junio 2004 God Has given us over 40 talented and dedicated people to help in our unusual ministry. Dios nos ha dado más que 40 personas dedicadas y talentuosas para ayudar en nuestro ministerio inusual. Why do we do this? To change people’s worldview and bring them to Christ! ¿Por qué hacemos esto? ¡Para cambiar la manera en como la gente mira al mundo, y traerlos a Cristo! Cuatro Preguntas Grandes 1. ¿Quién soy yo (y cuánto valgo)? 2. ¿De dónde vine yo? 3. ¿Por qué estoy aquí? 4. ¿Dónde voy cuando yo muera? Four Great Questions 1. 2. 3. 4. Who am I (and what am I worth?) Where did I come from? Why am I here? Where am I going when I die? “¡Asombroso!, ¡una Gran Explosión hizo este mundo de nada!” “Amazing! A ‘Big Bang’ made this world from nothing!” Lo que los Humanistas piensan: El hombre es dios, y no tiene que dar cuentas a nadie. Humanist world-view: Man is god and answers to no one. “¡Increible diseño! Debe haber un diseñador inteligente.” “Incredible design! There must be a smart designer.” Creationist worldview: God is God and judges all men. El que cree en la creación piensa: Dios es Dios y juzgará a todos los hombres. Cuatro Preguntas Grandes 1. ¿Quién soy yo (y cuánto valgo)? 2. ¿De dónde vine yo? 3. ¿Por qué estoy aquí? 4. ¿Dónde voy cuando yo muera? Four Great Questions 1. 2. 3. 4. Who am I (and what am I worth?) Where did I come from? Why am I here? Where am I going when I die? En el principio creó Dios los cielos y la tierra In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. Genesis 1:1 Génesis 1:1 Empero la serpiente era astuta, más que todos los animales del campo que Jehová Dios había hecho; la cual dijo á la mujer: ¿Con que Dios os ha dicho: No comáis de todo árbol del huerto? Génesis 3:1 Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said? Genesis 3;1 Confusion over Bible versions helps further the doubts. Confusión acerca de las versiones de la Biblia añade a estas dudas (Doubt God’s Word) Entonces la serpiente dijo a la mujer: No moriréis Génesis 3:4 And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: Genesis 3:4 (Deny God’s Word) Mas sabe Dios que el día que comereis de él, serán abiertos vuestros ojos, seréis como dioses sabiendo el bien y el mal. Génesis 3:5 For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened ye shall be as gods, (Deify Man) knowing good and evil. Genesis 3:5 “Exaltación es vida eterna, el género de vida que Dios vive... Él es un creador. Nosotros podemos ser dioses como nuestro Padre Celestial. Ésta es la exaltación.” “Exaltation is eternal life, the kind of life that God lives. … He is a creator. We can become Gods like our Heavenly Father. This is exaltation.” Official Mormon Doctrine Gospel Principles p. 289-293, 1988 by Corporation of The president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints “Porque el Hijo de Dios se hizo hombre para que nosotros podríamos ser Dios.” “For the Son of God became man so that we might become God.” Official Catholic Doctrine from Catechism of the Catholic Church, Ignatiu Press p. 116, p. 129 in 2nd Ed. By Doubleday St. Athanasius De Inc., 54, 3: PG 25, 192B. See also: St. Thomas Aquinas, Opusc. 57:1-4 and St. Irenaeus, Adv. Haeres. 3, 19, 1: PG 71, 939 and Marshall Almarode 509-582-5627, (972-495-0485) has good info for Catholics. See: Tú (Lucifer) que decías en tu corazón: Subiré al cielo, en lo alto junto a las estrellas de Dios ensalzaré mi solio, y en el monte del testimonio me sentaré, á los lados del aquilón. For thou (Lucifer) hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: Isaías 14:13 Sobre las alturas de las nubes subiré, y seré semejante al Altísimo. I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. Isaías 14:14 Y dijo Dios: Hagamos al hombre á nuestra imagen, conforme á nuestra semejanza; y señoree en los peces de la mar, y en las aves de los cielos, y en las bestias, y en toda la tierra, y en todo animal que anda arrastrando sobre la tierra. Y creó Dios al hombre á su imagen, á imagen de Dios lo creo; varón y hembra los creó. And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. Génesis 1:26 y 27 “Si dices una mentira por largo tiempo, en voz alta, muchas veces, la gente la creerá.” “If you tell a lie