Deutsch 2 Kapitel 4

Deutsch 2 --Kapitel 4
Note: These lessons were planned with access to the text and workbook only.
Day 1
BW (Bellwork): Read objectives on pg. 90 and look at pictures on pgs. 90-91. How might country and
city lifestyles differ? How might one's daily activities be similar/different in the U.S. and Germany?
CW (Classwork): Teach Lektion A pg. 92-93 (may use CD track 1)
Do pg. 94 Ex 1 with individual student white boards (students hold up their answers for you to see)
Do Ex 2 with a partner/ check as a class
TPR--students act out the activity/chore you describe
GV(Grammar and Vocabulary) Activities 1-4 (choose favorites)
HW (Homework): WB (workbook) pg. 64 Ex 1
Day 2
BW: OT (overhead transparency) 18-19?
CW: Play charades with Lektion A family activities and chores
Q (Quiz) 1 (optional)
pg. 95 Dialogue (may use CD tracks 2-3)
Briefly practice dialogue in pairs (may have volunteers perform for class)
Do pg. 96 Ex 3-4 with a partner or on own (may use CD tracks 4-5 to check answers)
Read für dich pg. 97 and discuss
HW: WB pg. 66-67 Ex 4
Day 3
BW: Why do you think closed doors are so important to Germans? (or may do GV activities 5 or 6?)
CW: Q 2 (optional)
Teach Sprache pg. 97
Do pg. 98 Ex 5 orally (may use CD tracks 6)
Do pg. 98Ex 6 on own/ check (sample answers on board)
Do pg. 99 Ex 7 with student white boards (answers may differ; just check for appropriate verb forms)
GV Activities 7-8?
HW: WB pg. 65 Ex 3
Day 4
BW: Write three sentences about yourself using three modal verbs in the past tense
CW: Play dice game (roll 2 dice; one matches to a subject and the other to a modal verb; students must
use the past tense and conjugate the verb with the subject)
Q 3 (optional)
Read Aktuelles pgs. 99-102 and discuss (may use CD track 7)
Do pg. 103 Ex 8 on own / check in class
Do pg. 104 Ex 9 with a partner / check in class
HW: WB pg. 68-69 Ex 6
Day 5
BW: Answer questions pg. 104 Persönliches
CW: Q4-5 (optional)
pg. 105 Zungenbrecher (may use CD track 9/ possible bonus on chapter test)
pg. 104 Rollenspiel in groups
Have volunteers perform Rollenspiel for class
Students partner and do CA (communicative activities) 1-3
Have volunteers perform CA 2 (dialogue) for the class
HW: CA Activity 4 Postcard
Day 6
BW: WB pg. 70 Ex 7
CW: Teach pg. 106 Lektion B vocab. (may use CD track 10 and/or list additional animals)
Do pg. 107 Ex 10 on own, then share with a partner/ volunteers share with class
Do pg. 107 Ex. 11 and draw a picture to go with the paragraph/ volunteers share with class
Do GV Ex 10?
Play Konzentration (picture of animal on one card and German name of animal on another; mix up
cards; turn over; match pics to words)
Sing "Old MacDonald had a Farm" auf Deutsch? (optional)
HW: WB pg. 71 Ex 8
Day 7
BW: OT 20-21
CW: Q 6 (optional)
Dialogue pgs. 107-108 (may use CD tracks 11-12)
Briefly practice dialogue in pairs (may have volunteers perform for class)
Do pg. 109 Ex 12 on own (may check with CD track 13)
Do pg. 109 Ex 13 with a partner/ check in class
Read and discuss für dich pg. 110
HW: WB pg. 72 Ex 9 or Ex 10
Day 8
BW: Describe German housing with as much detail as you can.
CW: Teach Sprache pg. 110
Do pg. 111 Ex 14 together
Do pg. 111 Ex 15 with a partner (check answers with CD track 14)
Do pg. 111 Ex 16 on own / have students put sample answers on the board
Do GV Ex 11?
Puzzles-- cut up words and have students make sentences with them using infinitives as nouns
HW: WB pg. 73 Ex 11
Day 9
BW: Write three sentences using infinitives as nouns
CW: Q8 (optional)
Read and discuss Lesestück pgs. 112-113 (may use CD track 15)
Do pg. 114 Ex 17 with a partner/check answers
Do pg. 114 Ex 18 (may use CD track 16)
GV Activities 12-14? (choose favorite)
HW: WB pg. 75 Ex 14 (may instead have students make a brochure advertising the advantages of living
in a certain city)
Day 10
BW: WB pgs. 74-75 Ex 13 or OT 22?
CW: Read and discuss Land und Leute pgs. 116-117 (may use CD track 18)
Do pg. 118 Ex 19 with a partner/ check in class
Do pg. 119 Ex 20 (may check with CD 19)
GV Activities 15-16?
Do pg. 115 Praktisches
HW: WB pgs. 76-77 Ex 15 and/or pg. 78 Ex 16
Day 11
BW: pg. 115 Persönliches
CW: Q11 (optional)
pg. 115 Rollenspiel with a partner / volunteers perform for class
Students partner and do CA Activities 5-7
Volunteers perform CA Activity 6 (dialogue) for class
HW: CA Activity 8 Postcard
Day 12--chapter review
BW: pg. 120 Ex 21
CW: Rückblick pg. 120 Ex 22 with student white boards
pg. 121 Ex 23 (may do one sentence at a time with student white boards)
pg. 121 Ex 24 on own (may include picture)
pg. 121 Ex 25 with a partner / check answers
pg. 122 Was weisst du? (may do in rotational stations for each number)
OR play games instead of the Rückblick exercises
Game ideas--Galgenmensch, BINGO with words instead of numbers, Jeopardy (describe animals and
students must guess which animal), charades, verb strike (read a past narrative and students stand to
protest when hear a modal verb in the present tense; first to stand must put the modal verb in the past
tense to get the point)
May also do listening activities to prepare for test (see LA Ex 1-3)
HW: WB 17-19 or GV 17-18 (choose favorite)
Day 13
BW: What happened in the last episode of Treffpunkt Berlin?
CW: Watch Abschnitt 4 of Treffpunkt Berlin
VP (Video Program) exercises
HW: Study for Kapitel 4 Prüfung
Day 14
BW: Last minute review for test
CW: Kapitel 4 Prüfung
HW: WB pg. 81 Ex 20