long enough, loud enough and often enough, the people will believe it.” —Adolph Hitler The Third Reich at War p. 38 also his propaganda minister Goebles. “La gente es más apta en creer una gran mentira que una mentira pequeña.” “People are more likely to believe a big lie than a small one.” - Adolph Hitler Sr. Hovind family La manchas que me dijeron fueron patas de araña. ¡La real verdad acerca de fumar! The real truth about smoking! Beer companies try to associate beer with sports! Los que hacen cerveza quieren identificarla con deportes. ¿Para quién será el ay? ¿Para quién el ay¡ ¿Para quién las rencillas? ¿para quién las quejas? ¿Para quién las heridas en balde? ¿Para quién lo amoratado de los ojos? Para los que se detienen mucho en el vino, para los que van buscando la mistura. Who hath woe? who hath sorrow? who hath contentions? who hath babbling? who hath wounds without cause? Who hath redness of eyes? They that tarry long at the wine; they that go to seek mixed wine. Proverbios 23:29 y 30 No mires al vino cuando rojea, cuando resplandece su color en el vaso: entrase suavemente; Mas al fin como serpiente morderá, y como basilisco dará dolor: Look not thou upon the wine when it is red, when it giveth his colour in the cup, when it moveth itself aright. [is fermented] At the last it biteth like a serpent, and stingeth like an adder. Proverbios 23:31 y 32 ¡Ay del que da de beber á sus compañeros, que les acercas tu hiel y embriagas, para mirar sus desnudeces Woe unto him that giveth his neighbour drink, Vea también: Prov. 20:1, Isa. 28:7, Luc. 1:15 Habacuc 2:15 Alcohol 10% Has metido su cabeza debajo de un camión Have you ever laid your head under a semi truck? ¿Cómo sabes que no How do you know te gustaría si tu no lo you won’t like it if you don’t try it? has probabo? ¡Nostros no estamos contra la ciencia! Pensacola, FL Exit 10 Dr. Hovind’s Dinosaur Adventure Land and Creation Science Evangelism 29 Cummings Rd. or 5800 N. Palafox Cummings St. John PCA Pensacola Christian College Brent Lane The three story “Science Center” has scores of amazing science activities. El Centro Científico de tres pisos tiene muchas actividades de la ciencia. We are not against science! We teach the scientific way to shoot a rubber band. ¡Nosotros no estamos en contra de la ciencia! Enseñamos la manera científica para tirar un hule. Porque la carne codicia contra el Espíritu, y el Espíritu contra la carne; y estas cosas, se oponen la una a la otra, de manera que no podáis hacer lo que quisiereis. For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would. Gálatas 5:17 Nuestro avión que vuela hasta 400 pies de altura. Vea nuestra pagina de Web para saber como hacerla. Our super plane that flies up to 400 feet! See web site to make one. ¡No estamos en contra de la ciencia! Pero, estamos en contra del veneno mezclado en los libros de ciencia. We are not against science! We are against the poison mixed in the science books. Merrill Science 1989 1st grade Primer Grado Primer Grado Merrill Science, page 46, 1989. Segundo Grado, Merrill Science, page 26, 1989 The word “Evolution” has many meanings, only one of which is scientific. 1. Cosmic Evolution: the origin of time, space and matter, i.e. Big Bang. The word “Evolution” has many meanings, only one of which is scientific. 1. Cosmic Evolution: the origin of time, space and matter, i.e. Big Bang. 2. Chemical Evolution- the origin of higher elements from hydrogen. If the “Big Bang” produced hydrogen and some helium, how did the other 105 elements evolve? The word “Evolution” has many meanings, only one of which is scientific. 1. Cosmic Evolution: the origin of time, space and matter, i.e. Big Bang. 2. Chemical Evolution- the origin of higher elements from hydrogen. 3. Stellar and Planetary evolution. Origin of stars and planets. No one has ever seen a star form. “The silent embarrassment of modern astrophysics is that we do not know how even a single one of these stars managed to form.” “La vergonzosa verdad que se mantiene en el silencio en la astrofísica moderna es que no sabemos como ni siquiera una de estas estrellas logró formarse.” Martin Harwit, Science, vol. 231, 7 March 1986, p. 1201-1202 Eta Carinae About every 30 years stars are observed exploding. This is called a nova or supernova. Aproximadamente cada 30 años se observan unas estrellas explotando. A ésto se le llama nova o supernova. It has been estimated that there are enough stars for every person on earth to own 11,000,000,000,000 (11 trillion) of them. Se ha estimado que hay suficientes estrellas en el cielo para que cada persona en la tierra sea dueño de 11,000,000,000,000 (11 trilliones) de ellas. The word “Evolution” has many meanings, only one of which is scientific. 1. Cosmic Evolution: the origin of time, space and matter, i.e. Big Bang. 2. Chemical Evolution- the origin of higher elements from hydrogen. 3. Stellar and Planetary evolution. Origin of stars and planets. No one has ever seen a star form. 4. Organic Evolution. Origin of Life. The word “Evolution” has many meanings, only one of which is scientific. 1. Cosmic Evolution: the origin of time, space and matter, i.e. Big Bang. 2. Chemical Evolution- the origin of higher elements from hydrogen. 3. Stellar and Planetary evolution. Origin of stars and planets. No one has ever seen a star form. 4. Organic Evolution. Origin of Life. 5. Macro-Evolution. Changing from one kind into another. Dog breeds Still a dog! That’s not evolution only variation. The dog, wolf and coyote probably had a common ancestor! Dog Wolf Lobo Which one is not like the others? ¿Cuál no es como los demás? Perro banano Coyote Coyote Banana A child can tell you! ¡Un niño te lo puede decir! “...árbol que da fruto, cuya simiente está en él, según su género ... vs.12 ... seres vivientes según su género ...” vs 24 “…The fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind…v. 12 …the living creature after his kind…”v. 24 (10 veces en capítulo 1) Génesis 1 Religious-Non Science The word “Evolution” has many meanings, only one of which is scientific. 1. Cosmic Evolution: the origin of time, space and matter, i.e. Big Bang. 2. Chemical Evolution- the origin of higher elements from hydrogen. 3. Stellar and Planetary evolution. Origin of stars and planets. No one has ever seen a star form. 4. Organic Evolution. Origin of Life. 5. Macro-Evolution. Changing from one kind into another. 6. Micro-Evolution. Variations within kinds. Only this one has been observed. Holt General Science Teacher’s Edition, 1988, p. 381 Sci-ence n. [< scire, to know] 1. Systematized knowledge derived from observation, study, etc. Webster’s Dictionary First Law of Thermodynamics: “Matter (and/or energy) cannot be created or destroyed” La primera ley de la Termodinámica: “Materia ni energía no se pueden crear o destruir.” Hay solamente dos posibilidades: 1. Alguien creó el mundo. 2. El mundo se hizo a sí mismo. There are only two choices: 1. Somebody made the world. 2. The world made itself. ¡No estamos aquí en realidad, sólo pensamos que estamos aquí! En el principio creó Dios los cielos y la tierra. In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth Genesis 1:1 Génesis 1:1 “Humanists regard the Universe* as self existing and not created.” Humanist Manifesto 1 (1933) Tenent #1 *Notice the capital “U” to deify universe. “Los Humanistas creen que el Universo* siempre ha existido en sí mismo y no fue creado por creación.” * Vea como tienen el “U” in mayuscula, para dieficar el universo. La Gran Explosión! Prentice Hall General Science, 1992, page 61 “Humanists regard the Universe* as self existing and not created.” Humanist Manifesto 1 (1933) Tenent #1 Uni = single verse = spoken sentence Uni = uno Verso = una oración dicha Y dijo Dios: Sea la luz...” And God said, “Let there be light…” Génesis 1:3 Prentice Hall General Science, 1992, page 61 Prentice Hall Earth Science, 1999 p. 63 They cut down a tree to print that! Where’s Al Gore when you need him? ¿Ellos cortaron un árbol para imprimir esto? ¿Dónde esta Al Gore cuando se le necesita? (El que quiere proteger los árboles) 1989 HBJ General Science, 1989, p. 362 ¿De Dónde vino todas las cosas? Abril 2002 El universo explotó en algo cuando no había absolutemente nada – cero, nada. Cuando expandió, se llenó con más cosas que vinieron de ningún lugar. ¿Cómo es posible? Pregunte a Alan Guth. Su teoría de inflación ayuda explicar todo. “... the observable universe could have evolved from an infinitesimal region*. It’s then tempting to go one step further and speculate that the entire universe evolved from literally nothing.” *Dot “...el universo entero literalmente vino de nada.” —Alan Guth & P. Steinhardt Scientific American, May 1984 p.128 See Darling, David, “On Creating Something from Nothing,” New Scientist, vol. 151 (September 14, 1996). Prentice Hall General Science “The nebula begins to rotate,” Prentice Hall General Science, 1992, p. 69 La Gran Explosión! Creacionismo: 1”=150 años En el principio Dios... 6000 years ago 4400 YA Flood 0 Jesus’ Birth (4000 BC) Creation Evolución: En el principio la tierra… 20,000,000,000 years ago Big Bang 2000 Oct. 17, 1999 News media and textbooks always try to make it look like it is science vs. religion. They falsely assume that evolution is part of science. Creacionismo: 6000 years ago 4400 YA Flood 1”=150 años 0 Jesus’ Birth (4000 BC) Creation Evolución: Esta religión esta apoyada por el gobierno! 20,000,000,000 years ago Big Bang Evolución esta apoyado por impuestos colecionados por el gobierno 2000 Portland, Oregon Pensacola, Florida 1. Where did the matter come from? 1. Where did the matter come from? 2. Where did the laws come from? Gravity, centrifugal force, (and why inertia, etc… aren’t the laws still evolving?) 1. Where did the matter come from? 2. Where did the laws come from? Gravity, centrifugal force, inertia, etc… 3. Where did the energy come from? 1. Where did the matter come from? 2. Where did the laws come from? Gravity, centrifugal force, inertia, etc… 3. Where did the energy come from? 4. Does Berkeley have a merry-go-round? Fase 1 ¡Más rapido! Fase 2 30 MPH Fase 3 60 MPH Fase 4 100 MPH Conservación del Momentum Angular Conservation of Angular Momentum Conservation of Angular Momentum “This (Angular Momentum) would have caused the sun to spin very rapidly. Actually, our sun spins very slowly, while the planets move very rapidly around the sun. In fact, although the sun has over 99% of the mass of the solar system, it has only 2% of the angular momentum. This pattern is directly opposite to the pattern predicted for the nebular hypothesis.” Dr. H. Reeves The Origin of the Solar System, in The Origin of the Solar System, Dermott, S.F. Ed. John Wiley & Sons, New York p. 9, 1978. “The ultimate origin of the solar system’s angular momentum remains obscure.” Well-known solar-system Evolutionist scientist, Dr. Stuart Ross Taylor, Solar System Evolution: A New Perspective, Cambridge University Press, p. 53, 1992. Venus, Uranus and possibly Pluto rotate backwards from the other 6 planets. Giran en sentido en contrario de los otros sies planetas 8 of the 91 moons rotate backwards. Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune have moons moonsAstronomical orbiting Saturn’s in both directions. Almanac for the year 1989 (Wash. DC U.S. Government Printing Office, 1989) p. E88 8 de las 91 lunas giran en sentido contrario Some galaxies spin backwards. Algunas galaxias giran al revés. Feb 11, 2002 Galaxia loca gira en dirección equivocada En el principio creó Dios los cielos y la tierra. In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. Genesis 1:1 Génesis 1:1 Mas el día del Señor vendrá como ladrón en la noche; en el cual los cielos pasarán con grande estruendo,* y los elementos ardiendo serán deshechos, y la tierra y las obras que hay en ella serán enteremente quemadas. *La Gran Explosión But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise,* and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up. 2 Pedro 3:10 *Big Bang If the big bang theory were true the matter would be evenly distributed. Instead it is “lumpy.” There are clusters of stars then great “voids.” The “big bang” is a “big dud.” See Creation Ex Nihilo Dec. 99, p. 8 La gran explosión es una gran farsa. “I have little hesitation in saying that a sickly pall now hangs over the big bang theory”. Sir Fred Hoyle, astronomer, cosmologist, and mathematician, Cambridge University, “The Big Bang Theory Under Attack”, Science Digest, Vol. 92 May 1984, p. 84 For much more on the problems with the big bang theory See: The Evolution Cruncher p. 68. Available from CSE $5 La segunda ley de la Termodinámica: “Todo tiende al desorden.” La segunda ley de la Termodinámica: “Todo tiende al desorden.” La segunda ley de la Termodinámica: “Todo tiende al desorden.” La segunda ley de la Termodinámica: “Todo tiende al desorden.” Y Tú, Señor, en el principio fundaste la tierra; y los cielos son obras de tus manos: Ellos perecerán, mas tú eres permanente; y todos ellos envejecerse han como vestidura; And, Thou, Lord, in the beginning hast laid the foundation of the earth; and the heavens are the works of thine hands: They shall perish; but thou remainest; and They all shall wax old as doth a garment; Hebreos 1:10 y 11 y Sal. 102:26, Isa. 51:6 Housewife waking up Sue a los 20 Años Sue at age 20 Sue a los 90 Años Sue at age 90 Sue a los 3000 Años Sue after 3000 years ¡Desorden Total! HBJ Earth Science, 1989 p. 356 Evolutionists assume that adding energy (open system) will overcome the 2nd law of thermodynamics. 1. The universe is a closed system. 2. Adding energy is destructive without a complex mechanism to harness the energy. Los Japonesas añadieron mucha energía al Pearl Harbor en 1941 y pero no organizaron nada. The Japanese added lots of energy to Pearl Harbor in 1941 and did not organize anything! We added lots of energy to Japan to end WW II and did not organize anything! We added lots of energy to Japan to end WW II and did not organize anything! Añadímos mucha energía a Japón al final de WW II y no se organizó nada. The sun’s energy will destroy your roof. La energía solar destruirá su techo. The sun’s energy will destroy your entire house. El Sol destruirá toda su casa. The sun’s energy will destroy your vinyl top. El Sol destruirá el techo de su carro. The sun’s energy will destroy your paint job. El Sol destruirá la pintura en su auto. Clorofil Only a very complex molecule called chlorophyll can harness the sun’s energy. One leaf cell is more complex than a city. Holt Science 1989 Starfish-human ancestors Holt Earth Science, 1989 p. 294 Holt Science 1989 Starfish-human ancestors 1989 HBJ Genera 1989 p. 385 Tarsier 30 million years Translation: Long ago and far away… A fairy tale is coming next. Traducción: Hace mucho tiempo y de muy lejos... Lo que sigue es un cuento de hadas. HBJ Genera 1989 p. 385 Tarsier 30 million years ¿Abuelo? ¿Sus niños comportan como monos en la escuela? Esto es porque. Barbara Reynolds article find and scan Evolución enseña que un hombre vino de un mono. Barbara Reynolds article find and scan “You are an animal and share a common heritage with earthworms.” “Tu eres un animal, y su herencia común es con lombrices.” Biology: Visualizing Life, Holt, 1994 But he that sinneth against me wrongeth his own soul; all they that hate me love death. Love Death Mas el que peca contra mí, defrauda su alma: todos los que me aborrecen, aman la muerte. - Proverbios 8:36 Los niños estan enseñados que no hay absolutos. Punk rockers Kids are being taught that there are no absolutes! Así ha dicho Jehová ¡Esto es absoluto! Y no haréis rasguños en vuestra carne por un muerto, ni imprimiréis en vosotros señal alguna: Yo Jehová. Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you:LORD. Levítico 19:28 Many people do not seem to know, or do not care what God’s Word says A muchos no importa lo que la palabra de Dios dice. Many teachers blindly follow the textbook never realizing they can teach creation if they wish. Holt General Science Teacher’s Edition, 1988, p. 381 Muchos maestros siguen los libros de la escuela, y no saben que pueden enseñar creación si quieren. Y cualquiera que escandalizare a alguno de estos pequeños que creen en mí, mejor le sería que le fuera colgada del cuello una piedra de molino de asno, y fuese anegado en el profundo de la mar. Mateo 18:6 “But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.” Matthew 18:6 Hermanos míos, no os hagáis muchos maestros, sabiendo que recibiremos mayor condenación. My brethren, be not many masters [teachers], knowing that we shall receive the greater condemnation. Jacobo ó Santiago 3:1 Indoctrination in Evolution Number of Words Before and after Federal Funding Indoctrination chart 1963 33,089 words 1961 26,819 words 2-3,000 words 1950 1960 The decline since 1963 reflects the overall downward trend of textbook content. The percentage of text devoted to evolution has not diminished. 1970 1980 Source: Educational Research Analysts, (903) 753-5993 Americans were taught that the Soviets were ahead of us in science because they taught evolution. Americans panicked and built bomb shelters. Life Magazine Sept. 15, 1960 1959, El centenario del libro de Darwin In 1959 President Eisenhower asked congress for $1 billion for the Department of Health Education & Welfare new American Education Fund for the promotion and publication of the new science of Evolution. $10,500,000 was given to the National Science Foundation (NSF) for the new 9 part theme curriculum, teaching evolution. The NSF provided the Biological Sciences Curriculum Study (BSCS) with the funds to provide the textbooks to public schools. Sources: The Changing Classroom: The Role Of The Biological Sciences Curriculum Study, Arnold B. Grobman, Doubleday & Co., NY 1969, pp 204, 26, 170, 200, 172; Scientists In The Classroom, pp 107, 109; Cornerstone Ministry 800-633-4369,, Mr. Norris Anderson; CSS Scientists In The Classroom, Cornerstone Ministry 800-633-4369,, Mr. Norris Anderson; CSS Indoctrination in Evolution Number of Words Before and after Federal Funding Indoctrination chart 1963 33,089 words 1961 26,819 words 2-3,000 words 1950 1960 The decline since 1963 reflects the overall downward trend of textbook content. The percentage of text devoted to evolution has not diminished. 1970 1980 Source: Educational Research Analysts, (903) 753-5993 Percentage of teen girls who have had premarital sex Data from Are You ready for the New World Order by Carl Sanders p. 13 Porcentage de jovencitas que tuvieron sexo prematrimonial 1963 70 18 yr. olds 60 17 yr. olds 50 40 16 yr. olds 30 15 yr. olds 20 10 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 Sexually Transmitted Diseases Enfermedades Sexualmente Transmitidas 70 Gonorrhea: Ages 10-14, Up 385% 60 1963 50 40 30 20 10 0 1955 1970 1985 Source: Center for Disease Control and Department of Human Resources Birth Rates for Unwed Girls 10-14 Years of Age 35 Birth rates up 100% 30 1963 25 20 15 Pregnancies up 553%! 10 5 Jovencitas de 10-14 años que tuvieron bebes. 0 1950 1960 1970 1980 Source: Dept. of Health and Human Resources and Statistical Abstracts of the United States Nacimientos afuera de Matrimonio A Timoteo, mi amado hijo: Gracia, misericordia, y paz de Dios el Padre, y de Cristo Jesús nuestro Señor. To Timothy, my dearly beloved son: Grace, mercy, and peace, from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord. God will use any one who asks. Timothy was a halfbreed. 2 Timoteo 1:2 Unmarried Couples Living Together 3.5 725% increase Total Couples (in Millions) 3 Parejas no casadas que viven unidas 2.5 1963 2 Prior to 1977, Unmarried Couples living together was such a small group that data on this group was collected only in the 10-year census. 1.5 1 0.5 0 ‘60 ‘70 ‘77 ‘80 ‘90 Source: Statistical Abstracts of the United ...a los fornicarios, y a los adúlteros juzgará Dios. … whoremongers and adulterers God will judge. Hebreos 13:4 No cometerás adulterio. Thou shalt not commit adultery. Exodo 20:14 Mas yo os digo, que cualquiera que mira a una mujer para codiciarla, ya ha cometido adulterio con ella en su corazón But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart. Mateo 5:28 Divorces per 1,000 total population 6 Divorce Rates El Divorcio 5 4 1963 3 2 1 0 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 Source: US National Center for Health Statistics, Vital Statistics of the United States 1963 Before Evolution was taught in schools After Evolution theory started being taught in schools as science. 1963 Before Evolution was taught in schools After Evolution theory started being taught in schools as science. 2000 Violent Crime Offenses Up 995% 1800 Crimenes Violentos 1600 1400 1963 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 Population Growth 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 Source: Statistical Abstracts of the United States, and the Dept. of Commerce, Census Bureau There have been nearly 20 school shootings in the last few years! Han tenido mas que 20 balazeras en los colegios en los ultimos años. 1000 SAT Total Scores 980 960 940 920 1963 900 880 860 840 1960 1970 1980 Source: College Entrance Exam Board 1990 Newspaper article (SATs) from slide Chicago Tribune, April 9, 1995 12 10 Teen Suicide Rate Suicidios de Jovenes 1963 8 6 4 2 0 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 Source: National Center for Health Statistics 1990 Mrs. Hamilton kissing frog Shelly and frog Hamilton Mrs. Hamilton kissing Ron Hamilton Shelly and Ron Hamilton AKA. Patch the Pirate Príncipe Prince Abuelo Grandpa Ameba Cuentos de Hadas If a frog turns into a Handsome Prince Quickly… If a frog turns into a Handsome Prince Slowly… Holt Earth Science, 1989, p. 502 ¿Estuvo ahí? Were you there? Harcourt 4th Grade Science 2000, p. c 58 Sci-ence n. [< scire, to know] 1. Systematized knowledge derived from observation, study, etc. Webster’s Dictionary Lo que creen los Americanos 55% of US natural scientists believe in Darwinian evolution. Washington Times Aug. 31, 1998 55% de los científicos Americanos creen en la evolución. Geocentric vs Heliocentric For 2000 years it wasWeights taught that falling from heavy objects Tower fall faster than light ones. Galileo proved all objects fall at the same speed in a vacuum. Pisa In 1799 George Washington was bled twice by his doctors before he died. They believed in the doctrine of humors. Porque la vida de la carne en la sangre está: For the life of the flesh is in the blood: Levítico 17:11 Scuba divers When did the boat sink? Coins and dates 1750 1710 1695 picture of toe bone next to ruler Made by a dinosaur in 70 million B.C. In Taiwan Brachiosaurus toe bone En el principio creó Dios los cielos y la tierra. In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. Genesis 1:1 Génesis 1:1 Porque por él [Jesus] fueron creadas todas las cosas que hay in los cielos, y que hay en la tierra... For by him (Jesus) were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth… Colosenses 1:16a Y él respondiendo, les dijo: ¿No habéis leído que el que los hizo al principio, macho y hembra los hizo...? And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female, Adam y Eva Mateo 19:4 Adam and Eve Pero desde el principio de la creación, macho y hembra los hizo Dios. But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female. Marcos 10:6 Por tanto, así como el pecado entró en el mundo por un hombre, y por el pecado la muerte y la muerte así pasó a todos los hombres por cuanto todos pecaron. Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned: Romanos 5:12 Porque por cuanto la muerte vino por un hombre, también por un hombre vino la resurrección de los muertos. Porque a la manera que en Adam todos mueren, así también todos en Cristo serán vivificados. For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. El Pecado de Adam también afectó los animales y las plantas. Vea: Gen. Gen. 3:17-19 (maldito es la tierra). Rom. 8:18-22 Adam´s sin also affected plants and animals See: Gen. 3:17-19 (Cursed is the ground-Thorns, etc.) Rom. 8:18-22 1 Corintios 15:21 y 22 Y así está escrito: fue hecho el primer hombre Adam en alma viviente; el postrer Adam fue hecho en espíritu vivificante. And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit. 1 Corintios 15:45 Y llamó el hombre el nombre de su mujer, Eva; por cuanto ella era madre de todos los vivientes And Adam called his wife’s name Eve; because she was the mother of all living. Génesis 3:20 Y vivió Adam ciento y treinta años, y engendró un hijo á su semejanza, conforme a su imagen, y llamó su nombre Seth. And Adam lived an hundred and thirty years, and begat a son in his own likeness, after his image; and called his name Seth: Génesis 5:3 Y vivió Seth ciento y cinco años, y engendró a Enós. Y vivió Seth, después que engendró a Enos, ochociento y siete años... And Seth lived an hundred and five years, and begat Enos: And Seth lived after he begat Enos eight hundred and seven years… Génesis 5:6-8 Y vivió Enós noventa años, y engendró á Cainán. And Enos lived ninety years, and begat Cainan: Génesis 5:9 130+105+90+70+65+162+….=4000 B.C. Last page of seminar notebook, available from CSE $8.50., 850-479-3466, Also available laminated $5. Or 6/$20 I don’t say it was 4004 B.C. Oct. 23, 2 p.m. Almost all new textbooks say it is B.C.E. Before the Common Era. Scofield Reference Bible 1909 Textbooks say the earth is billions of years old. Los textos científicos dicen que la tierra tiene billones de años. Y él respondiendo, les dijo: ¿No habéis leído que el que los hizo *al principio, macho y hembra los hizo...? And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning* made them male and female, *Was Jesus lying? Did he not understand modern science? Or was he right? Mateo 19:4 * ¿Mintió Jesús? ¿No entendiá ciencia moderna? o ¿Fue correcto? How old is the earth? ¿Cuántos años tiene la tierra? We will cover that in the next session. Estudiaremos esto en la próxima sesión What about dinosaurs? ¿Qué tal de los dinosaurios? Dinosaurs on the Ark? ¿Dinosaurios en el Arca de Noé? Noah was 600 when he went into the ark. Noé tuvo 600 años cuando entró el arca. Last page of seminar notebook, available from CSE $8.50., 877-479-3466, Also available laminated $5. “You are an animal and share a common heritage with earthworms.” Biology: Visualizing Life Holt, 1994 You will be told you are just an animal. Don’t believe it. You were made in God’s image to have fellowship with Him. Repasemos: 1. 2. 3. 4. Dios hizo la tierra. El es el dueño de ella. El hace las leyes. Cada uno de nosotros somos culpables de romper las leyes de Dios. Let’s summarize 1. 2. 3. 4. God made the world. He owns it. He makes the rules. We are all guilty of breaking God’s rules. 10 Commandments Ex. 20 1. No other God’s before me. 2. No graven images. 3. Don’t take God’s name in vain. 4. Remember the Sabbath. 5. Honor your father and mother 6. Thou shalt not kill. Los Diez Mandamientos 1. No tendrás dioes ajenos delante de mí. 2. No te harás imagen. 3. No tomarás el nombre de Jehová tu Dios en vano. 4. Acordarte has del día del reposo. 5. Honra á tu padre y á tu madre. 6. No matarás. 7. Thou shalt not commit adultery. 7. No cometerás adulterio. 8. No hurtarás. (No robarás). 8. Thou shalt not steal. 9. No hablarás contra tu prójimo falso testimonio. 9. Thou shalt not bear false witness. 10. Thou shalt not covet. 10. No codiciarás. Porque tu no eres un Dios que ame la maldad: el malo no habitará junto á ti. Salmo 5:4 For thou art not a God that hath pleasure in wickedness: neither shall evil dwell with thee. Psalm 5:4 Summary: 1. God made the world. 2. He owns it. 3. He makes the rules. (like the 10 commandments) We are guilty of breaking His rules. 4. 5. We will be punished or We must find a substitute to take our place. Jesus is willing and able. Resumen: 1. Dios hizo la tierra. 2. El es dueno de ella. 3. El hace las reglas y leyes 4. Estamos culpables de romper sus reglas 5. Debemos ser castigados ó Debemos encontrar un sustituto para tomar nuestro lugar. Jesus puede y quiere. If you died today, where would you go? Si mueres hoy, ¿adónde iría tu alma? Estarás muerto por muuuuuucho tiempo. You will be dead for a loooooong time! Sólo lo que tienes es ésta linea. Úsala para el Señor What on earth are you doing for heaven’s sake? ¿Qué estás haciendo en la tierra por la causa del cielo? Find someone to influence for the Lord! Ateo “Estoy bien ocupado, y no tengo tiempo para esto.” Algunos dicen que son ateos. Salmos 14:1 “Dijo el necio en su corazón: no hay Dios.” Dios no cree en ateos. Available from CSE Escribanos y solicite un catálogo gratuito: Call or write for a free catalog. 850-479-3466 Creation Science Evangelism 29 Cummings Rd Pensacola, FL 32503 12 Topical videos on other subjects like: School Ideas, Magic Tricks, and Health. All 12 for $99 17 hour seminar on DVD or VHS plus notebook for $99 20 Debate tapes. Dr. Hovind vs. evolutionists in various fields of science all 20 for $169 *All 39 tapes for $350 12 Topical videos on other subjects like: School Ideas, Magic Tricks, and Health. All 12 for $99 Seminar also available in Russian, Spanish, French and Sign Language. We offer lots of really cool dinosaur fossils! ¡Ofrecemos algunos fósiles interesantes! We offer 4 classes for college credit. These videos greatly expand the information on the video series. Ask our office about CSE 101-104. Se ofrecen cursos universitarios.